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View Full Version : I think Im insane....

04-Feb-2008, 02:37 AM
I was talking to my mom today....and this is how the conversation went.....

Mom: "When are you going to get a serious job....like grow up and get out there in the world........I mean come on what do you want to be when you grow up.....?"

Me: "Hmm.... when I grow up I want to be a child prodigy....."

That ended the conversation essentially cause she just kindof looked blanked face and shook her head.....

I swear Im losing it....:hyper:

04-Feb-2008, 03:50 PM
Oh, this is an easy one

Just tell her you are 26 and you are grown up.

And this one gets me into a lot of trouble
But i can't resist dong it,
I tell all my friends kids to look at their parents and say

"It's Your fault I'm like this!!"

Then if that doesn't get them uptight enough say

"Everythings fine now since I found the Lord"

that usually gets them twitching
and shortly after that my phone starts to ring....

besides dont you have a plan to be a homeless person?

seriously, you'll get a job eventually, your in school still
parents always like to bitch.

04-Feb-2008, 06:55 PM
"Everythings fine now since I found the Lord"


04-Feb-2008, 07:28 PM
"As soon as I find a job that allows me (or anyone else, for that matter) to enter it without already having a) 10 years of experience (yet still agree to the minimum pay possible) or b) a close friend as one of the hiring bosses and/or owners. And preferably one that allows me to make a bare f*cking liveable wage, so I'm not there 40 hours a week and still sleeping on the f*cking street.

...You know, the kind of jobs that USED TO exist, back during your generation."