View Full Version : some good news for UMD

24-Jan-2008, 10:09 PM

So now UMD's are being released at half the price, with new releases coming up from mtv like beavis adn butthead and jackass and the like.
Now forgive me for some dj like media zealotry here but i love UMD's, i expected a movie on a psp to be ****, but the first one i got (the amittyville horror, still in shrinkwrap for £1.99) blew me away, the pictures crystal clear and for a horror flick its so much more up close, figuratively and literally, when viewed this way, right now there cheaper than most flicks on dvd, ive seen spiderman 3, 300 , 28 weeks later and other less than antiquated flicks are about £% or 4 for a tenner, now thats value for money, sure they dont have many extras, but if i want extras, ill buy the dvd to watch on a bigass tv at my liesure, this is more for periods such as:
A: on a long bus ride or road trip
B: When your out and about
C: on the jhon ,and dont tell me thats not a criteria on your portable movie viewing checklist, cus we both know it is.
and D: when you want to show a freind a bitchin' scene in a movie and dont have the luxury of carrying a dvd player and a tv around with you all the time.

plus, and i feel dejavu about the ps3 here, its a games console, so these are just a good add on, and though they were thinking about doing it i tunes style digitally i prefer having a hard copy of my movies rather than erverything on one little memory stick yknow?, its just less liekly to make you loose everything in one go should something bad occur.
right now my collection is:

perfect blue
28 days later
lords of dogtown
haloween (atmospheric as fook in the dakr with headphones in!)
the ammityville horror
the silent hill experience
the mighty boosh season 1 (yeah, a UMD box set in one case on 2 discs)
the devils rejects.
and about 2 dozen more whos name escapes me, but after that mild topical rant it does appear that sony thinks theres still some fight left in the brand and i for one hope it doesnt fail, like i said i prefer hard copys to digital downloads anyday.

25-Jan-2008, 04:23 AM
They released a Family Guy season on UMD, I was suprised to see it.

25-Jan-2008, 10:45 AM
ill have to look that up.

26-Jan-2008, 03:09 AM
Dawn looks amazing on UMD.

26-Jan-2008, 07:00 AM
Dawn looks amazing on UMD.

the screen is the size of a 5 year olds palm and all thats on the disc is the actual movie so of course its gonna look great

26-Jan-2008, 03:28 PM
acutally the screens possibly 2X3 inches it aint that small, especially when you consider most portable formats like the video ipod.

27-Jan-2008, 07:30 PM
can you get Dawn78 on UMD?

And yeah I go with acealive, the screen is tiny so of course its gonna look better, at the res its encoded in it'd look awful on anything bigger...

27-Jan-2008, 07:58 PM
can you get Dawn78 on UMD?

And yeah I go with acealive, the screen is tiny so of course its gonna look better, at the res its encoded in it'd look awful on anything bigger...

true. so even the half price deal is a rip off

27-Jan-2008, 08:01 PM
...but thats the same for every video format:rockbrow:, by that logic a dvd that looks bad on a hi-def tv is no longer worth it also.

28-Jan-2008, 08:34 AM
Now forgive me for some dj like media zealotry here but i love UMD's...
Umm, in DJ's threads you slag off HD-DVD but in this one you support UMD's. Both formats circling the drain, bro. :rolleyes::D

28-Jan-2008, 11:41 AM
uh-huh, the ironys not beyond me:D

though not so much slag hd-dvd off as hd-dvd AND blu-ray since i still have no desire to rebuy my collection of dvds on another format yknow?

28-Jan-2008, 01:12 PM
though not so much slag hd-dvd off as hd-dvd AND blu-ray since i still have no desire to rebuy my collection of dvds on another format yknow?
Nor me, some people have more money than sense. I have a couple of Blu-Ray discs but I have no intention of buying a machine until you can get a good recorder for say... mmm, fifty quid. :D

29-Jan-2008, 05:38 PM
have a ganders at what i got from gamestation today:
