View Full Version : the filming of a train wreck

23-Jan-2008, 09:43 AM
taken from my blog: http://theundergroundslacker.blogspot.com/2008/01/so-it-all-whent-down-like-this.html

So it all whent down like this-

The scene is last weeks tuesday, you intrepid hero is hard at work on editing the bullcrap school thingy-ma-whatsit when another classmate walks up to him....

CLASSMATE: hey, danny right?

ME: yeah, whats up?

CLASSMATE: im due to film something after class next tuesday and my cameramans quit ,would you be interested in helping out, itd be good experience with the hi-def camcorders.

ME: yeah sure why not


ME: whats it about

CLASSMATE: well its me playing batman-

ME: here we go.....


Just thought id paint the picture for ya first.So i agreed to do it and got around to it yesterday, best way to sum it up?. the teacher looked in the door and whent "jesus christ...." and promptly left.
The dude really wanted to pull it off so bad, and cared about it but he had the typical problem of wanting to act as the lead, star and expect it to be this perfect thing he had set up in his head. only when he got there did it all go wrong.
1: as i set up my **** i politely inquire about the tape, his response is "****" and then he leaves the room asking if the shops are still open.....
2:aside from a girl in a self made harlequin costume they were all store bought costume stuff...which left NOTHING to the imagination.
3:one dude, when told he would be wearing a ones-e unitard was suddenly unavailable.
4: left a stage light on when not needing it adn i burnt my hand turning it off lest the bulb break and burn though the floor.
5:noone could stop laughing, myself included, mostly out of sheer disbelief.

all in all they tried, they really did, but it looked like a bat-porno, ever seen orgasmo?, that trey parker and matt stone flick?, yeah think those production values and your there.
plus, noone in there right mind should show up without anything to film on or a script and expect gold, and he really was expecting that, by the 4th take of a little joker monologue he was red in the face adn yelling, i told him "dude, these are first time actors, its gonna be like 20 takes AT LEAST before its film worthy", but he didnt really notice i think, plus i offered sugestions for the camera angles but it was all filmed from one position.
luckily he said i could gt a copy and i ut the camera running with the bits before they started filming so it should be something to look back on.

...so my first foray into using hd top of the range equipment was A: a complete trainwreck adn B: totally entertaining.

-plus go to this thread on the hpotd forum: for a nice little pic done by moi in photoshop to get the vibe across. -

later bitches.

and the pic:


oh, and the audio "bloggentary" were i use my much more eloquent verbal skills over my typeing ones to get across the wreckage ala train: http://www.mediafire.com/?3pmccgn31ty