View Full Version : since the westboro church freaks were brought up...

24-Jan-2008, 05:25 PM
in one of the threads about heath ledger, i'll post two of my favorite youtube videos ever here so that thread doesn't turn into a discussion of these morons.

this lady creeps me the fook out. she looks so calm and placid on the surface but the more she keeps talking the more you realize that there is something monstrously evil lurking right below the surface of said calm.


the newswoman doing the interview in this one get super pissed off:


24-Jan-2008, 05:28 PM
That's one family that needs a horrific car crash to happen to them and soon. So much hate packaged as religion...

24-Jan-2008, 05:39 PM
again these people seriously need to be culled in the most expedient possible fashion.

i had hopes during their military funerals protest blitz someone would zero a few of them out, unfortunately that never happened, so at this point i'll settle for anything so long as it's fatal.

24-Jan-2008, 06:13 PM
these morons showed up at a funeral in my hometown for a local kid who died, and almost every citizen in town, (including my grandmother, who is the most spiritual person you'd ever meet), was enraged and ready to stomp these people's heads in had they tried anything drastic. luckily, the police and a local biker gang contained them to one area, and they left immediately after the funeral, carrying their hate-filled signs and got out of dodge. if only some super-tornado would centralize and take all these morons to somewhere like oz where they could spend the rest of their pathetic loser lives away from society.

watching those videos got me pi$$ed. i've never struck a woman before, and have no respect for those who think that abusing women is acceptable. in the case of this (unt and her whacked-out ravings, without hesitation, i'd bust her so hard in the mouth she'd be sh!tting teeth for a week...given she lived that long, as i doubt my anger would be quelled without beating her to death, then defecating on what would be left of her face.

(sorry for the rant, but as a veteran who's been to the sandbox, and lost a handful of people i know over there, this issue hits very close to home for me.)

24-Jan-2008, 06:21 PM
these morons showed up at a funeral in my hometown for a local kid who died, and almost every citizen in town, (including my grandmother, who is the most spiritual person you'd ever meet), was enraged and ready to stomp these people's heads in had they tried anything drastic. luckily, the police and a local biker gang contained them to one area, and they left immediately after the funeral, carrying their hate-filled signs and got out of dodge. if only some super-tornado would centralize and take all these morons to somewhere like oz where they could spend the rest of their pathetic loser lives away from society.

watching those videos got me pi$$ed. i've never struck a woman before, and have no respect for those who think that abusing women is acceptable. in the case of this (unt and her whacked-out ravings, without hesitation, i'd bust her so hard in the mouth she'd be sh!tting teeth for a week...given she lived that long, as i doubt my anger would be quelled without beating her to death, then defecating on what would be left of her face.

(sorry for the rant, but as a veteran who's been to the sandbox, and lost a handful of people i know over there, this issue hits very close to home for me.)

it is pretty outrageous isn't? crazy how far people will go to push their lunancy on others isn't? i am a vet too but this goes way beyond that. there are people who i have hated with a passion and when they finally kicked off, i've been quite tickled by but i would never in my wildest dreams stand out in front of a funeral and harrass their families - hell i wouldn't even have done that to...jerry falwell if i had gotten the chance:lol::p

the whole thing is just sick in the extreme.

24-Jan-2008, 08:10 PM
Louis Theroux (a documentarian here in the UK) did a profile doc thing of these psychos...it was scary viewing needless to say. Theroux recently spent a spell in San Quentin, so he's not shy of courting danger let's say.

Anyway, Sam Fisher or Jack Bauer should be hired to take these guys out, stealthy-as-sh*t ... it's a damn shame they're fictional action heroes...

24-Jan-2008, 08:14 PM
yeah i watched that documentary it was some scary stuff. what they are doing to their kids is sickening.

24-Jan-2008, 11:37 PM
God these people are just sick. Please lady do us a favor and:
