View Full Version : The Dead Next Door...

22-Jan-2008, 03:12 PM
Anyone seen this movie?? Ugh is all I have to say, even with its constant nods to Romero and Raimi...had a bit of potential there at the start (zombies outside the whitehouse etc) but went rapidly down hill!!

22-Jan-2008, 03:17 PM
yeah i have it is ok. certainly not garbage on the order of house of the dead or the video dead but not anything special.

it is most notable for the fact that sam raimi used part of the money he made from evil dead II to finance this. he produced it under a pseudonym as a matter of fact.

bruce campbell dubbed the voices of two of the characters.

here is the full credits page from imdb:

22-Jan-2008, 05:54 PM
I've got it on VHS and DVD, I really dig it. It's an indie zombie flick, so it doesn't have to be of as high-a-standard as some other bigger budget films, but on the other hand it's got a nice story behind it's making.

It's a bit daft and the acting for the most part is a bit ropey from time-to-time, but it's old school indie filmmaking and it's a good laugh I say. It's got spirit.

The DVD is quite good too, the special edition that came out recently. You really get a sense of what it was like to be there during the making of the film. Good stuff. :):thumbsup::cool:

22-Jan-2008, 10:48 PM
I'm w/ MZ on this one 100%. One of my favorites. For a low budget indie I dig it. There's a lot of love for the genre in it & this was made back in the day before every jerk & his brother jumped on the bandwagon & started cranking out zombie flicks for a quick buck.

Most fans dream about making a zombie movie, these guys actually DID it.

23-Jan-2008, 05:06 PM
I watched it a few years ago and I must confess I have forgotten almost all of it. There were some neat ideas (the pro-zombie activists).

23-Jan-2008, 06:10 PM
Yeah it is pretty bad the acting is horrible. I guess it is your basic 80's style horror though.:annoyed:

27-Jan-2008, 05:33 PM
Its alright. The zombies look good enough and it has a good idea for an Indie zombie movie, or any zombie movie to be honest. Problems arise with the terrible dubbing and dialogue. A good idea that was not so well executed, but they gave it a shot didn't they? Definatly worth a look and not bad.

11-Feb-2008, 02:54 PM
Not bad, but not great. Return of the Living Dead sucked more, though.

16-Jul-2009, 01:53 PM
I thought it was a fun movie & good for what it was. It's also cool to see a zombie movie filmed in Ohio!

16-Jul-2009, 11:58 PM
I thought it was a fun movie & good for what it was. It's also cool to see a zombie movie filmed in Ohio!

You got this right! I usually tell people it's "it's the greatest zombie movie ever shot in Akron, Ohio!":lol:

17-Jul-2009, 09:58 PM
Never saw it. Have to look this one up.

25-Jul-2009, 03:15 PM
you all have to admit, for what it was it does make a good movie to have in your collection even if you only watch it as soon as you get it and never open the case again.

25-Jul-2009, 03:47 PM
DND is one of those films that I've always fancied but never actually got around to watching. Seen some clips on YouTube and it looks like good cheesy fun!

25-Jul-2009, 06:06 PM
DND is one of those films that I've always fancied but never actually got around to watching. Seen some clips on YouTube and it looks like good cheesy fun!
It's proper good indie zombie flick fun, there's a special edition DVD out somewhere (came out a few years ago), so it should be cheap as chips online. :cool:

26-Jul-2009, 09:05 AM
It's proper good indie zombie flick fun, there's a special edition DVD out somewhere (came out a few years ago), so it should be cheap as chips online. :cool:

Cool! A few years ago I stumbled across the Crypt Keeper VHS release in a charity shop for £2. Stupidly, having never heard of the movie at that time, I passed it up. I later discovered that release was (at the time) uber-rare and originally sold in limited numbers by mail-order only. :P