View Full Version : proof that injuries can be healed

07-Feb-2008, 10:50 PM
a 65 year old man sliced off an inch of his middle finger in an accident 4 years ago...he's on cbs right now with a completely new digit complete with NAIL!! it looks no different than a regular finger tip and it only took 4 weeks be complete. the secret? cells from a pig bladder and some kind of celluar powder. and naturally after this,they showed amputees. man, its true god puts things here for a reason,all we have to do is figure out how to use it. also, their next project was rebuilding an esophagus.

07-Feb-2008, 11:21 PM
Wasn't such things banned awhile back? Or was it just using human fetal tissue for it the problem?

07-Feb-2008, 11:23 PM
Wasn't such things banned awhile back? Or was it just using human fetal tissue for it the problem?

just the human part. but cmon if god made a complete WOMAN from one rib then who says cloning or limb regeneration is bad or unethical?

08-Feb-2008, 12:16 AM
humans have allways been well known for our regenerative properties though, granted not as good as newts but i sliced a good quarter of the left side of my index finger off ,including part of the nail a few years back . i was lifting a washing machine (brrr, manlieness! :lol:) and my weak ass dropped it and the metal plate i was holding when straight through the finger taking a piece off, my mom screamed "dont let the dog get it or itll get the taste for you!".

...she was being totally serious, though this is a woman who swears playing a copied dvd will make the player explode:rolleyes::lol:

-anyway, it was covere din this freaky cacoon like scab for about 6 months but the scab kept falling off and getting smaller and smaller as new finger grew back in aorund it, 5 years on and theres no sign of it ever happening.

though im a bit of a freak anyway my cuts have allways healed fast, not as good as a mutant healing factor but its done me well these 19 years;)

08-Feb-2008, 12:41 AM
humans have allways been well known for our regenerative properties though, granted not as good as newts but i sliced a good quarter of the left side of my index finger off ,including part of the nail a few years back . i was lifting a washing machine (brrr, manlieness! :lol:) and my weak ass dropped it and the metal plate i was holding when straight through the finger taking a piece off, my mom screamed "dont let the dog get it or itll get the taste for you!".

...she was being totally serious, though this is a woman who swears playing a copied dvd will make the player explode:rolleyes::lol:

-anyway, it was covere din this freaky cacoon like scab for about 6 months but the scab kept falling off and getting smaller and smaller as new finger grew back in aorund it, 5 years on and theres no sign of it ever happening.

though im a bit of a freak anyway my cuts have allways healed fast, not as good as a mutant healing factor but its done me well these 19 years;)

i totally know what u mean. i burned my right index and middle finger as a kid on some kind of hair appliance called a "stove". it burned me so bad that my fingers fused together and blistered over,then i passed out. i was about 6 when this happend. im 25 now and theres no sign of me ever being burned.
looks like kids heal faster.

08-Feb-2008, 01:24 AM
Why are the past I-can't-even-count-how-many posts you've made all in the media section when they don't have anything to do with media? It's just bugging me.

08-Feb-2008, 01:40 AM
Why are the past I-can't-even-count-how-many posts you've made all in the media section when they don't have anything to do with media? It's just bugging me.
this is the discussion title

"Media Discussion - Discussion of movies (non-zombie), TV programming, music or internet media."

08-Feb-2008, 01:50 AM
this is the discussion title

"Media Discussion - Discussion of movies (non-zombie), TV programming, music or internet media."

What the hell does a 65 year old's finger growing back have to do with television programming?

08-Feb-2008, 02:03 AM
What the hell does a 65 year old's finger growing back have to do with television programming?

my original post says it was on cbs,cmon man lay off the crack.

08-Feb-2008, 03:46 AM
What the hell does a 65 year old's finger growing back have to do with television programming?

Well, there was this one episode of Tales from the Darkside....

08-Feb-2008, 04:27 AM
Well, there was this one episode of Tales from the Darkside....


08-Feb-2008, 11:40 AM
That's cool and all. But some of these do seem off-topic for the media discussion. They would probably fit in better in the General Discussion.

08-Feb-2008, 08:34 PM
my original post says it was on cbs,cmon man lay off the crack.


08-Feb-2008, 09:08 PM



08-Feb-2008, 10:22 PM
Is it just me or does this story remind anyone else of the cheerleader from Heroes?

09-Feb-2008, 09:06 AM
Is it just me or does this story remind anyone else of the cheerleader from Heroes?

yeah, but "save the 65 year old pensioner, save the world" d'unt have the same ring to it:lol: