View Full Version : Hell yeah...

19-Jan-2008, 01:44 PM

*rubs hands*

And there I was starting to think that the BBFC were getting soft on violent films such as these pimping them out at 15's (like with AvP2), but evidently Diary has got some gory balls on it.

Ahhhh, no annoying teenagers in the audience on March 7th then. :cool:

*rubs hands again*

Not long left, oooooh the antici ... ... ... pation! :)

19-Jan-2008, 02:40 PM
*in best Borat voice* Very nice!

What do you think the BBFC will rate this one :lol::


20-Jan-2008, 02:40 AM
Jesus, Rambo is a fracking monster! He could open his own fast food joint with that amount of chopped burger meat! :D

20-Jan-2008, 04:53 AM
I was gonna miss on Rambo, but after seeing that?!? I'm sold.:thumbsup:

20-Jan-2008, 06:28 AM
That looks a bit special, mate!

20-Jan-2008, 11:13 AM
*ahem* Diary forum. :p

20-Jan-2008, 02:18 PM
tad off topic...

I noticed on that website you haven't even gotten grindhouse yet. WTF?

20-Jan-2008, 02:51 PM
DJ - We get EVERYTHING last. :(
And usually a long time after you guys.

20-Jan-2008, 05:27 PM
We've already had Death Proof and Planet Terror released separately in cinemas, unfortunately not for long - Death Proof at my local multiplex was there for a mere TWO weeks, how stingy is that?!

Death Proof is coming out on DVD very soon in the UK.

Apparently there's a proper Grindhouse DVD release coming this year, but what's on it, who knows...mere rumours at the moment I think.

20-Jan-2008, 05:33 PM
What do you think the BBFC will rate this one :lol:
Goddamn, that is totally sick. Who are planning to market this film to? That's not an "action film," it's a bloodbath. I'm sold, too. :thumbsup: