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07-Feb-2008, 02:06 PM
Since Minny posted yatzhee's review of COD4 i figured on posting this.

Was the ending just an utter pisser or what?

Gaz and Cappy Mutton chops both buying it? come on Whiskey Tango Foxtrot? I can deal with post nuke deto death of your marine character, but sweet Christ man. unless COD5 is somehow based around terrorists invading the VA hospital where Soap is getting his bits sewn back on , i dunno.

Vegas just had a better narrative.

07-Feb-2008, 05:56 PM
I really dug the narrative of COD4, and rather than the one-man-army thing like you usually see in something like Medal of Honor more-often-than-not, 'people' actually die in the game, and it's quite tragic (up to a point, it's a videogame after all).

The nuke thing was a big surprise, killing off the US marine, I kinda thought "hmmm...all bets are off here, methinks".

I was gutted to see the Captain lying there - although it's not entirely clear he's dead, if memory serves, because he's being given CPR...the black guy and the other guy - yeah, they're toast...but I just though the whole, 'Captain lobs you his gun and you have to take those mofo's out as you lie there f*cked up' was great fun, quite dramatic.

Vegas ... better narrative? Even with that ending ... 'oh it was the guy in the chopper all along screwing us over' *evil cackle* 'next time gadget, next time!!!' ... well, something along those lines anyway. :D

Great game, but the storyline wasn't exactly sh*t-hot, I thought COD4's was way better...kinda felt like a war movie.

07-Feb-2008, 07:10 PM
Agreed the nuke portion is for me, and was for many on **** kicker moment. especially after you went through all of that ****e to save your poor downed AirCAv buddy.

fair enough. i'm assuming cappy mcMuttons is dead, due to just how jacked up they all were at the end. and generally if your life depends on a russian grunt securing your airway, your pretty much borked.

having said that, i dunno Rainbow actually worked for me. that and you can full on shoot the chopper down at the end of the game if your careful, so i didn't get the whole "<shakes fist> NEXT TIIIIIIIIImEEEE bit. but i do see where your going there.

All and all i was more so pissed the game seemed to be spilt between wanting to preserve some aspect of realism (having your tema get butt hurt by a single gunship) but then wanting to have it's RPG fun as well (endlessly spawning enemies?) which kinda irked me a bit. then again Rainbow wasn't all that much better in that respect.....

07-Feb-2008, 08:39 PM
I remember all that bullsh*te in the tunnels in Mexico didn't half piss me off, took me f*ckin' ages to get through that underground section, f*ck sake it pissed me off! :rolleyes:

Then I got majorly stuck again nearer the end, but finally cracked through and onwards to victory. The last bit was piss easy on top of the dam.

11-Feb-2008, 06:12 AM
Unfortunatly COD5 is back in WWII. They made the announcement last Friday. I am sick of the WWII shooters, there is way too many of them.

I wonder why these guys keep putting out the same game over and over and then act suprised when they release a modern time game one and it does exceptionally well.

11-Feb-2008, 07:41 AM
meh...another wwii game? not gettin' any of my $.:|

maybe if they did a proper usmc pacific battlefront type game, but it'll probably be the same ol' european backdrop.

man, that got me thinking: anyone heard anything about star wars battlefront 3?

11-Feb-2008, 10:37 AM
Actually I think I heard that COD5 was gonna be the Pacific conflict.

Also, I will point out with a big, fat index finger that Infinity Ward (i.e. true COD) isn't behind COD5, it's the people behind COD3.

What Infinity Ward should do next is give us the ultimate Vietnam game - hell-fookin'-yes.

11-Feb-2008, 03:34 PM
When none of my friends are online, I try to do veteran stuff in the single player portion of the game. I can NOT get passed the beginning of One Shot On Kill on vet!!! :mad: It's so frustrating. I sniped the leader and got out of the building, but now I'm at the part where you come to a street and there are like 5 abandoned buses and a bunch of cars and just an endless barrage of enemies. I die within like 20 seconds every time... even if I hide on the buses, in the bushes, anything. Either a guy finds me and shoots me, a pack of angry dogs attack me, or like five grenades land in a circle around me so I have nowhere to run.

11-Feb-2008, 05:41 PM
Veteran is brutal, mega-mega-hard...I guess they meant it when it said "you will not survive"...dizamn! :eek:

12-Feb-2008, 01:30 AM
Actually I think I heard that COD5 was gonna be the Pacific conflict.

Also, I will point out with a big, fat index finger that Infinity Ward (i.e. true COD) isn't behind COD5, it's the people behind COD3.

What Infinity Ward should do next is give us the ultimate Vietnam game - hell-fookin'-yes.

hey this works out. the other CODs bored me to near suicide , but Infinity ward established themselves as a kick ass studio. so the fact they''re not doing cod5 is fine.

Screw COD5, and lets wait and see what IW pumps out next.

as for Veteran....... try, just try the SAS level where you have to escape the farm house and battle through the chechyans... it's unforgiving...:(

12-Feb-2008, 10:11 AM
Ah mate, you mean where you retreat up the hill and then have to fight back down it to get to extraction?

Ooooooh, I bet that certainly is impossible on Veteran. I tried like 30 times to do the after credits bonus mission on Veteran, because it was an achievement, but I just gave up. It was retardedly difficult, especially within that measily time limit.

13-Feb-2008, 01:04 AM
agreed, one of my buddies is at 900 or so point for COD. his advice continues to be get all of the intel packages and then use those cheats to play through on veteran.

and yeh the in plane mission is freakin psycho on VEt.

13-Feb-2008, 10:26 AM
Ahhhh the intel...I've got about half of them now I think...I'm beginning to hanker for another play through of COD4 now actually...after I've had my latest fill of Project 8 that is.

13-Feb-2008, 04:54 PM
agreed, one of my buddies is at 900 or so point for COD. his advice continues to be get all of the intel packages and then use those cheats to play through on veteran.

and yeh the in plane mission is freakin psycho on VEt.

But if you use cheats, you don't get achievements...

13-Feb-2008, 05:43 PM
And there's no God Mode cheat in it, unlimited ammo sure, but no God Mode...unless of course you play it on a PC, then you just get a trainer or use the command line. :D

But I've got it for 360, so no cheats.