View Full Version : History Channel; Life After People.

24-Jan-2008, 07:11 PM
Life After People.

This little bit of 'What If?' debuted on the History Channel monday and was rerun yesterday, taking us from the second humans vanish off the planet to when the last bit of metal crumbled back into its' individual components.
Using modest CGI we watch the progressive death of the cities over some 500 hundred years, the reclaiming of the highways in much less, a real life city in the Ukraine overrun by nature in the aftermath of the Chernobyl nuclear accident over twenty years ago.
Some of the scenarios looked like they were inspired by Will Smith's 'I Am Legend.' and the show ran an hour too long, but overall a fun view of just how flimsy our hold on the world really is.
Who woulda thunk that Hoover Dam could run for two years on automatic pilot?

Wayne Z
"The Glittering lights of Casino Row, which once attracted tourists from around the world, were dim relics. The shining windows and metallic buildings were now dulled by dust storms that swept through this giant graveyard of Humanity. "
DeadFall: The Novella

24-Jan-2008, 07:29 PM
ill have to look that up, there was a thread on here, man, 6 months ago maybe that was a magazine article including these great paintings about the very same subject matter.

24-Jan-2008, 07:37 PM
there was another thread about it not too long ago that was posted in dead discussion.


24-Jan-2008, 09:05 PM
there was another thread about it not too long ago that was posted in dead discussion.


2 days ago to be exact.

25-Jan-2008, 03:32 AM
I caught a little bit of this. Pure, frothing propaganda, in my opinion, made specifically for the blame-humans-first crowd that consider the human race as being more of a pestilence than an actual part of the circle of life. The same crowd that gives autism to children with mercury and lead filled vaccinations, the same crowd that goes to the poorest, most uneducated neighborhoods begging for the women to get abortions and bribe their husbands into getting their balls clipped for money, the same people that put 12 year old girls on the pill, the same eugenics crowd that dumps billions of dollars into planned parenthood, the same crowd that pushes for zero human population growth, the same people that praised the nazis for their eugenics and sterilization programs in the 30s, the same elitists that strive to create a neo-feudal global system where the population of peasants is reduced by 50%, while the other 50% licks their boots and cooks and cleans for them.

Pure, frothing propaganda.

25-Jan-2008, 03:54 AM
I caught a little bit of this. Pure, frothing propaganda, in my opinion, made specifically for the blame-humans-crowd that consider the human being as being more of a pestilence than an actual part of the circle of life. The same crowd that gives autism to children with mercury and lead filled vaccinations, the same crowd that goes to the poorest, most uneducated neighborhoods begging for the women to get abortions and bribe their husbands into getting their balls clipped for money, the same people that put 12 year old girls on the pill, the same eugenics crowd that dumps billions of dollars into planned parenthood, the same crowd that pushes for zero human population growth, the same people that praised the nazis for their eugenics and sterilization programs in the 30s, the same elitists that strive to create a neo-feudal global system where the population of peasants is reduced by 50%, while the other 50% licks their boots and cooks and cleans for them.

Pure, frothing propaganda.

Then what exactly do you think they got wrong? They showed that without humans around to maintain it, the manmade world will rot away, and nature will assert itself. That's not propaganda. That's exactly what happens when no people are around.

25-Jan-2008, 04:04 AM
Then what exactly do you think they got wrong? They showed that without humans around to maintain it, the manmade world will rot away, and nature will assert itself. That's not propaganda. That's exactly what happens when no people are around.

yeah boi!

the tirade above your post has nothing to do with the show and sounds like an angry rant aimed at the wrong post.

maybe he misread the thread.

