View Full Version : romero directed another film we didnt know of?

30-Jan-2008, 02:52 AM
apparently ol' george had to step in for stephen king and help finish maximum overdrive:eek::eek::eek::eek:

30-Jan-2008, 04:41 AM
What? Really? I never knew that and I love that movie. That's awesome. Do you have a source?

30-Jan-2008, 05:05 AM
this movie is on right now. don't have the patience to sit through it to watch the credits for romero's name, as i've got some xboxlive to catch up on.

interesting, though...

30-Jan-2008, 05:21 AM
What? Really? I never knew that and I love that movie. That's awesome. Do you have a source?

i just found out as well. i got it off IMDB.com theres some real nuggets u can find buy just browsing some of the film message boards.

this movie is on right now. don't have the patience to sit through it to watch the credits for romero's name, as i've got some xboxlive to catch up on.

interesting, though...
great movie,ever get some down time check it out again. it never gets old

30-Jan-2008, 11:44 AM
i just found out as well. i got it off IMDB.com theres some real nuggets u can find buy just browsing some of the film message boards.

I'm not saying that this bit of info is false, but you've got to be careful with what you read off of IMDB...

30-Jan-2008, 11:51 AM
I'm not saying that this bit of info is false, but you've got to be careful with what you read off of IMDB...
Agreed, I've picked up more than my fair share of bulls**t from IMDb.

02-Feb-2008, 04:32 PM
I'm not saying that this bit of info is false, but you've got to be careful with what you read off of IMDB...

Second that! IMDB is a good source as long as you treat it like Wikipedia, or for that matter any other web based information that is not checked for accuracy.

Cool info about Max Overdrive, though. Have no reason to doubt it, and certainly thought that it was among the better of the Stephen King directed flops, so it would stand to reason.

02-Feb-2008, 11:19 PM
King only ever directed Maximum Overdrive, I seem to remember he didn't have a good time shooting it so it may explain him giving up and calling in Romero.

Of course this may be bull****, I just read that apparantly Romero barfed when King showed him a shot of the kid getting steamrollered with extra blood, I'm sure that's genuine!

03-Feb-2008, 12:27 AM
since this came from the message boards at imdb without a source that can link this info back to either king or romero, i remain highly skeptical. not saying outright that it is bull, just that i have a huge amount of doubt about things whose original source cannot be traced back to someone that can prove whether the info is correct or not.

for instance an interview with king or romero where this is brought up or with a castmember/crewmember.

ADDENDUM: i am even more dubious of this after reading the rather lengthy maximum overdrive entry from the book "stephen king from a to z: an encyclopedia of his life and work." pages 135-137 nor does the entry for romero on page 181 mention anything about this both of which can be found here:


the link should take you right to page 135-36. the maximum overdrive article starts in the very bottom right corner of pg. 135 and goes to the top of 137. after that you can simply scroll down to 181.

i have also looked through several pages of links where i searched for the words "romero maximum overdrive" and found not a shred of evidence for this. i did find several instances where a link said that king had gotten directing tips/advice from romero but as to romero actually directing scenes on set - nothing. yes i know geeky but - my educational training was as an academic and when i get on the scent of something i try to follow it through where ever it might lead.

Cool info about Max Overdrive, though. Have no reason to doubt it, and certainly thought that it was among the better of the Stephen King directed flops, so it would stand to reason.

maximum overdrive is the only movie king has ever directed. see my above entry about stephen king a to z...

03-Feb-2008, 05:46 AM
Good link Scip, I'm sure that I read somewhere before that GAR was brought in as a film consultant only.

As for directing or co-directing, I doubt that very much.

03-Feb-2008, 07:41 AM
Good link Scip, I'm sure that I read somewhere before that GAR was brought in as a film consultant only.

As for directing or co-directing, I doubt that very much.

but scip wants to discredit me entirely!! BURN HIM AT THE STAKE AS A HERETIC!! :lol::lol::lol:

03-Feb-2008, 05:45 PM
Smells like bull**** to me.

03-Feb-2008, 06:58 PM
Smells like bull**** to me.

thats cuz u live down wind of a dingo farm:lol::lol:

03-Feb-2008, 09:40 PM
maximum overdrive is the only movie king has ever directed. see my above entry about stephen king a to z...

Yeah, I'm probably mistaken so I stand corrected on my statement about King's crappy body of work as a director.