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View Full Version : Had my first living-dead dream last night in MANY years...

19-Apr-2006, 04:22 PM
...it was very vivid, with genuine worry and terror... Cool stuff!!

19-Apr-2006, 04:34 PM
I dreamed of dinosaurs in Botswana last night.

No, I'm not kidding. It was ****ed up.

19-Apr-2006, 04:44 PM
:( Mine was about getting chased and my gun not working--- Then I was in highschool but was retarded... Then I think I banged my cousin...

I need a shrink...

19-Apr-2006, 05:22 PM
I havent had a good "living-dead" dream in quite some time. Maybe it is because I dont watch the trilogy as much as I used to. I always thought those dreams were cool. The last time I remember having one, I remember that I was terrified and I woke up and my heart was beating so hard I thought it was gonna come out of my chest! Usually dreams never scare me, but that one did!

19-Apr-2006, 07:12 PM
I've been dreaming about girls as of late :p

19-Apr-2006, 09:51 PM
I have not dreamed of zombies or girls in a long time. Good lord I just sounded like a geek.

19-Apr-2006, 09:56 PM
i realy almost never dream ,but every time i watch 28 days later i have a dream to do with hiding from those infected, so worth buying the dvd for me,lol.

19-Apr-2006, 10:04 PM
My dreams are so funking random most of the time - one involved me surfing a pepperoni pizza around a city block of Ghostbuster fire station toys on a sea of gunge at the convention for my hairdresser who had set it up to let us all knnow she was going on holiday...I should seek therapy.

Had a dream about two months ago I think, can't really remember the specifics, but it was a nightmare - my first for quite a long, long time - it was pretty ambiguous but I just felt so funking creeped out. What woke me up was this so real sensation of a ghostly hand creeping up my spine and grabbing my head. I woke up in a flash, my heart was pounding out of my chest and I sat bolt upright. Was the most terrified I'd ever been.

19-Apr-2006, 10:42 PM
i realy almost never dream

Everyone always dreams when they are sleeping. But they might not remember it afterwards. So, basicly, whenever you're asleep you always dream.

Another fun fact is that whenever you dream you always have a boner.

19-Apr-2006, 11:19 PM
I dreamt last night that when Elliott Smith died, he left me all his t-shirts. I was happy and yet, very sad at the same time. :( :D :(

19-Apr-2006, 11:28 PM
Another fun fact is that whenever you dream you always have a boner.

thats why it takes me half an hour to get out of bed,lol.

20-Apr-2006, 12:07 AM
...it was very vivid, with genuine worry and terror... Cool stuff!!

Jealous ... i want one!!!!!!! :dead:

20-Apr-2006, 03:17 AM
...it was very vivid, with genuine worry and terror... Cool stuff!!

Those dreams are the best. Its been a while since I had one of those.


20-Apr-2006, 04:07 AM
After not having any for quite some time, I've had two since the first of the year.

20-Apr-2006, 04:31 AM
Lucky. I haven't had a zombie dream in way too long. It angers me. A lot of nights when I lay in bed trying to sleep, I just think of zombies in hopes of having a horrible nightmare. I don't know why I love having nightmares so much but I think my love for them actually prevents me from having them :mad:

20-Apr-2006, 11:04 AM
I need a shrink...

Don't feel bad... My producers think I should seek help too. :p

20-Apr-2006, 12:17 PM
I don't know why I love having nightmares so much but I think my love for them actually prevents me from having them :mad:
"nightmares" are the best! Especially the "zombie" ones. Sometimes I'll eat something really spicey right before I go to bed so I'll have some whacked out dreams.

I've had zombie dreams since I was 5 or 6 years old; but they've never been violent or "scary" - I just have to escape or find safety. In the last 10 years or so, I've had a recurring dream where I'm in some small town looking for a girl and her baby - the town is infected with zombies/aliens. I always drive the same old Ford Pick-Up and there's always the same woman with me.

20-Apr-2006, 03:08 PM
heh, I don't even consider "nightmares" bad dreams, just as cool and scary ones where I always wake with a smile on my face :)

20-Apr-2006, 03:18 PM
heh, I don't even consider "nightmares" bad dreams, just as cool and scary ones where I always wake with a smile on my face :)

I love nightmares myself. I had a crazy dream last night about aliens and going into space and such. I can not remember the details which sucks

20-Apr-2006, 04:08 PM
I love nightmares myself. I had a crazy dream last night about aliens and going into space and such. I can not remember the details which sucks
maybe you were abducted.:elol:

20-Apr-2006, 04:18 PM
I agree with HLS (As always). Nightmares are kinda cool... But I've been having one which is really freaking me out...

I am walking through my old high school and I'm armed to the teeth (Tec-9's, Mini Uzi's, Pipebombs etc) and I'm all alone. The whole school has been evacuated. As I walk into the sports hall, I'm ambushed by Thick Black Clouds. Just before I wake up, the clouds turn into screaming skulls and rush straight at me.

It really freaks me out... seriously freaks me out.... I wake up scared half to death

Can someone tell me what the f*** it means!!!

20-Apr-2006, 05:09 PM
I once had a night terror involving zombies, had me barricading my door every night before bed for months.

