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View Full Version : An absolutely damning review of 'Day of the Dead' at AICN

28-Jan-2008, 03:23 PM
Worth a read!


28-Jan-2008, 03:27 PM
coming straight to DVD on a date which I will not specify because you should not watch it.


Thanks Neil....That's a funny read.

28-Jan-2008, 04:54 PM
Well, its confirmed for me....this movie should never have been made. F*ck Steve Miner, he should just go get a job at McDonald's, he REALLY sucks.

Outstanding review. The author had a good point....horror movies (or one could successful argue most movies) are no longer made with adults for adults.

This one is just another example of a worthless "flash-bang" made for little teenagers. What a waste.....

28-Jan-2008, 05:22 PM
I know i'll go blind and probably burn in hell forever, but i'll have to add this to the collection, along with the other video misfits I own! :confused:

28-Jan-2008, 06:04 PM
Something tells me this review is spot on.

I disagree with a few comments:

In the remake "Dr. Logan" is just the name of some prick who claims to be a doctor. He seems modelled after the asshole yuppie character in DAWN OF THE DEAD REMAKE. Yeah, great, don't emulate the movie you're supposed to be remaking - emulate the worst character in somebody else's remake. Good idea, schmucks.

Steve's character was totally cool and one of ht emore interesting in the film; a prick, but memorable.

In the remake "Dr. Logan" is just the name of some prick who claims to be a doctor. He seems modelled after the asshole yuppie character in DAWN OF THE DEAD REMAKE. Yeah, great, don't emulate the movie you're supposed to be remaking - emulate the worst character in somebody else's remake. Good idea, schmucks.

I have always felt that Savini's DAY makeup was the best of the bunch in any zombie film. But actually liking the BLUE FACEd zombies from Dawn ? I despise the blue face zombies and find it some of the worst ever done.

Perhaps I'll rent DAY due to my love of Zombie films; but for every piece of ****, we do get some decent ones

28-Jan-2008, 07:04 PM
Something tells me this review is spot on.

I disagree with a few comments:

Steve's character was totally cool and one of ht emore interesting in the film; a prick, but memorable.

I have always felt that Savini's DAY makeup was the best of the bunch in any zombie film. But actually liking the BLUE FACEd zombies from Dawn ? I despise the blue face zombies and find it some of the worst ever done.

Perhaps I'll rent DAY due to my love of Zombie films; but for every piece of ****, we do get some decent ones

I can see what he means about the Dawn ones... Today we get 'super messy' zombies with every effect under the sun applied to them...

In Dawn 78 we have zombies that basically looked almost like us, which in many ways is more scary... We're them and they're us! We're just small step (one bite) away from becoming them...

28-Jan-2008, 07:19 PM
I can see what he means about the Dawn ones... Today we get 'super messy' zombies with every effect under the sun applied to them...

In Dawn 78 we have zombies that basically looked almost like us, which in many ways is more scary... We're them and they're us! We're just small step (one bite) away from becoming them...

I agree. While the effects on Day are probably the best ever, I never really liked the way most of the zombies looked. The whole huge eyebrow/caveman look really took away from the fear, I think. The kill effects were top notch, though!:cool:

28-Jan-2008, 07:22 PM
Hell yeah, Steve Miner's Wild'n'Out is set at the beginning of an outbreak ... so WHY are the zombies looking like they've been out in the elements for weeks on end? Also, why do their teeth look like those of hill dwelling psychopaths and not normal Americans? You become a zombie and suddenly your teeth partly fall out and shift positions drastically?! :rolleyes:

GARBAGE - I guaranteed it from the very beginning, and it's just being confirmed more and more.

28-Jan-2008, 07:53 PM
Hell yeah, Steve Miner's Wild'n'Out is set at the beginning of an outbreak ... so WHY are the zombies looking like they've been out in the elements for weeks on end? Also, why do their teeth look like those of hill dwelling psychopaths and not normal Americans? You become a zombie and suddenly your teeth partly fall out and shift positions drastically?! :rolleyes:

GARBAGE - I guaranteed it from the very beginning, and it's just being confirmed more and more.

Like the Dawn of the Dead remake... Because you're Fran's boy friend, your eyes have to 'glow' when you die :rolleyes:

28-Jan-2008, 08:41 PM
.. and let the jabs begin. :annoyed:

28-Jan-2008, 09:13 PM
seems as if this situation may be even more dire than the worst of the haters on this board predicted.

this quote made me roar with laughter:

speaking of how bub's character is handled in this so-called remake:

In the remake they have none of that. They have "Bud" (Sands) who's one of the main characters, but then he gets turned into a zombie, but he's a vegetarian so he doesn't want to eat people, so they keep him on a leash in the back of the car and don't kill him. You can't call it retarded, because the mentally disabled are innocent, they wouldn't do that sh it either.


although this movie will probably be about as exciting as paris hilton's sex tape (only she could make the most interesting thing in the world look boring) i will probably see it just for sheyats and giggles.

