View Full Version : i guess we only get $600

06-Feb-2008, 11:08 PM

so apparently $600 is all they want to spend on anyone making $3,000 a year or more to try to "boost the economy"

06-Feb-2008, 11:12 PM
It's a joke

Ron Paul is the only answer for our economy.

06-Feb-2008, 11:21 PM
They do this every few years, and it cracks me up.

These people thrive on the stupidity of the masses. People are dumb enough to believe that throwing a few bucks at them in the form of rebate checks will actually do dick in the long run.

And, since they are the ones in line to get these paltry checks, personal greed makes them not even want to see the truth:

If there weren't so many Americans busting their balls all year and still only barely making ends meet (if that; there are many, many out there that cannot on their salaries), there would BE NO NEED for these checks to "give people money to spend to stimulate the economy".

Every few years, they ignore the T-Rex on their front lawn, and chase the rabbit in the backyard. If they'd deal with the root of the damn problem, they'd save themselves a great deal of effort.

Of course, it would, in fact, be hard to do that in itself, since so many of the lawmakers owe their souls to the rich, greedy ones who would oppose such measures. They can't risk alienating the people who are greasing their palms.

............um......sorry if that seemed like a rant, guys. :p

06-Feb-2008, 11:23 PM
They do this every few years, and it cracks me up.

These people thrive on the stupidity of the masses. People are dumb enough to believe that throwing a few bucks at them in the form of rebate checks will actually do dick in the long run.

And, since they are the ones in line to get these paltry checks, personal greed makes them not even want to see the truth:

If there weren't so many Americans busting their balls all year and still only barely making ends meet (if that; there are many, many out there that cannot on their salaries), there would BE NO NEED for these checks to "give people money to spend to stimulate the economy".

Every few years, they ignore the T-Rex on their front lawn, and chase the rabbit in the backyard. If they'd deal with the root of the damn problem, they'd save themselves a great deal of effort.

Of course, it would, in fact, be hard to do that in itself, since so many of the lawmakers owe their souls to the rich, greedy ones who would oppose such measures. They can't risk alienating the people who are greasing their palms.

............um......sorry if that seemed like a rant, guys. :p

if we all called in sick one day,they'd be plenty hurt

06-Feb-2008, 11:38 PM
if we all called in sick one day,they'd be plenty hurt

That's how Unions started out getting their due (back when they had gripes, before they started abusing their leverage and became as bad as the people they were fighting). Thing is, a huge majority of people in today's services-based society are not in any way united. And millions are getting taken to the cleaners:

The goal for most corporations in the services/retail sector is under 10% payroll. TEN PERCENT!! The employees (the ones actually doing the work) only get 10% of the pie (and this is AFTER all the other overhead, such as merchandise, utilities, and so forth). That leaves 90% going up the ladder.

You have management-level employees actually getting rewarded for kicking you in the balls. Bonuses in the range of about 3-4 times your yearly salary are given out to these people for "keeping payroll down". In other words, making sure you keep getting paid sh*t.

These are the kinds of things that don't go away with rebate checks. Some kind of permanent reform has to be made to have a lasting flow of money to all classes, to keep "the economy" going smoothly.

06-Feb-2008, 11:43 PM
That's how Unions started out getting their due (back when they had gripes, before they started abusing their leverage and became as bad as the people they were fighting). Thing is, a huge majority of people in today's services-based society are not in any way united. And millions are getting taken to the cleaners:

The goal for most corporations in the services/retail sector is under 10% payroll. TEN PERCENT!! The employees (the ones actually doing the work) only get 10% of the pie (and this is AFTER all the other overhead, such as merchandise, utilities, and so forth). That leaves 90% going up the ladder.

You have management-level employees actually getting rewarded for kicking you in the balls. Bonuses in the range of about 3-4 times your yearly salary are given out to these people for "keeping payroll down". In other words, making sure you keep getting paid sh*t.

These are the kinds of things that don't go away with rebate checks. Some kind of permanent reform has to be made to have a lasting flow of money to all classes, to keep "the economy" going smoothly.

umm without unions,u can be fired on the spot no questions asked. so why are they so bad? they wanted to fight for their rights on the job so those wants called for almost irrational behavior to get their point across.

unions work VERY well here as my town makes the jeep

06-Feb-2008, 11:43 PM
Only thing is as our economy approaches that of a Latin American banana republic, political stability goes out the window. It's all fun and games until the proles go off the reservation.

06-Feb-2008, 11:52 PM
Yaaay I get a rebate of 300-600 dollars and i get to pay 2000 extra in taxes next year to make it up.