I caught a little bit of this. Pure, frothing propaganda, in my opinion, made specifically for the blame-humans-first crowd that consider the human race as being more of a pestilence than an actual part of the circle of life. The same crowd that gives autism to children with mercury and lead filled vaccinations, the same crowd that goes to the poorest, most uneducated neighborhoods begging for the women to get abortions and bribe their husbands into getting their balls clipped for money, the same people that put 12 year old girls on the pill, the same eugenics crowd that dumps billions of dollars into planned parenthood, the same crowd that pushes for zero human population growth, the same people that praised the nazis for their eugenics and sterilization programs in the 30s, the same elitists that strive to create a neo-feudal global system where the population of peasants is reduced by 50%, while the other 50% licks their boots and cooks and cleans for them.

Pure, frothing propaganda.

is this a cry for help?

25-Jan-2008, 06:46 AM
I caught a little bit of this. Pure, frothing propaganda, in my opinion, made specifically for the blame-humans-first crowd that consider the human race as being more of a pestilence than an actual part of the circle of life. The same crowd that gives autism to children with mercury and lead filled vaccinations, the same crowd that goes to the poorest, most uneducated neighborhoods begging for the women to get abortions and bribe their husbands into getting their balls clipped for money, the same people that put 12 year old girls on the pill, the same eugenics crowd that dumps billions of dollars into planned parenthood, the same crowd that pushes for zero human population growth, the same people that praised the nazis for their eugenics and sterilization programs in the 30s, the same elitists that strive to create a neo-feudal global system where the population of peasants is reduced by 50%, while the other 50% licks their boots and cooks and cleans for them.

Pure, frothing propaganda.

Im not sure exactly what to say ....other than..... "???????????"

Attach this same post to the discovery channel's "Walking With Dinosaurs" and it makes about the same amount of sense....

The premise of the show is simple...."what would happen if humans suddenly were gone"....so I just dont get how this idea generated this sort of responce from you.....

*shrugs*...wierd man...wierd....

25-Jan-2008, 06:54 AM
I caught a little bit of this. Pure, frothing propaganda, in my opinion, made specifically for the blame-humans-first crowd that consider the human race as being more of a pestilence than an actual part of the circle of life. The same crowd that gives autism to children with mercury and lead filled vaccinations, the same crowd that goes to the poorest, most uneducated neighborhoods begging for the women to get abortions and bribe their husbands into getting their balls clipped for money, the same people that put 12 year old girls on the pill, the same eugenics crowd that dumps billions of dollars into planned parenthood, the same crowd that pushes for zero human population growth, the same people that praised the nazis for their eugenics and sterilization programs in the 30s, the same elitists that strive to create a neo-feudal global system where the population of peasants is reduced by 50%, while the other 50% licks their boots and cooks and cleans for them.

Pure, frothing propaganda.

I don't understand how on this thread you sound like a total PC crust punk but on another thread you used the racial slur "spic". You're truly mysterious.

25-Jan-2008, 10:55 AM
another thread dragged completely off topic by the troll of the month.:bored:

-now on the topic of the subject, unless the above mentioned posters right and nature doesnt exist, this book is what i think this show was based on, and what the thread i mentioned earlier was about: http://www.worldwithoutus.com/index2.html

heres the blurb:

What are some of the changes we could expect in New York City alone if all humans vanished?

Within two days, without pumping, New York’s subway would impassably flood. Within twenty years, water-soaked steel columns that support the street above the East Side’s 4-5-6 trains would corrode and buckle. As Lexington Avenue caves in, it becomes a river. In the first few years with no heat, pipes burst all over town, the freeze-thaw cycle moves indoors, and things start to seriously deteriorate. Plugged sewers, deluged tunnels and streets reverting to rivers will conspire to waterlog foundations and destabilize their huge loads, toppling structures. Gradually the asphalt jungle will give way to a real one.


25-Jan-2008, 12:19 PM
I haven't even seen the show and that dude's post looks like B.S. to me.:rockbrow:

Does anyone know if this show will be aired again anytime soon in the US? I missed it and would love to see it. At least some clips on the net, maybe?

25-Jan-2008, 12:39 PM
heres something, looks cool, at elast worth some more digging to find.


heres the official site http://www.history.com/minisite.do?content_type=mini_home&mini_id=57517 theres a dvd up there so maybe....



