View Full Version : dumb move

09-Feb-2008, 04:11 PM
so apparently we have to cut back on our uses,but no dont ask POWER PLANTS or FACTORIES to do that too :rolleyes::rolleyes:

cuz u know,houses pose more danger to the world than somewhere which houses uranium

09-Feb-2008, 04:58 PM
half of the world's pollution is caused by industry chomping out huge amounts of dangerous chemicals...its sickening...its the great climate change con!!

09-Feb-2008, 05:34 PM
so apparently we have to cut back on our uses,but no dont ask POWER PLANTS or FACTORIES to do that too :rolleyes::rolleyes:

cuz u know,houses pose more danger to the world than somewhere which houses uranium

Just wait until the liberals get their way and start taxing you on your "carbon" production. Even though its been proven that Climate change precedes carbon changes.

09-Feb-2008, 06:35 PM
half of the world's pollution is caused by industry chomping out huge amounts of dangerous chemicals...its sickening...its the great climate change con!!

yep,but we're the culprit :rolleyes::rolleyes:

09-Feb-2008, 10:17 PM
I don't understand why some people refuse to do anything that is good for the environment. The government should do something to get people and companies to do things that are better for the environment, whether that be tax incentives(preferable) or pass laws(absolutely, last resort). The tax incentives for businesses would be for buliding wind or solar farms, and the tax incentives for individuals would be for putting windmills or solar panels on or near their homes, businesses could also put these things on their buildings. Both sides in the global warming debate are correct, although they both go about getting their point across in the wrong way. The planet does go through natural warming periods and will continue to do so no matter what we do. Humans are definitely a contributing factor to Global Warming, maybe not the only/main factor, and unless we as humans do something about our lifestyles we are going to be contributing to making Global Warming worse than it needs to be, and last longer than it needs to. Also in many cases, not all, but many cases the things that we do to help the environment will save us money.

09-Feb-2008, 10:59 PM
I don't understand why some people refuse to do anything that is good for the environment. The government should do something to get people and companies to do things that are better for the environment, whether that be tax incentives(preferable) or pass laws(absolutely, last resort). The tax incentives for businesses would be for buliding wind or solar farms, and the tax incentives for individuals would be for putting windmills or solar panels on or near their homes, businesses could also put these things on their buildings. Both sides in the global warming debate are correct, although they both go about getting their point across in the wrong way. The planet does go through natural warming periods and will continue to do so no matter what we do. Humans are definitely a contributing factor to Global Warming, maybe not the only/main factor, and unless we as humans do something about our lifestyles we are going to be contributing to making Global Warming worse than it needs to be, and last longer than it needs to. Also in many cases, not all, but many cases the things that we do to help the environment will save us money.

we do enough,paying taxes,buying over priced gas are TOO MUCH.

so which one makes ore of a global impact? me using a lightbulb 4 hours a day or the powerplant 20 miles away (davis besse) which burns 24/7 and has enriched uranium?

09-Feb-2008, 11:50 PM
we do enough,paying taxes,buying over priced gas are TOO MUCH.

so which one makes ore of a global impact? me using a lightbulb 4 hours a day or the powerplant 20 miles away (davis besse) which burns 24/7 and has enriched uranium?
While I also think that we pay enough in taxes, I disagree that we are doing enough because we can always do more, whether that be a person doing better in school, a person working harder at work to get a promotion, a person providing a better life for their family than they had when they were growing up, or a person doing more to help the environment. The reason that we pay such high gas prices is because the oil companies hold back innovation in making electric vehicles more efficient. Eventually, with enough research and innovation, electric vehicles can be as fast as, as powerful as, and can do everything that a vehicle with an internal combustion vehicle can do. My whole point is that not only can governments and businesses do more to help the environment but people can as well. After all what good does it do to live your life the way you want to if the planet that you live on becomes uninhabitable for humans and you can't enjoy what you want to do in your life anyway.

10-Feb-2008, 04:34 AM
another link to the local reaction


apparently they were turned around when they got detroit which is 45 minutes away.

so they drove 90% of the way here and the mayor does the old okie doke and says "go home"

12-Feb-2008, 03:10 AM

the mayor called the RV show that was in town and asked how many people attened,then today got in front of a select panel of the city and said "the marines couldnt possibly have done their practicing with the RV show in town and 10,000 people at the show" :rolleyes::rolleyes:

after the managers told him specifically NOT TO use them as a scape goat as they support the troops.


thats it,i quit. im moving.