View Full Version : Del Toro Considering Hobbit Films

28-Jan-2008, 04:46 PM
found this on scifiwire:
Del Toro Considering Hobbit Films

Guillermo del Toro is in talks to direct back-to-back installments of J.R.R. Tolkien's The Hobbit, according to The Hollywood Reporter. Del Toro's name was on a short list of directors who could tackle the highly anticipated project, the trade paper said.

Lord of the Rings director Peter Jackson was originally set to direct the prequel films, but he departed the project following a legal dispute with New Line and the project was put on hold. But with the resolution of the lawsuit in December, The Hobbit is now back on track, with Jackson on board as an executive producer.

Because of the strike, no writer has been hired to adapt Tolkien's children's classic, though that process will be fast-tracked once it's resolved. Del Toro and Jackson will oversee the development of the script.

Principal photography for the two films, which will be shot simultaneously, is tentatively set for 2009. The production budget is estimated at $150 million for each installment. The release of the first film is slated for 2010 and the second in 2011.

i think that del toro would most likely do an excellent job with this project.

28-Jan-2008, 06:53 PM

I love Del Toro

And since I didn't care for the other Middle Earth Movies....Easy Folks!

I think he may bring a fresh view on the subject.

Do ya think it will be in spanish or have a cameo with Hellboy? :hyper:

28-Jan-2008, 10:35 PM
damn del toros getting offered evcerything lately, granted with good reason, as chronos and pans labyrinth will attest hes one of the best filmmakers of his generation and judging from hellboy and especially what weve seen of hellboy two i think he can definatley pull it off, if anyone other than jackson can do it justice its del toro.

28-Jan-2008, 10:43 PM
Del Toro needs to commit to that At the Mountains of Madness film before he gets lazy and cashes in ;)

28-Jan-2008, 10:47 PM
i dunno, ive been eagerly awaiting that but theres some of his current porjects, like his production of david moodies hater novel into a flick that im... intriqued about is a good word i think.

28-Jan-2008, 11:11 PM
Del Toro needs to commit to that At the Mountains of Madness film before he gets lazy and cashes in ;)

As in Lovecraft's "Mountains of Madness? **** yeah!

28-Jan-2008, 11:41 PM
As in Lovecraft's "Mountains of Madness? **** yeah!

aye the very same, del toro said during the making of both ahllboys hes been heavily influenced by lovecraft adn hellboy 2 really shows that.

29-Jan-2008, 06:08 AM
That's pretty exciting, I really like Del Toro and have for years, even before I knew who he was I had rented a few of his movies and loved them.

I hope he is the director they end up picking, I would love to see his take on the story.

29-Jan-2008, 01:34 PM
Yay! Two more films of walking!:elol:

Del Toro is great, though. I'm sure he'll bring something new to the table.

30-May-2010, 11:18 PM
Del Toro is out:


Guillermo Del Toro announced today that he is no longer directing the two movies based on J.R.R Tolkien’s “The Hobbit”, but will continue to co-write the screenplays...“In light of ongoing delays in the setting of a start date for filming “The Hobbit,” I am faced with the hardest decision of my life”, says Guillermo. “After nearly two years of living, breathing and designing a world as rich as Tolkien’s Middle Earth, I must, with great regret, take leave from helming these wonderful pictures."

I'm starting to wonder if this will ever get off the ground.

31-May-2010, 04:19 AM
Let's hope not.

31-May-2010, 02:04 PM
Well this just makes my slight interest in these films drop to zero. I wanted to see this world through Del Toro's eyes, but now who knows what it will be. Maybe Jackson will come back? I hope not, tbh...

31-May-2010, 05:03 PM

25-Jun-2010, 06:30 PM
Peter Jackson is back for both films (http://www.joblo.com/peter-jackson-has-agreed-to-direct-the-hobbit).

This blows. I like Jackson's older work, but the last thing I want to see is his walking series expanded to five films.

25-Jun-2010, 06:47 PM
I like Jackson's older work, but the last thing I want to see is his walking series expanded to five films.

I guess 'it's all about the journey' and 'it's how we get there that counts' doesn't float it for you, Bassman? I get that the pacing might be an issue for a lot, but I like the overall lay out of the films scene/act-wise.

It was just an old school road movie, is all :D

25-Jun-2010, 07:41 PM
I've tried....they're just boring to me. Lots of nothing leading to lots of CGI. I guess i'm just not into the whole wizard magic thing...

25-Jun-2010, 08:12 PM
"Pan's Labyrinth" is absolutely incredible and visually stunning -- if del Toro could have captured that in the LOTR world it would be some amazing stuff. However, I absolutely hated both "Hellboy" films, I fell asleep half-way through the first one and stopped the second one after about fifteen minutes because I just couldn't get into it. Ironically, Ron Perlman is one of my most favorite actors too -- he and Katey Segal bring their "A" game to the best show on television (and one of the best shows ever created, IMO): "Sons of Anarchy".

I'm glad Peter Jackson will be directing "The Hobbit" though, it's the same world as LOTR although a much lighter tale. I think the LOTR trilogy is absolutely epic (especially the 'special edition' versions which I own on DVD and would love to have on blu-ray one day) and Jackson will be remembered for this trilogy no matter what else he does in life.

Peter Jackson's "The Hobbit" -- if it doesn't break a record on opening weekend I'd be completely shocked.


25-Jun-2010, 10:46 PM
Glad to hear that Jackson is attached. I was interested in del Toro's take on it but I'd rather the films be a direct link to the Rings trilogy. I too wait with baited breath for the extended versions on Blu-ray so that Fellowship's Helm's Deep segment can once again retain the title of "Official Audio Demo Disc"* of the axlish household.

*(Current title holder would have to be Hellboy 2 Blu-ray)

26-Jun-2010, 12:52 AM
I'll still see it. Then maybe later I can finally buy the "definitive" collection on dvd down the road.
I like del Toro alot too, though. So I'm kinda hmmmm about it right now until I see it.
Get del Toro to do an Elric trilogy, or longer, and I will sport a boner in a second.
I did like the other LOtR movies, but I'm also an old skool AD&D nut. So that disqualifies me as an unbiased opinion...

28-Jun-2010, 12:49 PM
So, although it's still to be decided, are we happy with the thought of Jackson directing 'The Hobbit'?

I think I am...