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View Full Version : I'm innocent! She was dead before I had sex with her!

05-Feb-2008, 02:58 PM
That's OK then son... Off you go home!


Surely one of the most classic defence stories ever (true or not)!

05-Feb-2008, 03:13 PM
That's disturbing and his defense is funny at the same time....

05-Feb-2008, 05:39 PM
If that was in a Cyanide & Happiness cartoon it'd be funny ... and such a situation has been in that superb cartoon...

Unfortunately this is real life ... what a goddamned freak! :eek:

Yeah, because we all know about that unspoken law - similar to "the ten second rule" and food - if you come across a fresh body, you're fully allowed to shag it. :eek:

*wagh!* It's literally just come on the news in the background ... spooky.

Chic Freak
05-Feb-2008, 05:57 PM
Good god, I hope they throw away the key.

05-Feb-2008, 06:23 PM
if you come across a fresh body, you're fully allowed to shag it. :eek:


Now that's funny.

06-Feb-2008, 02:30 AM
PFFFT the forensics's people will rape the guy in court. bite marks in relation to sexual attacks are usually committed during the act not after. so a base tissue analysis will confirm if she was dead or not. which if she were, it goes to the murder motive and so on.

in short that admission was him butthurting himself legally.