View Full Version : Wii

22-Jan-2008, 11:36 AM
got my kids a wii for christmas and i gotta say none of us has touched the 360 since then...the wii rocks

22-Jan-2008, 04:29 PM
What games do you/your kids got....I got an Assload ...I still havent even found the time to start playing Metroid or Battalion Wars II......I beat Mario Galaxy with Mario (all 120 stars)...but I havent yet beat it with Luigi(and I dont know if I ever will, Lugi is hard)....

Im playing Fire Emblem pretty religiously ....it totally didnt deserve the rating it got....Its just a specific genre that isnt as common anymore...I am rushing to try to finish it so I can replay it on hard and allow different things to happen in the story.

22-Jan-2008, 05:06 PM
The new FE is highly underrated. I love the series, since there isn't anymore Shining Force games.:( Btw, I played a little bit of the very first FE last night. Too bad it is in Japanese. I am highly considering learning the language. I tired of Japan not releases certain kick ass games over here.

22-Jan-2008, 05:36 PM
I'm pretty much the opposite; I finished Mario Galaxy, and my Wii went back to collecting dust. I'm thinking of selling it.

Check out Zack & Wiki: Quest for Barbaros' Treasure. It's one of the few games worth owning for the system.

22-Jan-2008, 07:37 PM
I'm pretty much playing Guitar Hero exclusively now, it is addicting as hell.

I haven't had time to get into Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles, but the little that I have played, I didn't enjoy that much.

Resident Evil 4 for the Wii is a much better play than the Gamecube version, but I haven't had time to finish up on it since I got Guitar Hero.

I still have Zelda on the shelf for going on a year now. I played for 2 hours and haven't played it again since.

Excite Truck kicks ass!

22-Jan-2008, 08:22 PM
It's one of the few games worth owning for the system.

I guess thats a matter of taste....cause I have a ton of games and I enjoy all of them....

Battalion Wars II
MLB Power Pros (both the RPG part and the two player game)
Resident Evil Umbrella Chronicles
Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn
Monkey Ball (for groups of people)
Metroid (from what Ive seen of it)

those are the ones I can think of off the top of my head...I have more games then that but these are the ones I think about when I think of good Wii games....and then SSBB is coming out relatively soon too....

22-Jan-2008, 09:33 PM
Don't get me wrong, there are some great titles for the Wii. I own Mario, Metroid, MLB Power Pros, Resident Evil 4 and Zelda. Its just that the really great games are so few and far between, and the Wii remote isn't nearly as revolutionary as I was lead to believe. You get the same reaction with a small wiggle as you do with a big swing, and that realization kinda puts a damper on things.

Couple that with last-gen graphics, little to no games for a mature audience (except for No More Heroes - that game looks ace), and a very basic online infrastructure, $250 is far too much for what you're getting. I look at a game like Bioshock, or Mass Effect, and its hard not to notice the huge generational leap in graphics, narrative, and the inclusion of an all-encompassing online community. Nintendo took a big risk, and it paid off for them. The Wii is disappointing for me, but I can't help myself from wondering where they'll go next. Holograms? A helmet with built in screens? Lots of interesting prospects, hopefully their next system will really be the revolution I'm waiting for.

23-Jan-2008, 06:37 AM
Don't get me wrong, there are some great titles for the Wii. I own Mario, Metroid, MLB Power Pros, Resident Evil 4 and Zelda. Its just that the really great games are so few and far between, and the Wii remote isn't nearly as revolutionary as I was lead to believe. You get the same reaction with a small wiggle as you do with a big swing, and that realization kinda puts a damper on things.

Couple that with last-gen graphics, little to no games for a mature audience (except for No More Heroes - that game looks ace), and a very basic online infrastructure, $250 is far too much for what you're getting. I look at a game like Bioshock, or Mass Effect, and its hard not to notice the huge generational leap in graphics, narrative, and the inclusion of an all-encompassing online community. Nintendo took a big risk, and it paid off for them. The Wii is disappointing for me, but I can't help myself from wondering where they'll go next. Holograms? A helmet with built in screens? Lots of interesting prospects, hopefully their next system will really be the revolution I'm waiting for.