25-Jan-2008, 03:38 PM
I haven't even seen the show and that dude's post looks like B.S. to me.:rockbrow:

Does anyone know if this show will be aired again anytime soon in the US? I missed it and would love to see it. At least some clips on the net, maybe?

history channel's site doesn't say but the history channel tends to re-run things so i'd watch their schedule.

the dvd has been released (at least it is being advertised for sale on the history channels site) though so you might be able to pick that up from netflix.

25-Jan-2008, 03:42 PM
history channel's site doesn't say but the history channel tends to re-run things so i'd watch their schedule.

the dvd has been released (at least it is being advertised for sale on the history channels site) though so you might be able to pick that up from netflix.

Maybe I can....ahem...acquire the show through other means.:shifty:

25-Jan-2008, 03:47 PM
f*ck yea piracy!

25-Jan-2008, 06:21 PM
I forgot I recorded this, thanks for reminding me. Pretty interesting, I like how they go on about what happens to your pets (cats become the kings of high-rise buildings, dogs revert to pack hunting). I didn't catch the end though, how far in to the future do they go?

25-Jan-2008, 06:46 PM
Bassman, *ahem*, I'm *ahem* on the same *ahem* boat as you, my friend. :sneaky::shifty::D

Looks interesting, having just been playing STALKER, the footage of Chernobyl/Pripyat suckered me right in to wanting to see it.

25-Jan-2008, 08:07 PM
Bassman, *ahem*, I'm *ahem* on the same *ahem* boat as you, my friend. :sneaky::shifty::D

Looks interesting, having just been playing STALKER, the footage of Chernobyl/Pripyat suckered me right in to wanting to see it.

now what ever could you two be talking about:p:shifty:

25-Jan-2008, 09:31 PM
Once again, i'm labeled a troll for stating my opinion on a documentary. As a matter of fact, the premise of this film has been floating around for well over a decade. I caught a video similar to this a couple of years ago when I was visiting a friend of mine who was in college at Fresno state. It was produced by the Sierra Club, Greenpeace, PETA and other blame-humans-first affiliates.

It showed the human race as being unredeemable, it showed us all as warmongers deadset on a genocidal raping of Mother Earth and all this other crap.

Life after humans was JUST LIKE it, except it cut out all the voice overs about population reduction, sterilization, and how nuclear war is a good idea because it gets rid of humans faster. The narrator was also talking about how all kids are sick because they're instilled with pro-human views from their parents and how nationalism is one reason why man is so destructive and how we should strive for globalism and do away with national sovereignty all together.

Like I said before, this documentary is pure, frothing propaganda. Just a little friendlier than its predecessors. But I bet if you research who was behind the making of it, it's the same usual suspects. The Sierra Club, etc..

25-Jan-2008, 09:43 PM
Once again, i'm labeled a troll for stating my opinion on a documentary. As a matter of fact, the premise of this film has been floating around for well over a decade. I caught a video similar to this a couple of years ago when I was visiting a friend of mine who was in college at Fresno state. It was produced by the Sierra Club, Greenpeace, PETA and other blame-humans-first affiliates.

It showed the human race as being unredeemable, it showed us all as warmongers deadset on a genocidal raping of Mother Earth and all this other crap.

Life after humans was JUST LIKE it, except it cut out all the voice overs about population reduction, sterilization, and how nuclear war is a good idea because it gets rid of humans faster. The narrator was also talking about how all kids are sick because they're instilled with pro-human views from their parents and how nationalism is one reason why man is so destructive and how we should strive for globalism and do away with national sovereignty all together.

