View Full Version : I have a Question for yah all to ponder....

23-Jan-2008, 02:35 PM
don't know if this is the right place to put it but here goes...

Would you consider Frankestein a Zombie? Please don't bash....just a conversation a friend and i we're having and would like other opinions on.....

Kind of reminds me of the Goofy/Pluto debate from Stand by me...lol

23-Jan-2008, 02:48 PM
no, frankensteins a golem, mary schelley got the idea from the jewish folklore about the rabbi creating a clay statue and bringing it to life by putting a scroll in its head.

23-Jan-2008, 02:52 PM
hmmm. after some thought yes in a lot of ways he is. he is a reanimated dead body. the only thing that causes me some hesitation is that he is made up of parts of different bodies.

Chic Freak
23-Jan-2008, 03:16 PM
I'd say he's too human to be a zombie (in the book, at least). He's basically just some guy who can't fit in anywhere because he's big and ugly and erm, made of dead bits of other people sewn together :S He's not reeeally abnormally violent or aggressive, he's not part of a plague of other monsters and he actually wants to be loved by people rather than eat them!

23-Jan-2008, 03:46 PM
No, franky boy has too much thought and feeling to be a zombie aswell as the fact he isnt one resurrected body but a number although he could be the uber zombie. He thinks he feels and he has the strength of ten men? If he took the doctors brain then he could have raised an army. Damn I really need to drink less coffee. He isnt a zombie, No groaning no stumbling although I wouldnt say he was a gollum even if mary shelley did get the idea. He isnt a mindless slave but suppose diffrent defintions of gollums..I jus read too much pratchett

23-Jan-2008, 05:47 PM
I always wanted Frankenstein to be bit by a werewolf or a vampire.....

Then he could really lay a beat down on everything...

23-Jan-2008, 06:04 PM
God Terran

very few people have the ability
to make me shake my head.
welcome to the select few.
It scares me to think what would happen if
you ever used that mind of your for evil.

I dont think frankenstien is a zombie
its a good question though.

technically Romeros creatures are not zombies either
as the definition of a zombie reads:

zom·bie - the body of a dead person given the semblance of life, but mute and will-less, by a supernatural force, usually for some evil purpose.

romeros creatures are not will-less or proven to be products of a supernatural force.

frankenstien wasnt supernatural but perverted science and wasnt created
for evil

23-Jan-2008, 09:52 PM
Hellsing is right. Frankenstein is a golem. According to the Kabbalah, anyone who knows the true name of God and says it backwards can give life back to the dead.

Besides the fact Frankenstein is a golem, he's also a make-shift one at that. He was pieced together by several different bodies instead of just one.

23-Jan-2008, 11:43 PM
Besides, Franky was technically alive. So, not a zombie.

24-Jan-2008, 12:48 AM
Frankenstein is not a golem.
A golem is a man made figure, usually constructed of clay
and having the word "emeth" on its forehead which means "truth"
to destroy the golem you have to remove the letter "e", changing the
word to "meth" meaning death.

Frankenstien was a creature (as the book refers the monster as) that
was stitched together from the body parts of various corpses and
brought to life thru Dr. Frankenstiens' use of science.

no supernatural elements are involved
not voodoo, not jewish rites

see following:

go·lem -Jewish Folklore. a figure artificially constructed in the form of a human being and endowed with life.

Stories of golems are widespread.

One legend is of a Rabbi Elias, who shaped the form of a man from clay and inscribed the Hebrew word EMETH, or truth, on the forehead of the clay man, thus granting it life.

24-Jan-2008, 11:44 AM
No, he wasn't a zombie. Because Frankenstein is the Doctor.:confused:

If you're talking about Frankenstein's monster, then I would say he could be thought of that way...

And it's Fronkenshteen!:p