Graphics do not make the game though, look at all the good looking yet terrible games on the other systems (especially the PS3 which is by far the most powerful of the 3). There are a lot of crappy games on the Wii, I will be the first to admit that. A lot of companies pushed crap out fast becase they didn't realize the Wii would be as big as it is so now we have a lot of junk out there.

As far as little to no games for a mature audience, that is partially because of what I just said, companies didnt realize how big the Wii was going to be. It takes time to make good games, look at the lull in the first year of the 360 and PS3. We got some really good games on the Wii in year 1 and hopefully now that we are in year 2 we will have more.

Anyway, I love the Wii even though it has sat a few times without being played in favor of my Xbox 360.

Anyway back to the original idea of the post, as I have said since the Wii name was announced, the Wii will rock you. I love it, it is one of my favorite game systems of all time and I have owned nearly all of them since the Atari 2600.

One game not mentioned that I love is Rayman Raving Rabbids, it's a lot of fun even though its tiring.

Also the first Trauma Center was a lot of fun.

23-Jan-2008, 07:45 AM
Mario galaxy is most definitely one of the best games of the year so it makes the Wii ownable. I'm still playing a lot of WiiSports funnily enough and both Resi titles.

Excite Truck kicks ass!
Yeah, it does. :cool:

I do know what CR means though, the Wii's lifespan will only be a short one. It might be the biggest selling console thus far but most people I know wouldn't be seen dead owning one. Now that the Christmas rush is over, the local stores here have Wii's in abundance and it wont be long until the console fades into the background. It might be innovative but it simply don't have the muscle to stay with the 'big boys'. You have to think about this, the Wii is even churning out games that were made a few years prior like Resident Evil 4. Conversions of Samba De Amigo and Point Blank have recently been announced by Nintendo too.

I would never dream of selling my Wii because it is a truly wonderful console and I'll buy games for it as long as they keep selling them. But it ain't no Dreamcast, not by a long shot. :D

23-Jan-2008, 01:58 PM
A side note....No More Heroes an exclusive mature game for the Wii just got reviewed by gamespot....

They gave it a 9.0.....

Looks like Im going to have to get it ....I mean come on....theres Wii-mote controlled Lightsabers....:thumbsup:

Heres the Review

23-Jan-2008, 02:06 PM
*sits ,pissed off, since he still cant afford/ find a nintendo wii*:annoyed:

23-Jan-2008, 09:22 PM
got my kids a wii for christmas and i gotta say none of us has touched the 360 since then...the wii rocks

Thats cool, I got the Wii when it came out and the 360 came out, I havent touched my Wii in months except to download and play bubble bobble on it. I still use the 360 a lot though, since its a superior system with a great game lineup. I suppose I will dust the wii off though when Super Smash Bros is released.

24-Jan-2008, 02:54 AM
I do know what CR means though, the Wii's lifespan will only be a short one. It might be the biggest selling console thus far but most people I know wouldn't be seen dead owning one. Now that the Christmas rush is over, the local stores here have Wii's in abundance and it wont be long until the console fades into the background. It might be innovative but it simply don't have the muscle to stay with the 'big boys'.

People said the same thing about the DS vs. PSP and the DS is still outselling everything on the market when it comes to gaming including the combined totals of the Xbox 360 and the PS3. Maybe they should stop sending the Wii's to the stores near you and ship them to my area as they can not be found anywhere unless one is lucky enough to be at a store when the shipment comes in.

Basically, I really doubt the Wii is going anywhere for a long time, especially since Gamestop just annouced they will be carrying more Nintendo products since they are outselling everything.

25-Jan-2008, 07:07 AM
Maybe they should stop sending the Wii's to the stores near you and ship them to my area as they can not be found anywhere unless one is lucky enough to be at a store when the shipment comes in.
Well, my local high street has two GAMES, a Gamestation, a Virgin, a HMV, a Woolworths and a number of other places where one can be obtained so I am at a bit of an advantage.

That said, it shouldn't be all that hard to get a Wii now to be honest. At my local GAME, I overheard a customer ask the manager if they will continue to stock Wii's and his words were pretty much "I don't forsee any problems now, if you do find us short of them , pop in a couple of days later and we'll be restocked." So yeah, they are becoming easier to obtain.

I love my Wii and all that, but we'll see how popular it is when GTA IV drops.