Like I said before, this documentary is pure, frothing propaganda. Just a little friendlier than its predecessors. But I bet if you research who was behind the making of it, it's the same usual suspects. The Sierra Club, etc..

it is time for jean-luc to make an apperance:

man, oh man you are certainly a few fries short of a happy meal.

there is nothing in the documentary that is anti-human. it is simply a premise of what will happen, if humans no longer existed. nowhere does it advocate population reduction, nuclear war, sterilization, abortion or anything you have been ranting about.

the sierra club and greenpeace are not "blame humans" groups per se. they are workiing to avert the wholesale destruction of this planet through pollution, enviromental degradation, the accelerating loss of bio-diversity (do you really want to live in a world where the only animals left are rats, dogs, cats and raccoons or in a world that is bereft of tigers, elephants, and polar bears?) - all of which is caused by humans, that threatens to ruin planet earth for the very humans you are seem so bent on defending. some of what they do may not be popular but without folks willing to stand up and speak out about corporations and govts. trashing everything in sight, we will all be a giant world of pig crap.


25-Jan-2008, 09:49 PM
it is time for jean-luc to make an apperance:

man, oh man you are certainly a few fries short of a happy meal.

there is nothing in the documentary that is anti-human. it is simply a premise of what will happen, if humans no longer existed. nowhere does it advocate population reduction, nuclear war, sterilization, abortion or anything you have been ranting about.

the sierra club and greenpeace are not "blame humans" groups per se. they are workiing to avert the wholesale destruction of this planet through pollution, enviromental degradation, the accelerating loss of bio-diversity (do you really want to live in a world where the only animals left are rats, dogs, cats and raccoons or in a world that is bereft of tigers, elephants, and polar bears?) - all of which is caused by humans, that threatens to ruin planet earth for the very humans you are seem so bent on defending. some of what they do may not be popular but without folks willing to stand up and speak out about corporations and govts. trashing everything in sight, we will all be a giant world of pig crap.


Life Without Humans didn't have the degrading commentary. What I was saying was, the people behind the documentary have an agenda just like the docs released by the Sierra Club and others.

If this movie was done specifically for scientific purposes to give the viewing public an entertaining "what if" scenario, then I would be fine with that. But I can't help but think that these people have an agenda not unlike those other blame-humans-first affiliates that have released docs like this, but with a more scathing commentary.

25-Jan-2008, 10:33 PM
...Meds. Despite what Tom Cruise might say, some people might want to stay on theirs...

25-Jan-2008, 10:56 PM

25-Jan-2008, 11:15 PM

indeed it is not. so, i think we all should back away slowly and hope for the best for our poor deluded board compatriot.

25-Jan-2008, 11:28 PM
Stop saying "pure and frothing".

26-Jan-2008, 01:10 AM
Stop saying "pure and frothing".

You cant fault him for liking quality cappuccino.

26-Jan-2008, 11:10 AM
How about everyone chills out with a Horlick's? It's a documentary about a hypothetical situation. :eek:

Downloading it now...

26-Jan-2008, 07:40 PM
currently at 41% of *ahem* platantly downloading an illegal pirate cop-derrrr i mean, of "aquireing it" ,wink,wink,nudge,nudge;)

26-Jan-2008, 10:25 PM
Be careful though any movie that is apocalyptic is apparently propaganda....

26-Jan-2008, 10:33 PM
Be careful though any movie that is apocalyptic is apparently propaganda....

too true, just look at mad max.

-and 77%, god damn my net connection sucks:lol:...*AHEM*

26-Jan-2008, 11:25 PM
i hope you goto jail hellsing.

hey man, you should put it on megauplaod after your done with it...if you goto jail, you may as well start spreading the joy around eh?

26-Jan-2008, 11:57 PM
Ah, God bless torrents! :D

too true, just look at mad max.

