View Full Version : cloverfield?

20-Jan-2008, 05:50 AM
So who saw it?

thoughts? comments? ;)

21-Jan-2008, 12:56 AM
I really liked it thought it was a good monster flick. It didn't show you to much of the monster and what they did show you was at a angel on a shaky cam. I liked how it was a just a few friends trying not to die during a monster attack and they didn't fall into the trap of being self aware by calling it a monster are referring to monster films. The movie was shot completly on a shaky cam and may cause motion sickness, many pepole have thrown up because of the shaky cam on the big screen.

If you want to watch a flick with no back story about the beast then go for it otherwise skip it because you will just end up complaining about how they didn't explain wear the monster came from.

I myself liked the mystery of it.

21-Jan-2008, 01:09 AM
Just got back from it about an hour ago. I went in with low expectations, and the movie completely knocked my socks off. The hand camera didn't bother me a whole lot, though I was expecting to have to leave a few times because my fiancee was getting motion sickness, but she pulled through the whole thing.
My bit was that I loved how no one had a damn clue what was happening, not even the military. The worst part that I felt of that was when the soldier says they don't know what the damn thing is, but it's beating them.
Another favorite of mine was the average joe feeling. These poor people who are caught in the middle of something that not a single one of them could have conjured up in their wildest nightmares made me really feel for them.
Some people most likely won't like how so much isn't explained and is left hanging, but it really worked here.
(Spoiler alert)
The end kind of makes a person feel for the little people. Because the camera was found, one can assume that the monster was either killed or driven off. But that's no consulation to all those trapped in the city who lost their lives, or their families. Plus, we never find out what this thing is, or where it comes from.
Cloverfield for the title was priceless. It totally doesn't sound scary or suspenseful at all, but the movie was anything but that.

21-Jan-2008, 03:12 AM
I too went into the theatre with low expectations of this movie, and I wasn't disappointed.

21-Jan-2008, 04:28 AM
I really enjoyed it, i thought it was gonna suck, but it was really cool. I am hoping for part 2 now so we can figure out what the hell was going on.

21-Jan-2008, 07:06 AM
I thought 18 - 1 - 08 would have ensured a worldwide release. what a dumbass.

21-Jan-2008, 07:45 AM
RE: Shaky cam.

I own all three seasons of Battlestar Galactica, the mini series and Razor...shaky cam is a way of life for me nowerdays. :D

As for folks not knowing what was going on, I actually like this concept, it seems that the people who "filmed/witnessed" the incident didn't know what was going on either, it puts us right in their shoes...I will snap this up when it comes out on DVD.

21-Jan-2008, 09:18 PM
It knocked my socks off, too. Expected a straight giant monster stomping the hell out of things" movie. Didn't expect it to be a horror movie, too. Loved the sewer scene (won't spoil it, but for those who saw it, you know what I'm talking about).

I think why it works is because the audience is on eye-level with the movie characters. Like a video game. And there's a reason why video games work better than movies, because of the whole POV. Whether huddled inside a store with the giant monster stomping past, or running for your lives down a subway tunnel with "something" chasing you, you feel the immediacy and terror of it.

One final bit. Did anyone catch the round black "thing" falling into the ocean during the final ferris wheel shot? That was a week before the monster came ashore. So... was the big brute an alien? Right before the movie's release, Abrams released three CNN-type fake newscast about the destruction of a Japanese oil rig 300 miles off the coast of New York. Perhaps that was after this black "thing" fell... unleashing something that took down the oil rig and, days later, came ashore into Manhatten Island.

I'm going back for a second view and I'll keep a sharp eye out for that black speck in the sky...

21-Jan-2008, 09:27 PM
It knocked my socks off, too. Expected a straight giant monster stomping the hell out of things" movie. Didn't expect it to be a horror movie, too. Loved the sewer scene (won't spoil it, but for those who saw it, you know what I'm talking about).

I think why it works is because the audience is on eye-level with the movie characters. Like a video game. And there's a reason why video games work better than movies, because of the whole POV. Whether huddled inside a store with the giant monster stomping past, or running for your lives down a subway tunnel with "something" chasing you, you feel the immediacy and terror of it.

One final bit. Did anyone catch the round black "thing" falling into the ocean during the final ferris wheel shot? That was a week before the monster came ashore. So... was the big brute an alien? Right before the movie's release, Abrams released three CNN-type fake newscast about the destruction of a Japanese oil rig 300 miles off the coast of New York. Perhaps that was after this black "thing" fell... unleashing something that took down the oil rig and, days later, came ashore into Manhatten Island.

I'm going back for a second view and I'll keep a sharp eye out for that black speck in the sky...

I just got home from seeing it. I caught the black thing crashing into the ocean on the right side of the screen. My girlfriend thought I was seeing things but I knew I had seen it. Now I know i'm not the only one.

But I think you're timeline may be a bit off....

I thought all of the footage of Rob and Beth(including the end to the film) was shot a month before the attack? I want to say that it was March and the attack was in April? I may have missed something, though.

Anyway....I went into the film with no expectations and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Great fun, actually. And I was surprised that you get good shots of the monster. I figured there wouldn't be any clear shot....but their definitely are. The thing looks badass, too. This is how the Godzilla remake should have been.

Definitely see this one on the big screen. I have a feeling that it will lose much of it's impact on DVD.

Do not...I repeat...DO NOT see this film if you easily suffer from motion sickness. My girlfriend had to run out of the theater 3 times.:dead:

Moon Knight
22-Jan-2008, 05:11 AM
Fun movie. The shots of the monster were priceless and the characters were likable. I had a few problems with certain that I wont go into cause of spoilers, but overall the movie rocked. The monster was badass and the mystery of it made it even better. :elol: