View Full Version : let's not go throwing good money after bad...

17-Jan-2008, 08:44 PM
now the idiot known as the president of this country wants to give his buddies in mexico half a billion dollars in aid for drug interdiction efforts.

like throwing money at the "drug problem" has really worked since this whole war on drugs idiocy started in the 80's. you CANNOT stop people from wanting to do cocaine and heroin by passing laws or by throwing money at crapholes like colombia and mexico - period. you would think that the complete, utter, total and damn near ruinous to the whole country inane failure known as prohibition would've clued folks into this.


17-Jan-2008, 09:33 PM
Did you hear what he wants to sell to Saudi Arabia?

17-Jan-2008, 09:38 PM
Did you hear what he wants to sell to Saudi Arabia?

it's not grant's tomb is it?

on a serious tip no i haven't heard. what is he planning to sell to our "friends" the saudis.

wait. i just googled it and am not happy. smart bombs to the saudis???? is the whole frakking world going mad around us or what?

17-Jan-2008, 09:58 PM
Maybe it's time to start digging the bomb shelter?

18-Jan-2008, 02:32 AM
it's not grant's tomb is it?

on a serious tip no i haven't heard. what is he planning to sell to our "friends" the saudis.

wait. i just googled it and am not happy. smart bombs to the saudis???? is the whole frakking world going mad around us or what?

So what?

We refuse to sell to them. Okay. They control our petroleum supply. Suddenly, the price jumps up, and the U.S. pays out the ass.

The Saudis then use that extra profit to buy the hardware secondhand from a so-called "friendly" country that we already sold to.

In the end, instead of the U.S. getting paid for the Saudis getting their merchandise, the U.S. actually pays for the Saudis to get it.

How does that help anything?