Yep, a dire warning that the village people intend to take over the post apocalyptic world...and steal our oil! :mad:

27-Jan-2008, 01:27 AM
just watched it, really interesting, thought provoking adn thoroughly entertaining, no "propaganda" ,unless someones going to gasp, realise that tree outdoors is the enemy and go and hack it down to protect said tards home 40 years from now:lol:
it goes to 10,000 years in the future and its barely about people, it mentions pollution for a grand total of maybe 4 minutes out of 2 hours. Its about the buildings we have created, our lasting mark on the world around us, and how long it takes for our legacy to fade away.
though you dont find out till the end its a prequel to planet of the apes:lol:

27-Jan-2008, 04:10 PM
Gonna watch this in a bit. :thumbsup:

Is there just the one show or is it a mini series or something?

27-Jan-2008, 06:51 PM
just the one, wich is a shame it would have made a good "walking with" type series.

29-Jan-2008, 02:12 PM
Literally just finished watching it.

Fascinating at best, intolerably annoying at worst.

The best stuff - for me at least - was the very real Pripyat (being "gay for STALKER" as hellsing might say, would obviously lead me to that realm of fascination with the place).

But for me, THE most ANNOYING thing about it was the narration. The delivery - using that movie trailer guy - as well as how it was written was piss-annoying beyond belief. It treats the viewer like a f*cking idiot who can't understand the if there are no people there to maintain anything, everything is f*cked - it's a simple concept, yet we're bashed over the head with it for 90 minutes like we're retards of the highest order.

Also, the constant re-using of certain footage - mainly the stuff they rendered specifically for the show - is aggravating beyond belief. How many times did we need to see Golden Gate Bridge collapse?! Twice at most - not six or seven freaking times!


So, remove the annoying over-use of the same footage and especially remove the god-awful narration, and it's a fascinating watch ... although I can actually understand the reaction that it was rather anti-mankind, ultimately & depressingly saying we're potentially pointless within 10,000 years of our end. :rolleyes:

But I'd not call it propaganda either...it's depressing realism at most ... with an atrocious narration. :p

29-Jan-2008, 04:47 PM
Also, the constant re-using of certain footage - mainly the stuff they rendered specifically for the show - is aggravating beyond belief. How many times did we need to see Golden Gate Bridge collapse?! Twice at most - not six or seven freaking times!

i am glad that i wasn't the only one annoyed seeing building after building fall and refall. i mean christ what they showed blds in several cities falling multiple times.

even though this was made for an american tv audience:shifty::rolleyes: i think that even the densest hillbilly over here would've gotten the point without the constant over the head hammering.

my favorite part was the segment about Prypiat, Ukraine and how we can observe these processes underway and as a living system. even though it is safe to go into the exclusion zone for short periods it will still be something like 300-350 years before that area is safe for permanent human habitation.

29-Jan-2008, 05:41 PM
Although apparently in Pripyat and the surrounding area, some people are already living there again and have been for some time - the really stubborn older locals I think, they won't be shoved out by nuclear fallout come hell or high water, but I think they're sweeped out now and then or something.

Also, the majority of it took place in America, particularly New York and Chicago - LA anyone ... or wait a minute - REST OF THE WORLD, ANYONE?

A quick spit of London and Paris doesn't constitute the entire globe, senoir History Channel folk. :rolleyes:

Heck, even America didn't get a wide glance!

And annoyingly, the Pripyat section was too short - for me anyway - but considering it's a living, breathing human-free zone, surely it's rather pertinent to the documentary...I know I'd wanna use more footage from that excursion, especially as you're walking around a 'relatively' safe zone of nuclear fallout! :eek:

Heck, I might just go watch one of those Chernobyl documentaries I've got downloaded instead...

29-Jan-2008, 05:52 PM
Heck, I might just go watch one of those Chernobyl documentaries I've got downloaded instead...


29-Jan-2008, 05:58 PM
Although apparently in Pripyat and the surrounding area, some people are already living there again and have been for some time - the really stubborn older locals I think, they won't be shoved out by nuclear fallout come hell or high water, but I think they're sweeped out now and then or something.

probably the same sort of stubborn old geezers that live in some of the river towns along the ohio (like Neville, for example) that get obliterated by floods every few years or so, who won't let the govt. move the town someplace higher up and out of the flood plain.

there are lots of good chernobyl docs. which ones did you, ahem, acquire?