28-Jan-2008, 09:59 PM
I love the review. I want to see this movie now more than ever. It actually sounds entertaining. For all the wrong reasons, but entertaining nonetheless. So awful it's fun.

Dead Hoosier
28-Jan-2008, 10:37 PM
Most reviewers suck, but this guy clearly knows his ****. And man, he sure is right about NOTLD 3-D...and if the Day remake is worse than that, it's the new Plan 9 From Outer Space.

28-Jan-2008, 11:07 PM
I almost wish this abomination had gone theatrical, just so it bombed horribly.

Vegatarian zombies...give me a ****ing break. :mad:

Great review anyways, cutting, scathing, pouring equal measures of scorn and acid on this cock-smoker of a film.

29-Jan-2008, 03:30 AM
yeah, boyeeeee....this movie sucks moose balls through straws! what a surprise!

like scipio, i'll probably end up seeing this, if only for the laughs...but i'll tell you one thing, my brothers and sisters: there is no way in hell i'd ever pay to see this, i'll wait till one of my dumbass buddies buys it, thinking it's worth the ungodly price they are charging for this.

steve miner=sucks
mena suvari=sucks
ving rhames=sucks
nick cannon=sucks

day of the dead remake=sucks the sweat of sumo nuts

29-Jan-2008, 04:26 AM
Ha! Nice Post.

Just as I suspected.

And didn't they reshoot a lot of this film because it was so poorly reviewed by test audiences? I mean, how much worse could it have been?

29-Jan-2008, 06:36 AM
I'll wait to get it through Netflix, I think.

As for the person who mentioned Night 3D: WOW, that was a terrible movie! I watched it on my computer and 1) got a migraine, 2) hated it and 3) wanted my hour of time back.

29-Jan-2008, 09:39 AM
really? day sucks?:rolleyes:

Sir James Forbes
29-Jan-2008, 12:30 PM
I know some people hated the remake, and even I, initially cried blasphemy, but I actually enjoyed it for the bubblegum, rollercoaster movie that it turned out to be...

This remake of DAY should have been a continuation of that. I actually did give a damn and wanted to know whether they managed (after dropping the cam), to get back on the boat and find a safe haven. At least it would have been better than this ****e.

I was still going to see this due to the unrelated-character presence of Ving Rhames, but seeing how I now know he dies early on, don't think I'll bother...even if he does eat his eye.

On a serious note, I thought the Bub thing being a veggie actually sounded plausible / original. We know Bub was 'domesticated', and inheriting a memory of a dislike of meat would have been the only original / unique contribution from this remake. Just my logic!

29-Jan-2008, 01:11 PM
Being a vegitarian is an choice based on ethics, zombies do not base their choices on ethics they base them on hunger instinct.
Some uneducated vegetarians try to promote the idea that they instinctivly avoid eating meat because it is unnatural to them, in a sense they are born with an aversion to it since they are holy in some way. Instead of the true notion that vegetarism comes from (barring allergies or other health problems) an belief that not eating meat will improve the world or that annimals should not be eaten. Having a vegetarian zombie who refuse to eat living flesh support the semi-religious beliefs of the first group. Such quasi mystical mumbo jumbo really pisses me off! :mad: :annoyed:

Sir James Forbes
30-Jan-2008, 11:58 AM
Trencher, you're missing the point my mate...Having a vegetarian zombie on face value, is, of course, a ridiculous thing. But the point is Bub was coached / encouraged to remember things he used to do formally before the 'turn'. In this remake, because the character was a vegetarian before being a zombie, he somehow 'remembers' he doesn't eat meat, thus he has not inclination to attack...

30-Jan-2008, 12:52 PM
Trencher, you're missing the point my mate...Having a vegetarian zombie on face value, is, of course, a ridiculous thing. But the point is Bub was coached / encouraged to remember things he used to do formally before the 'turn'. In this remake, because the character was a vegetarian before being a zombie, he somehow 'remembers' he doesn't eat meat, thus he has not inclination to attack...

And thus... doesn't spring around with super human strength, or scream like godzilla... All so obvious :)

30-Jan-2008, 12:56 PM
Trencher, you're missing the point my mate...Having a vegetarian zombie on face value, is, of course, a ridiculous thing. But the point is Bub was coached / encouraged to remember things he used to do formally before the 'turn'. In this remake, because the character was a vegetarian before being a zombie, he somehow 'remembers' he doesn't eat meat, thus he has not inclination to attack...

I can subscribe to this thought

I do wonder how they would know he was a Vegiezombie; did he tell them ?

It's weird when an easy film sucks; give me DAY to remake and I'd make it rad if even not a instaclassic.

How do they **** up so bad ?