View Full Version : NEW diary of the dead clip

09-Feb-2008, 01:08 PM
New Diary clip titled "Arrow"


09-Feb-2008, 03:52 PM
Keep in mind before you watch that this clip is a huge spoiler.

10-Feb-2008, 06:31 AM
Keep in mind before you watch that this clip is a huge spoiler.

minor spoiler

10-Feb-2008, 06:33 PM
Guy's, but...but :eek:

A "jumping" zombie???????

10-Feb-2008, 07:12 PM

Can't wait for this.

10-Feb-2008, 08:02 PM
Guy's, but...but :eek:

A "jumping" zombie???????

Nooooooooooooooo! :D

I have to say though, I'm a bit disappointed to see several folks filming a woman who is being attacked by a zombie...I mean FFS. :rolleyes:

10-Feb-2008, 09:40 PM
minor spoiler
Nope, huge spoiler. What do the characters spend the first 2/3 of the movie trying to accomplish?

11-Feb-2008, 01:09 AM
No offense meant but, for the benefit of the people that have not seen Diary, could we please not post anymore spoilers whether they be major or minor at least until after the movie premieres in theaters because in some cases spoilers can totally ruin a movie for some people. Again no offense meant its just that I would rather be surprised when I see the movie, Thanks

11-Feb-2008, 02:23 AM
What spoilers ?

They enter apartment, zombie is thre, they gank zombie, mom zombie is behind couch ...

It's not like they zombie stood up and said "Luke. I am your father!"

:D :confused:

11-Feb-2008, 04:21 AM
What spoilers ?

mom zombie is behind couch
My point exactly.

Better to err on the side of caution than to assume it's no big deal and spoil the surprise for someone. If I hadn't already seen the film, I would be avoiding all online clips as well as the DIARY section of the forum for the next five days.

11-Feb-2008, 05:04 AM
I have to say though, I'm a bit disappointed to see several folks filming a woman who is being attacked by a zombie...I mean FFS. :rolleyes:

yeah, i thought that too...hell-fu(kin-o, there's a zombie attacking my buddy, but let me make sure i get this on film...:confused:

11-Feb-2008, 06:27 AM
Guy's, but...but :eek:

A "jumping" zombie???????

Screwdriver Zombie... He jumped. Right?

11-Feb-2008, 08:07 AM
Actually, the screwdriver zombie sorta lunged. This kid got some vertical on that jump. So what, I like it. Awesome clip!!! Even more excited about the movie now. Although, it does seem that the naration might ruin some of the suspense of the movie. Hafta wait till I see it to be sure I guess.

Arrggghh, I've got my daughter this weekend. Gonna have to wait til Sunday night to see this. (Not that I don't love my daughter's visits, Just REALLY REALLY REALLY wanted to see this opening night. Ah well.)

11-Feb-2008, 11:06 AM
yeah, i thought that too...hell-fu(kin-o, there's a zombie attacking my buddy, but let me make sure i get this on film...:confused:


Exactly the problem I have with the whole Blair Witch approach to these films; Cloverfield, Diary, et al

Who is standing there with their DVX's when the **** is hitting the fan ?

11-Feb-2008, 12:06 PM

Exactly the problem I have with the whole Blair Witch approach to these films; Cloverfield, Diary, et al

Who is standing there with their DVX's when the **** is hitting the fan ?


*looks around at all the 9/11 footage on the internet*

Apparently alot of people....

11-Feb-2008, 03:35 PM
Yeah, I really don't find it very uncommon for people to be so caught up in a situation where they are more worried about getting it on film then thinking straight and helping out. The 9/11 comment is proof of that.

11-Feb-2008, 08:42 PM
No offense meant but, for the benefit of the people that have not seen Diary, could we please not post anymore spoilers whether they be major or minor at least until after the movie premieres in theaters because in some cases spoilers can totally ruin a movie for some people. Again no offense meant its just that I would rather be surprised when I see the movie, Thanks

It doesn't spoil it for everyone, if someone doesn't want to click on the link they don't have to.

11-Feb-2008, 09:15 PM
I am impressed with the look of the film. At least he got away from that heavy color use like Land and kept it more desaturated ot make it feel more like a horror movie.

However, did I see a leaping zombie? Dawn 04 had a leaping zombie,now Diary has a leaping zombie.

Since George is doing it, I don't wanna hear or read no more BS about Zack making super zombies... George is now using them.

11-Feb-2008, 10:01 PM
Since George is doing it, I don't wanna hear or read no more BS about Zack making super zombies... George is now using them.
Wait until you've seen the film before jumping to conclusions. There are no fast-moving, "super zombies" in DIARY.

11-Feb-2008, 10:05 PM
I am impressed with the look of the film. At least he got away from that heavy color use like Land and kept it more desaturated ot make it feel more like a horror movie.

However, did I see a leaping zombie? Dawn 04 had a leaping zombie,now Diary has a leaping zombie.

Since George is doing it, I don't wanna hear or read no more BS about Zack making super zombies... George is now using them.

I agree. The look and feel, ambiance if you will, of the film looks pretty top notch for Romero's lowest budget release since Night. I can't wait to see this movie in its entirity.

12-Feb-2008, 11:14 AM

*looks around at all the 9/11 footage on the internet*

Apparently alot of people....

Not much you can do when some poor bastard is leaping from the 50th floor of a building...I didn't see anybody lying there pumping blood out of their neck while some goon filmed it for a few minutes.

Wait until you've seen the film before jumping to conclusions. There are no fast-moving, "super zombies" in DIARY.

No super zombies in Dawn 04 either, a few runners and jumpers, none of them did anything totally inhuman IMO.

I shall watch it later on and see if I can spot any super-humans though, just to be certain.

12-Feb-2008, 11:18 AM

*looks around at all the 9/11 footage on the internet*

Apparently alot of people....
I know for one thing, if I had my DVX on me and some poo was flung at a cooling device, then I'd be all up in that event's grill with my lens 'n' sh*t ...


It appears as if I've caught gangsta-itis! E-gads! :dead:

What-what, tally-ho old bean ... ahhhh, that cancelled it out...much better...

12-Feb-2008, 11:49 AM
Not much you can do when some poor bastard is leaping from the 50th floor of a building...I didn't see anybody lying there pumping blood out of their neck while some goon filmed it for a few minutes.

You should look a bit harder...

People do film when bad things happen. 9/11 plus many other things are proof of that.