30-Jan-2008, 10:19 AM
Scipio - I can't exactly remember now, but I think one was by the BBC 10 years after it had happened, and another was from the Discovery Channel I think, 20 years after it had happened...or maybe 15, but I think 20.

The Discovery one was best I think, I think it was longer and just explained/showed more.

Hellsing - bravo, Sir, bravo. :)

Give the man a hand...



30-Jan-2008, 05:48 PM

dammit, its contagious.

i saw a good one on animal planet about how natures taken it back, but still things like bears, or in latin "the hairy russian carpet guys" (;)) dig up the soil to hibernate and upturn tons of settled radiation.
PLus some creatures with used to reproduce asexually had kids young after chernobyl that had genders adn bred like mammals.

30-Jan-2008, 06:53 PM
Apparently there are catfish or something in the rivers around there that are MASSIVE too, but mutation hasn't really occurred in the animal kingdom.

Pesky bears, give them a pic-a-nic basket and they're occupied, but forget to and they're like a kid with ADD and the keys to Wiggum's forbidden closet of mystery. :)

30-Jan-2008, 07:06 PM
and the keys to Wiggum's forbidden closet of mystery. :)

*snorts drink out nose at the best simpsons reference in ages*

30-Jan-2008, 07:54 PM
Scipio - I can't exactly remember now, but I think one was by the BBC 10 years after it had happened, and another was from the Discovery Channel I think, 20 years after it had happened...or maybe 15, but I think 20.

The Discovery one was best I think, I think it was longer and just explained/showed more.

if the bbc one you are talking about is the one where the journalist is not only taken into the exclusion zone but into the reactor bldg itself - i thought that one was really good and it creeped me out hearing that guys gamma detector going beep-beep-beep almost every other second.

31-Jan-2008, 10:31 AM
Maybe I'm confusing myself, no idea...but aye the stuff with the camera crew with the scientists sneaking around inside it was proper creepy and fascinating.

Have they ever had a camera inside the reactor itself to actually see that flipped over reactor lid? I wonder if it looks anything like it does in STALKER: Shadow of Chernobyl? (Minus the Monolith of course).



Here's an interesting sounding video (currently downloading it now, 233mb):

http://images.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://en.pripyat.com.ua/wp-content/uploads/2007/01/inside_sarcophagus.thumbnail.jpg&imgrefurl=http://en.pripyat.com.ua/category/sarcophagus/&h=337&w=450&sz=16&hl=en&start=9&um=1&tbnid=QY4QuC4NfU4DdM:&tbnh=95&tbnw=127&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dstalker,%2Bchernobyl,%2Binside%26um%3 D1%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Doff%26client%3Dfirefox-a%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:en-US:official%26sa%3DN

20-Apr-2009, 04:52 AM
Thread necromancy time...apparently The History Channel is launching this as a regular series starting this Tuesday @ 10:00. Dunno how long it can be sustained for, but should be interesting to start off. The original special was pretty cool.

20-Apr-2009, 05:31 AM
now that i've got dvr, i'll definitely be watching this.

20-Apr-2009, 09:41 AM
Hopefully they:

1) WRITE A BETTER SCRIPT - both 'post apocalyptic documentaries' that have been out recently have had awful scripts.

2) QUIT USING THE SAME SHOTS OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN - again, both of these 'docs' use the same shots (often CG ones) time and time again.


Actually I blogged about both of these docs when I originally saw them...

Life After People:

Aftermath: Population Zero:
(scroll down to see the entry)

20-Apr-2009, 11:55 AM
Watched a similar National Geographic special called Aftermath: Population Zero yesterday. Basically what would happen to the Earth if all the people on the planet instantly disappeared.


