View Full Version : my review of sweeny todd: the demon barber of fleet street

29-Jan-2008, 12:28 AM

i wanted to say a lot more but wanted to keep it concise but it really is a film that can build tension well....and make you throw the horns at the final kill done by the barber.

and not as gorey as rambo 4 looks to be but still.....daay-um.:cool:

29-Jan-2008, 04:30 PM
I Went to see it with my girlfriend on friday night, and knowing it was musical i was expecting it to be pretty gay to be honest.

Its ok i guess, i went in with low expections but it was better than i thought, the story is quite clever and without giving anything away, it does have a couple of good twists, the gore is good, for a film you see with your missus, obviously its not a gory film at all when compared to what us hardened dead heads are used to.

29-Jan-2008, 04:43 PM
only thing i didnt like was the tacke on dues ex machina ending.