View Full Version : holy **** my blogs on kotaku!!

09-Feb-2008, 05:52 PM
So i asked pj for a small interview for my blog about silent hill 5 and he said sure and did, so i put it on my blog yesterday, and now now my blogs on kotaku!!


09-Feb-2008, 06:26 PM
Noiiice. :thumbsup:

09-Feb-2008, 06:38 PM
..and right after posting i deleted my favourites folder of all my gameing links:dead:

09-Feb-2008, 07:35 PM
Whats kotaku?

09-Feb-2008, 09:24 PM
Congrats Hellz. You must be stoked, bro.

Whats kotaku?
An interesting (albeit more lowbrow) alternative to the likes of IGN and Gamespot.

09-Feb-2008, 10:00 PM
That's awesome man, congrats! :thumbsup:

10-Feb-2008, 03:40 AM
Congrats Hellsing:thumbsup:

10-Feb-2008, 06:24 PM
That is nuts!


10-Feb-2008, 06:39 PM
Pretty cool. I'm surprised they didn't get someone to edit your poor grammar/spelling/punctuation. :D :p

10-Feb-2008, 06:49 PM
Pretty cool. I'm surprised they didn't get someone to edit your poor grammar/spelling/punctuation. :D :p

dude, i got one hate mail about that, im gonna have to change it.

but tis generated more buzz than i thought, i got tons of freind requests on forums and even xbox live, mostly asking if i knew its release date,i wish i did myself, i cai'nt wait fer another silent hill.

12-Feb-2008, 01:31 AM
So i asked pj for a small interview for my blog about silent hill 5 and he said sure and did, so i put it on my blog yesterday, and now now my blogs on kotaku!!

Foockin well done.


18-Feb-2008, 11:49 AM
oh good lord, i was waiting for something like this.

on the next post on the blog i get this message: Consider this a shot across the bow! There's a war comin!

i check the guys id since i found that a little wierd and found, surprise surprise, another horror blog: http://www.thatguys.co.uk/ wich includes this post:

"Racoon City Times
On our trails through the blogosphere we stumbled upon this site: Racoon City Times. Of course straight away we were amused to see another Resident evil themed blog. Immediately, of course, we at TGAM chuckled at the glaringly obvious typo of "Raccoon" but with only one "C". As no strangers to tyops ourselves, we decided to overlook this and check out the content. As we are a games blog we shall review this blog in a games review style.

When you first start Racoon City Times there are a few things that strike you: The site is black, blatantly a rip-off of the old TGAM layout, even down to the font. The Silent hill Banner gets you confused as to what message this blogger is sending is it a resident evil site, is it a Silent hill site. And finally if you are going to use an obscure off-topic banner, at least try to make it fit the rest of your blog.

The Racoon City Times name conjures up images of a news report site from with in Resident evil, perhaps even a themed blog for resident evil news.

Hell maybe even a fanfic style blog from one of the reporters in Raccoon City (You must be Ben. Right? Get up!). But after the first couple of posts you are starting to see a trend which goes against all of your preconceptions, and not in a good way, you find yourself glancing over all the articles in the hope of getting the Resident Evil flavour that the title of this blog suggests. But to no avail... As you scroll further and further down you will realise there are no Resident Evil posts, you then scan over to the Labels, you see:
Obscure, Silent hill, Project Zero... And no Resident Evil.

Graphics: 1/10
Content: 1/10
Layout: 0/10

Overall score for Racoon City times: 1/10 (Abysmal)"

oh and one of the tags was "war"...another was "wartortle" , forgive me if i cant take someone who use pokemon jokes seriously but still, daaaamn.
now i know my horror games blog doesnt look flashy, but thats the point, its meant to be the horror genre from the view of your average gamer, im not making a big horror site because theres dozens of better ones out there, chri's survival horror quest being a fine example. i can understand him being a little miffed at the resident evil thing, but ive just not been on a resident evil kick for a while, i finished 4 a year ago and have had no real incentive to play em again yet. but the biggest gripe is this guy badmouthed the look of mine, wich i can understand but his is no better at all its just white with tons of ads for i-phones and a shoutbox were its just people yelling homophobic comments.
but theres still some part of me thinking this guy is straight up bitter at the fact mine got all the attention from the silent hill 5 article and his didnt, forgive me for not feeling like i should apologize for just going out of my way to ask for an interview but still... i know it shouldnt bug me that a site that includes fan fiction about sonic the hedgehog in raccoon city but its still annoying yknow?

seriously folks, just a bit angry or straight up bitter?

18-Feb-2008, 01:36 PM
Jesus, Blog-Envy-a-go-go! :eek::p

What a bollock-head, really. I mean it's actually pathetic, why bother attacking someone's blog by the way it looks and by your grammar? It's a blog about horror gaming, with a lot of focus on survival horror - the first game you think of from that genre is Resi - and besides, there's not been much in the way of new Resi games of late has there? I duno, don't play them, but still...blog envy overload, I mean ... why bother?

You should blogcast about it. :D

18-Feb-2008, 02:34 PM
It is immaturity of the highest level. Rise above it, Hellz.

18-Feb-2008, 05:02 PM
It is immaturity of the highest level. Rise above it, Hellz.

oh i have, and by that i mean i didnt leave a big **** off gordon ramsey tourettes style reply :lol:

19-Feb-2008, 05:31 AM
Screw that guy.


19-Feb-2008, 12:13 PM
indeed good sir :lol: