View Full Version : Dawn, Day or Land in terms of gore....

01-Feb-2008, 09:40 PM
In terms of gore which is your favorite?

Also for the people who keep saying Lands gore was toned down a bit.....what are talking about? I from what I've seen it's probably the goriest out of the series.....the only problem being the scenes are to short.

01-Feb-2008, 10:14 PM
Day had the most well done gore, hands down. :thumbsup:

01-Feb-2008, 10:54 PM
I say Dawn. Realistic effects.

01-Feb-2008, 10:55 PM
day hands down. easily.

rhodes getting ripped in half, by itself kicks the ass off of the gore in the other two films.

okay, i've thrown down my gage about this thread.

01-Feb-2008, 11:28 PM
I'd toss my coin with Dawn on one side and Day on the other. Right now I'm thinking Day'. Hard call though.

Zombie Snack
02-Feb-2008, 03:26 AM
I like the Gore in Day...just awesome, Land is good but as stated the scenes are short...Dawn would be my least favorite based on the Gore factor

02-Feb-2008, 04:34 AM
im gonna have to go with day, i liked lands gore but had too many cg effects.

Anthony C
02-Feb-2008, 04:45 AM
of the three films... Day by far is the goriest...

02-Feb-2008, 05:44 AM
Day: vicious, sadistic, the stuff of nightmares.

02-Feb-2008, 11:03 AM
Clearly I'm going with Day, it has the best FX not only in the series, but in ALL of horror movie cinema, hands down.

Dawn has many classic gore moments, but with the lower budget, earlier FX techniques etc it doesn't play as well over time, or as good as they might have with better techniques - however this plays into the comic book style of the film, and to me it's my favourite all-time movie ever-ever-ever.

Land has superb make up FX, but the inclusion of CGI is a bit annoying - although considering the schedule for the film, as GAR has mentioned it was pressurised, I can fully understand why they used CGI and completely forgive it. For the most part I don't notice it - some are quite noticeable, but I still love the gag itself - e.g. Zombie Priest.

Land did however, also use CGI in a fantastically non-obvious way. Watching the CGI featurette on the DVD and seeing a bunch of things that were CGI that I thought were actually real was amazing - e.g. Riley and Charlie exiting the underground - I was flabbergasted when I found out that was entirely CGI.

But in all respects - technique, iconic nature etc - Day wins hands down, in the whole of horror cinema as well. BEST. ZOMBIES. EVER.

02-Feb-2008, 11:14 AM
Day, and then Land. Dawn doesn't have that great gore effects really. I know lots of films that have better.

02-Feb-2008, 12:49 PM
Rhodes being ripped apart is awesome, Day wins out just for that (and the inards falling out of that zombie in Logan's lab).

BTW, I know that the CGI core in the theatrical release of Land was toned down, they added a good bit more to the directors cut.

02-Feb-2008, 12:57 PM
Clearly I'm going with Day, it has the best FX not only in the series, but in ALL of horror movie cinema, hands down.
...But in all respects - technique, iconic nature etc - Day wins hands down, in the whole of horror cinema as well. BEST. ZOMBIES. EVER.

I agree totally. I think Day's effects are pretty amazing.

02-Feb-2008, 03:44 PM
And you'll remember why it has the best gore. From the shovel in the head to just every single zombie's makeup to Rhodes' awesome death, this is the best! Tom Savani's masterpiece. I believe Romero has also stated that he considers this his best film.

02-Feb-2008, 04:53 PM
Day, for the reasons already stated.

02-Feb-2008, 05:08 PM
Day is untouchable on this front.

02-Feb-2008, 05:43 PM
Day is untouchable on this front.

indeed it is. i am surprised that dawn has gotten 5 votes. the gore in dawn has always seemed, well, rather primitive. the blood looked ridiculous and the gore effects are just not up to par with the show stopping bloodfest that day is at the end. and the "makeup" in dawn is downright laughable compared to day.

to echo MZ (yes i am slipping into comicbook guy mode)- best zombies ever.

02-Feb-2008, 06:16 PM
As far as realism goes....definitely Day. I like the effects on Land but they're not as in-your-face as they were in Day. They cut out quick while in day you were forced to view the guts spewing about.

Although pretty far from realistic, the effects in Dawn hold a place in my heart for that campy, comic book fun sort of feeling.

All in all, I would have to rate the four films as follows:

1. Day
2. Dawn
3. Land
4. Night

Now I just have to see where Diary will fit into the lineup.:cool:

02-Feb-2008, 08:18 PM
I say Dawn. Realistic effects.

How is bright red blood (and a blue face!) even close to "realistic"? Im not knocking dawn AT ALL, just saying that the SFX were not realistic in ANY sense of the word ;)

Also, i voted for DAY ... no need to explain, as i think we all know why ;)

03-Feb-2008, 12:38 AM
I say Dawn. Realistic effects. Did you get Dawn and Day messed up or can you elaborate more on this?:confused:

03-Feb-2008, 06:17 AM
I will go with Day having the best/most gore of all the movies. I think Dawn has the most frightening overall pace and best character development of them all...unfortunately its effects don't hold up well over the course of time. Not Romero's or Savini's fault, it was a product of its time.
I will say Land has the scene that actually made me gag thou. The zombie who had his hand down the throat of a victim and then it ripped out the insides by the freakin' tounge! Ewwwwww....

