View Full Version : Guilty Pleasure

30-Jan-2008, 09:53 PM
Come on you all must have at least one :D Basically what I'm saying is anybody like any tv shows or movies that you just know that suck, but just can't, but like them a little.

Jaws 4- Yeah I know sucks, but I remember seeing this as a little boy and liking it, but after seeing the first Jaws I figured out how inferior this movie was, but I guess I have a soft spot for it because it was the first Jaws and shark film I ever saw.

31-Jan-2008, 12:48 AM
jane austen movies:o:shifty:

fantastic journey and time tunnel (tv shows)

the smiths, the cars, crowded house and ahem, men at work as music goes. given the music i grew up listening to and still listen to everyday, i can't believe i just wrote that. guess that is why we call them guilty pleasures.

31-Jan-2008, 01:30 AM
When I was a teen I loved the movie Troll 2 because of how ridiculous it was.

02-Feb-2008, 12:51 AM
jane austen movies:o:shifty:


You should never, never have admitted that.:stunned:

I personnally have a guilty pleasure for high school movies. Like any movie set during High school. Pretty in Pink and Weird Science are some of my faves.

Oh, and I still play D&D. I'm a big dork.

02-Feb-2008, 04:55 PM
Zombi 3
Freddy vs. Jason

02-Feb-2008, 05:05 PM
classical music

02-Feb-2008, 06:18 PM
I'm not so sure if I would classify them as guilty pleasures, myself.....but The Ernest films are considered crap by most and I love them

Know whatta mean, Verne?

Chic Freak
02-Feb-2008, 06:18 PM
Oh, and I still play D&D. I'm a big dork.

My dad used to play that once a week with his friends when I was little! When I asked my mum where he was going, she just rolled her eyes a bit and said "play group". I used to like playing with the little thingies you're supposed to spend hours painting :)

classical music

That's too respectable to be a "guilty" pleasure.

My ultimate guilty pleasures are America's Next Top Model and anything with Janice Dickinson in it.

03-Feb-2008, 02:56 AM
Dawn remake

Zombi 2

:confused: Is it bad to love them?

03-Feb-2008, 03:51 AM
John Carpenters "Ghosts of Mars". Love that movie and I refuse to feel any shame about it. :D


03-Feb-2008, 11:05 AM
The TV show "ultimate force",its ace!like a bloodier more sweary version of the A-team,top notch!

03-Feb-2008, 02:07 PM
Let's see...

The Wizard Of Gore (H G Lewis)
Lindsay Lohan
Nightmare City
Ghosts Of Mars
The Ghastly Ones (Andy Milligan)

I have to stop there bvefore i drown in my own shame :p

03-Feb-2008, 02:41 PM
Obviously for me
Pink Panther cartoons


And Bob Newhart

I love the show set at the Stratford Inn in Vermont

" HI, I'm Larry, and this is my brother Daryl, and
my other brother Daryl"

03-Feb-2008, 10:11 PM
OMG - I have a million guilty pleasures that cover TV, Film and Music - many of them more embarrassing than the last!

My newest one, Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew. Jesus, those people are a freaking mess and I love every minute of seeing it.


03-Feb-2008, 11:07 PM
ska music, most notably the aquabats
playing trading card games and collecting heroclix models
world of warcraft
philly cheesesteak with garlic bread on the side, i aint hleath consiouse but if you gotta flex your figers and toes to get the cheese laced blood flowing through you you know it aint good for you:lol:

04-Feb-2008, 03:51 AM
Diagnosis Murder.

04-Feb-2008, 07:38 PM

t.v show...Spongebob Squarepants

music...Guns and Roses

04-Feb-2008, 07:49 PM
t.v show...Spongebob Squarepants
That can't be classed as a guilty pleasure. Spongebob is the best thing since Ren and Stimpy.

04-Feb-2008, 10:42 PM
That can't be classed as a guilty pleasure. Spongebob is the best thing since Ren and Stimpy. Oh yes this show! I've stopped watching it recently since most of the episodes suck now. The first 3 seasons were the best Season 4 just sucked.....


Another Guilty Pleasure of my.:shifty:

05-Feb-2008, 08:55 AM
Derek and Clive. You don't get any more guiltier than that. :D