View Full Version : Cloverfield being slapped with WARNING by theater owners

23-Jan-2008, 12:53 PM

Patrons complaining of motion sickness from handheld shaky cam has led AMC and other theater to post warnings on posters, doors and before film.

23-Jan-2008, 01:00 PM
Makes sense. My girlfriend and several other audience members had to run out of the theater. It didn't bother me one bit, though. Pretty cool flick.

Have you seen it, DJ? Any thoughts?

23-Jan-2008, 01:05 PM
agree totally with bassman perfectly reasonable and, in fact, kind of courteous to warn folks up front.

even though i don't get any sort of motion sickness, i understand what a bummer it must be for people who are- especially when they have paid $10 and are trying to enjoy a movie.

23-Jan-2008, 01:08 PM
agree totally with bassman perfectly reasonable and, in fact, kind of courteous to warn folks up front.

even though i don't get any sort of motion sickness, i understand what a bummer it must be for people who are- especially when they have paid $10 and are trying to enjoy a movie.

But honestly......could they not tell how the movie was shot by viewing the trailers?:lol: It's pretty obvious that if they can't watch Cops or ride a roller coaster, then they shouldn't see Cloverfield. It's straight up ridiculous that some people are asking for their money back like it's the theater's fault.:rolleyes:

But I guess a little warning on the doors and posters is a smart move for all the dumbasses in the world...

23-Jan-2008, 02:19 PM
But trailers are super quick snippets. Half the Bourne Trailers are clips from handhels cameras, and since it goes by so quick you barely notice the shake.

23-Jan-2008, 02:25 PM
I'm yet to see Cloverfield, I hope to go see it once it's released here in the UK (comes out Feb 1st). I remember watching a long-ass comicon video of a Romero interview and it was shaking all over the f*cking shop, up and down, in and out, it eventually gave me a head ache and made me feel proper sick - which has never happened before.

I think it was more to do with that particular video though, I'm fine with thrashy cameras usually, plus this is a big-arse movie, so...

But it makes sense to warn those who might suffer from motion sickness from something they're watching, it's like the warning of flashing lights - fair play, because an epileptic might be watching and you don't wanna accidentally go giving someone a seizure that could possibly kill them. :eek:

23-Jan-2008, 02:46 PM
theres rumours doing the rounds that theres some shakey cam videogames coming out soon...

23-Jan-2008, 03:26 PM
it's like the warning of flashing lights - fair play, because an epileptic might be watching and you don't wanna accidentally go giving someone a seizure that could possibly kill them. :eek:

It's funny that you mention that because there's a certain segment of te movie that features the shakey camera AND flashing lights.