03-Feb-2008, 07:25 AM
To be honest I don't pay a whole lot of mind to the gore. It's window dressing to the storyline. More isn't better. More graphic and explicit isn't better. I enjoy it when it adds substance and impact to the storyline.

The scene in Night after the truck explodes and the zombies are feasting on the burned remains is my favorite. I think it does the most to drive home the shocking nature of the zombies. Not only is it a good gore effect, but the acting on the part of the zombies as they fight over the remains is flawless.

As far as Day goes, the scenes of the zombies being disected in Dr. Logan's laboratory were well done. They conveyed the sinister aspect of the research. I enjoyed that. But the military men being ripped apart by the zombies served little purpose beyond being graphic. They were not at all realistic looking. You just don't rip a human being in half.

I don't recall Dawn having a ton of gore. What it did have were good headshots.

03-Feb-2008, 04:23 PM
Day has the best gore that I pretty much have ever seen. When Rhodes got torn apart their is a rubber chicken involved, I did not see it until recently when I was looking closer, but still its good.

Land had a phenominal amount of gore for an R movie and although the scenes were short it was still impressive. Did not like the CGI headshots though.

Dawn is perhaps my favorite or second favorite of the bunch and I think the gore in it is perhaps the most realistic, although Day might be, not a medical doctor.

Gore for gores sake its Day then Land then Dawn then Night. And even Night had some great stuff for its time.

03-Feb-2008, 09:46 PM
I'd toss my coin with Dawn on one side and Day on the other. Right now I'm thinking Day'. Hard call though.

Dude I'm with you there. Dawn had some righteous gore, but that shot from DAY of the y-incision zombie spilling his guts, and that amputation scene...it's a close call.

Also for the people who keep saying Lands gore was toned down a bit.....what are talking about? I from what I've seen it's probably the goriest out of the series

I don' know about goriest of the series.

03-Feb-2008, 10:00 PM
I don' know about goriest of the series. I'll rewatch it, but it certainly looks like it to me, problem being the scenes are to short.

San Jose Shark
07-Feb-2008, 06:44 AM
Day, no question.

07-Feb-2008, 01:52 PM
i think the numbers speak for themselves on this particular subject. 3 out of 4 of us prefer the gore in day - there is a commerical in there somewhere. i am still surprised that 25% think the gore in one of the other movies is better than day.

07-Feb-2008, 04:06 PM
I will admit, the gore in day was the most realistic of them all, but i will tell you that when i went to see dawn in "79", that up to that point, i had never seen anything that gory. i knew, when i saw the shotgun blast,that dawn was a special film. but when i saw "the bite" i knew i was in for a wild freaking ride and the film didn't let me down. so, i guess what i'm trying to say is, dawn has a special place in my heart and for these reasons it'll always get my vote! :D

major jay
07-Feb-2008, 07:24 PM
Though Day's effects are more realistic I gotta go with Dawn's cheap trippy look.

07-Feb-2008, 07:42 PM
I will admit, the gore in day was the most realistic of them all, but i will tell you that when i went to see dawn in "79", that up to that point, i had never seen anything that gory. i knew, when i saw the shotgun blast,that dawn was a special film. but when i saw "the bite" i knew i was in for a wild freaking ride and the film didn't let me down. so, i guess what i'm trying to say is, dawn has a special place in my heart and for these reasons it'll always get my vote! :D

I agree with you totally there. The gore in Dawn is wonderful for its time. And since it was the first Zombie movie I ever saw, it reall stands out to me. But I still had to vote for Day. Day's gore was so far above any of the others it's almost ridiculous.

07-Feb-2008, 08:03 PM
Day is eons ahead of the others in terms of gore. It is my personal favorite too.

08-Feb-2008, 02:42 PM
Gonna mix it up a little here and go with Day as well :)

Land has some great gags and general effects, but the "zombie walks in front of camera as other zombie is chomping down" thing really annoys me...they even said in the commentary that they added the zombies walking in front of the gore as a means to tone it down....bull****.

08-Feb-2008, 02:50 PM
I chose Dawn.

I love the violence and gore in Day but it always seemed a little over the top for me compared to the rest of his films. The zombies seemed to have super human strength in terms of pulling heads off and ripping Rhoades in half. I always felt their strength was in numbers and not the individual zombie itself. So ripping open Sledge in Dawn was about as super human as i'd like to see zombies

08-Feb-2008, 11:36 PM
I voted for Day, although Dawn is a very close second, but Land is a distant third.

09-Feb-2008, 01:03 AM
I cast my vote for Day of the Dead. The effects in Day required a lot of imagination and resourcefulness to bring to fruition. The fact that special effects in the time of Day of the Dead were much more labor, time, and material intensive meant that each one had to be the best it could possibly be. Though CG effects can help a movie, I think it's too easy to fall into the trap of using an effect just because it can be done instead of using it with an eye toward enhancing the story.