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View Full Version : Deadlands - Easter weekend shoot

17-Apr-2006, 09:48 PM
Well, Easter weekend came and went like a blur, but have we got a lot to show for it. :elol:

This weekend was the best nights on the set of Deadlands so far. The response from extras was incredible! Their enthusiasm and willingness on the set, and most of all, their patience was rewarded with some of the best footage yet captured for the movie. We made one hell of a bloody mess, and we're not done yet!

There was an incredible response to the call for extras, and we were glad that the people who showed up were not only patient, but seriously hardcore about making this movie the best they could. We cannot thank them enough for their efforts. Without these people, we'd be stuck in the mud, and we greatly appreciate their time.

This weekend Dj rented a hall which is to act as a 'shelter' that survivors (so far) were told to report to for safety, shelter and supplies since it's no longer safe to stay in their homes. Unfortunately, I'm not sure being in the shelters is very safe either, but that remains to be seen, now doesn't it?

Since i'm acting as producer for this film (and I use the term 'producer' very loosely) I wanted to share some pics from behind the scenes since Dj is entirely too busy dumping footage onto his computer and editing like a madman.

Anyway, some pics from behind the scenes this weekend, April 14-15, 2006.


Our DP, Thomas, hard at work. (http://i38.photobucket.com/albums/e104/LouCipherr/DEADLANDS/DSC00330.jpg)

Our wondeful cast of extras - thanks guys, you were great!! (http://i38.photobucket.com/albums/e104/LouCipherr/DEADLANDS/DSC00362.jpg)

Our "Military Personnel" - ya think they last long? (http://i38.photobucket.com/albums/e104/LouCipherr/DEADLANDS/DSC00382.jpg)

Our group of 'innocent' victims.. mmmm.. zombie food. (http://i38.photobucket.com/albums/e104/LouCipherr/DEADLANDS/DSC00434.jpg)

Gary (Director) and Thomas (DP) setting up for a shot. (http://i38.photobucket.com/albums/e104/LouCipherr/DEADLANDS/DSC00460.jpg)

Our makeshift FX department and kickass makeup FX team. (http://i38.photobucket.com/albums/e104/LouCipherr/DEADLANDS/DSC00468.jpg)

Stephanie, the head of our makeup FX department, and killer makeup FX artist (http://i38.photobucket.com/albums/e104/LouCipherr/DEADLANDS/DSC00498.jpg)

One of our soilders.. he didn't make it. (http://i38.photobucket.com/albums/e104/LouCipherr/DEADLANDS/DSC00506.jpg) :elol:

Drew's arm - yes, those are REAL MAGGOTS! (http://i38.photobucket.com/albums/e104/LouCipherr/DEADLANDS/DSC00515.jpg)

Dave acting, Gary filming closeups of another actor. (http://i38.photobucket.com/albums/e104/LouCipherr/DEADLANDS/DSC00531.jpg)

Some of the other guys on the makeup FX team, working on the soilder who didn't make it. (http://i38.photobucket.com/albums/e104/LouCipherr/DEADLANDS/DSC00533.jpg)
The 3 young guys in the above pic - I don't know where Gary found them, but it was their first time on the Deadlands set doing makeup and they were absoltely fantastic! Great work done by them, and they really helped out Stephanie crank out the zombies. Thanks guys!

Stephanie, applying the maggots to Drew's arm.. ick! (http://i38.photobucket.com/albums/e104/LouCipherr/DEADLANDS/DSC00537.jpg)

The eyes get the maggot treatment too. Yes, they're real too. (http://i38.photobucket.com/albums/e104/LouCipherr/DEADLANDS/DSC00542.jpg)

Hope you enjoyed the pics. More to be posted soon. ;)

Oh, and no maggots were harmed during the making of this film. :D

17-Apr-2006, 10:01 PM
The soldier that didn't make it and Drew the Zombie are both friggin' awesome - especially the latter. Good stuff, looks like you guys are having a blast filming it.

17-Apr-2006, 10:23 PM
Oh we are... When those guys showed with real maggots I was like... Ummm, Ok, f*ck it why not right?

Everyone did a great job...

BTW, DEADLANDS is now on My space


18-Apr-2006, 10:19 PM
kinda looks like that brazilian flick plaga zombie:zona mutante, make up wise i mean.

19-Apr-2006, 02:16 PM
Hopefully that's a good thing...? :D I can't say I've seen that flick.


19-Apr-2006, 10:43 PM
Can't say I have seen it either.

20-Apr-2006, 01:00 AM
that is some intense stuff man

this project looks like it is going to kick some serious butt

great work by you and your crew

20-Apr-2006, 01:44 AM
lookin good, man!! nice make up

20-Apr-2006, 10:08 AM
That praise needs to go to the 6 person make-up crew on the flick. The rest can go to the filming crew. :D

20-Apr-2006, 03:11 PM
wish I coulda been there, I would make a great zombie :D

20-Apr-2006, 08:09 PM
I've said it before and I'll say it again:


I have seen some of DJ's editting work, superb!!!

I will be getting this dvd, and I want it autographed by as many crew and cast as possible. :D


20-Apr-2006, 10:21 PM
I know we will probably issue 25 copies, numbered mind you, with crew autographs.

Everytime we film it gets better and better, so May 19th & 20th are our next filming dates and we haven't even gotten into the hardcore gore yet.

Thanks for all the support guys. It is what keeps us going.

BTW, The trailer on my space contains newly shot scenes from the easter weekend shoot.

April 21st, 2006 -

Just finishing the Visual FX on the newly shot footage. GunFire muzzle flashes although easy to do are a bitch to place correctly when you need to show the direction of the muzzle flash. These VFX shots are not head on shots, but shots taken from the side so getting them just perfect isn't the easiest thing to do. The film is approx at 41 minutes of running time. With still 4 major weekends of filming left we should have no problem seeing the 65-70 minute mark, unless I start dumping shots i don't want or need anymore.