If you watch note the writers anti-nuclear agenda with the film. How a few days after humans disappear the spent fuel rods stored in cooling pools at nuclear reactors would catch fire. The resulting radioactive steam clouds and fires would cause hundreds of Chernobyl style events across the Northern Hemisphere.

20-Apr-2009, 12:41 PM
If you watch note the writers anti-nuclear agenda with the film. How a few days after humans disappear the spent fuel rods stored in cooling pools at nuclear reactors would catch fire. The resulting radioactive steam clouds and fires would cause hundreds of Chernobyl style events across the Northern Hemisphere.

But there's no people - so obviously such a thing could happen - but there'd be no people to kill anyway, but yes, lots of environmental damage - however, mankind isn't going to suddenly vanish like some Chris Angel David Blane Mind Freak trap door horse shit, so there's always gonna be people around to stop nuclear power plants from going into meltdown.

Chernobyl was Chernobyl - a disaster - but it was also in 1986. Methinks they're far safer these days, with better training for the technicians and a whole bunch of fail safes.

20-Apr-2009, 12:50 PM
so there's always gonna be people around to stop nuclear power plants from going into meltdown.


i dunno about that dude,there may well be people left, but i doubt any one of us ordinary folk would know how to prevent a nuclear reactor from going into meltdown!we'd have to hope some of the technicians survived i guess!

20-Apr-2009, 02:13 PM
I suppose I should be happy that the History Channel isn't doing another Mostly Deadliest Ax-Road Truckers series. I hate that shit. It isn't History and none of it is interesting enough to deserve it's own on-going series, accept--perhaps--on something like the Discovery Channel.

I suspect this could be an okay series for a season, but will grow thin very quickly. And, MZ, you're right about their penchant for re-using visual effects, so I expect that we'll see that quite a bit.

20-Apr-2009, 02:31 PM
I suppose I should be happy that the History Channel isn't doing another Mostly Deadliest Ax-Road Truckers series. I hate that shit. It isn't History and none of it is interesting enough to deserve it's own on-going series, accept--perhaps--on the something like the Discovery Channel.

amen to that. the history channel has been going slowly downhill recently with all the deadliest this and that, all the lunatic fringe shows about how aliens built the pyramids and are responsible for the big mac. add to that all these inane, ultra idiotic shows about 2012 (all of which are bullshit) and that channel is waist deep and sinking fast.

20-Apr-2009, 04:45 PM
i dunno about that dude,there may well be people left, but i doubt any one of us ordinary folk would know how to prevent a nuclear reactor from going into meltdown!we'd have to hope some of the technicians survived i guess!
I'm not talking about anyone dying - it's either all-or-nothing basically, is what I'm saying.

If we're here, nuclear power stations are safe - we're in charge of them, they're far more advanced these days, they've got fail safes etc ... ... if we all disappeared, well shit, we're not here anymore so obviously it'll eventually fuck up - they specifically require humans to be in charge - otherwise you have to go SkyNet, and that's not a good idea. :D

29-Apr-2009, 03:11 AM
well, after sitting though a couple episodes this evening, i doubt this show will last more than a season or two. pretty crappy production: just a few professors on their off days discussing buildings eroding due to centuries of weather without mankind's maintenance, some sci-fi channel quality CGI that loops numerous times throughout the program, and a guy trying to sound like the dude who does all the movie previews talking about buildings collapsing and vegetation running wild....although somewhat informative, pretty much a snooze-fest.

29-Apr-2009, 10:12 AM
well, after sitting though a couple episodes this evening, i doubt this show will last more than a season or two. pretty crappy production: just a few professors on their off days discussing buildings eroding due to centuries of weather without mankind's maintenance, some sci-fi channel quality CGI that loops numerous times throughout the program, and a guy trying to sound like the dude who does all the movie previews talking about buildings collapsing and vegetation running wild....although somewhat informative, pretty much a snooze-fest.
Sounds like all the main issues as to why the original docs weren't as good as they should have been - ergo, I'm going to give this show a miss. :rockbrow: