View Full Version : Good Things About Land

19-Jan-2008, 10:58 PM
In an effort to balance the negativity, let's have a warm fuzzy praise session for Land.

List the good things that you enjoyed in the movie here. I'll begin:

- there was at least one sharpshooter (that would be Charlie, by the way)

- Dennis Hopper is cool

19-Jan-2008, 11:56 PM
- The sheer sneakyness of Dennis Hopper when he murders that guy..."oh my God, get down" *pop*. :sneaky:

- Cholo's line to that kid about "painting the town beige with Riley". :cool:

20-Jan-2008, 12:31 AM
- The sheer sneakyness of Dennis Hopper when he murders that guy..."oh my God, get down" *pop*. :sneaky:

i was in the theatre pissing myself when i saw that part:lol::lol:

20-Jan-2008, 11:22 AM
I love the beige line - supoib.

I think Cholo was a great character, Leguizamo did a great job. Charlie was also awesome, I really liked that character, who also had some pretty funny lines - "what's the matter Riley, you get f*cked?"

GORE - many classic Romero/Savini/Nicotero type gags in there. Skinned head, chewed out eye, falling on your own grenade etc.

The cop zombie in the booze store - excellent zombie.

Sky flowers - brilliant idea.

I really liked the look of the film as well, it has it's own signature which stands it apart from the other films (the other films also stand out from each other in a similar way).

Pillsbury - who doesn't like a chunky Samoan?

"Somebody shot the little fat man". :D

Dennis Hopper.

The nice touch with the champagne in the wrong glass.

Dennis Hopper killing that guy, what a bastard, but what a great scene.

#9 Zombie.


I've got a load more, but I'll save myself.

20-Jan-2008, 09:45 PM
One thing I dug was the Fireworks angle; a neat idea and one I could buy.

20-Jan-2008, 10:53 PM
Motown (eye candy isn't all bad)

20-Jan-2008, 11:19 PM
Motown (eye candy isn't all bad) Really? I would have though he'd say Slack.:confused:

What I like about Land:

1. Blades zombie

2. Charlie

3. The zeds coming out of the water( now that was creepy)

21-Jan-2008, 07:49 AM
Motown (eye candy isn't all bad)

Yup. Motown over Slack any day of the week. :thumbsup:

21-Jan-2008, 11:23 AM
Asia Argento in that fishnet bodystocking...

Some great lines:

"That's why I love you Charlie...you still believe in Heaven"

Simon baker did a great job, really good main protagonist....

The opening scene was very promising...(dumping the garbage, motorcycles kicking off)

creepy tuba band zombies

great gore here and there

When Pillsbury convinces Charlie to help Riley and Motown smiles assuming it was a means to betray the group, but Pillsbury knocks out Motown and Slack smiles in agreement...

21-Jan-2008, 04:01 PM
Things I liked:
- Fireworks
- Charlie & Riley
- Post apocalyptic scenes outside of the protected area
- Getting a glimpse into the future of the GAR universe years after the initial outbreak was over rather than during the initial reaction.

- Sitting in a theater watching the start of a GAR Dead movie after 20 years of believing it was over and done!!

I enjoyed the scene where Kaufman stops the pendulum on the clock and gives his little speech then restarts it again. It was completely insane, full of implied symbolism, and Hopper did it so non-chalantly that it just worked. He made it look like the most normal thing in the world.

21-Jan-2008, 09:35 PM
"creepy tuba band zombies"

I agree. I don't trust tuba band humans...making them zombies made them even more weird! Just like that damn clown (literally) from Day of the Dead.

Spider Rico
22-Jan-2008, 04:07 AM
I like how Spam (served in the club) and Tang (served in the Green) is now looked up to in the movie.

22-Jan-2008, 04:16 AM
asia argento - although she was wearing way too much.

the fact that riley was sick of the whole scene and wanted to go build his own honkey paradise somewhere else.

22-Jan-2008, 11:41 PM
"honkey paradise" .... LMAO! I love it! I'm a honkey and I don't even know what a "honkey paradise" is. But it does sound cool!

23-Jan-2008, 12:35 AM
"honkey paradise" .... LMAO! I love it! I'm a honkey and I don't even know what a "honkey paradise" is. But it does sound cool!

i am too. i took it from the omega man. when the black member of The Family says that neville is holed up in his honkey paradise. i use it to mean a place where somebody wants to go to live in either a fantasyland or a place that is totally cut off from contact with the outside world where a person could do pretty much whatever they wanted without worrying about anything.

25-Jan-2008, 01:26 PM
if you used the word "n***er" instead of hon*ey then it'd be very offensive, don't you think?

25-Jan-2008, 02:02 PM
if you used the word "n***er" instead of hon*ey then it'd be very offensive, don't you think?

using that word wouldn't make sense because this phrase was orignially used to describe neville's home fortress in the omega man.

plus i am like the whitest dude on the planet so using honkey or cracker should be as acceptable as black folks calling each other that word that bears a striking resemblence to the latin word for the color black.

plus man the word honkey is so 70s and 20th century anyway:lol::D

25-Jan-2008, 05:36 PM
The gore was good.
All of the makeup effects were top notch.
The deadlands. (There was a downed plane! Yes!)
The Film

25-Jan-2008, 09:27 PM
All the free stuff I got for being there for the midnight show screener.:D