21-Apr-2006, 03:27 AM
I dreamed of zombies last night. It was like a History Channel show about them and it wasn't even about me. It was just some people talking about zombies. Then somehow I banged Jessica Alba. She was wearing these really short pink shorts and stretched out on the bed... Whew! :D

I've had some pretty cool zombie dreams. I had one once where I was in a mall with my female triplet friends. We were in a storage room and fending off zombies, but some Marine kept popping in and asking for "more four-fives!" I remember him yelling that. My buddy kept handing him boxes of the ammo I had saved until I was almost out. Then he came back and said one of us could go with him. None of the triplets would leave the others so they made me go. A minute after I left the zombies stopped coming so I went back. There were two wiggers in the storage room with my friends who started berating me for leaving the girls alone; so I pistol whipped one and started beating him to a pulp. Then I woke up. I was ****ed so I called my friends to apologize. They understood.

21-Apr-2006, 03:03 PM
maybe you were abducted.:elol:

lol. Then I would have a rather good story to tell:D

21-Apr-2006, 04:51 PM
lol. Then I would have a rather good story to tell:D
I seriously doubt it. But, anyhoooo,......you could tell us about a Godzilla dream (AGAIN), if you'd like?

24-Aug-2006, 03:51 PM
I have really vivid zombie dreams three or four times a week. Some are scarier than others.

I read a book called "Creative Dreaming" back in college, and ever since then, I tend to dream full story arcs, and since I'm a writer, that's a neat trick for me. I've always been a very active dreamer, but I remember many more of them now and in very complete detail.

Sometimes, I'm just an observer, and it's like watching a zombie movie unfold. Sometimes, I'm a participant, seeing the dream from the POV of some character in the story.

In a couple of my zombie dreams, I've actually been killed and risen as a zombie. In one of my dreams, I'm about to be swarmed, so I put the gun in my mouth and take my own life. When I turned zombie, I would keep dreaming as the new entity; when I shot myself, I instantly woke myself up in a cold sweat...

The dreams are really, really, really scary, because they feel like they're actually happening. When I wake up, I have to sometimes do a reality check to make sure what's what. For a confirmed deadhead: Good stuff.

My subconscious is one sick puppy.


24-Aug-2006, 10:07 PM
Like all of you I have been having zombies dreams for years and I love them, but let me ask you this, have any of you ever managed dream control? I am not able to do this all the time but many times in my dreams I am aware that I am dreaming and can control the dream to my liking. I love it even more when I do this during a zombie dream. It's awesome. :D

26-Aug-2006, 11:59 AM
Details! Details!:D

I myself had kinda an Invasion of the Body Snatchers dream. I can not remember it though:mad:

27-Aug-2006, 08:32 PM
I had one last night; very realistic and vivid...
I didn't figure out what was happening until the middle of it.
I knew there were zombies and that my friends and I had to survive but the cause didn't come until later on...A "mad scientist" had initiated "Plan B"!!!
Well, I soon realized that it was "Plan Bee"!!! He'd created these plants, that when pollinated by honey bees, would spray out a purplish-turquoise vapor and anyone that inhaled it became a zombie. The plants looked like glowing, green and blue daffodils and would pulsate before they sprayed.

09-Nov-2006, 09:19 AM
i just had my first zombie dream in a long time! but i woke up with the stomach ache from hell cuz i ate to many dunkin donuts before i went to sleep! :lol: :lol: :lol: but why is it whenever a zombie dream is over, and i'm awake, i find myself looking over my shoulder! like looking downstairs to make sure theres no one there. i noticed as i got older " scary " dreams are a lot less common. and when they are scary their more fun than anything. i like flying in zombie dreams! although this recent one i just woke up from and had to write about, i was stuck in an underground bunker! literally stuck! there was only one way into that part of the complex, it had chainlink fence everywhere else. so me and some random dude kept throwing chairs and other stuff in thier way, but i mainly remember chairs. i think what was freaky about it is we were trying to protect women and children.

09-Nov-2006, 07:44 PM
I dream about the zombies semi-regularly and because of the movie-like quality, they often end with credits :lol:. I keep having a re-occurring one with me and a few other survivors barricading ourselves inside an abandoned hospital. I wake up excited and whenever I feel I've had an expansion on the previous dream, I jot it down and use it in a story I'm writing. Thing is, whenever I go back to sleep I can never get back into it no matter how hard I force myself. Not had one in a while now but I'm sure there's one on the way soon. Can't wait! :sneaky:

10-Nov-2006, 12:13 AM
...it was very vivid, with genuine worry and terror... Cool stuff!!
Don't ya just love those. Been awhile since i had one but i can remember it well and it was very vivid. :eek:

10-Nov-2006, 08:23 AM
I slept with Freddy Krueger....ok I know, not a zombie dream but hey pretty freaky all the same ;)

Havent had a zombie dream in ages, love it when I do though!

I usually dream about random 'horror' stuff, my friends get abit worried when I tell them all about them but they understand me....sometimes!

Adolf Kitler
11-Nov-2006, 11:16 PM
Funny...I never had any dreams about zombies, but I sure do have plenty of them about being in a public place wearing nothing but my Fruit of the Looms, completely oblivious to my near nakedness.