View Full Version : Social Commentary involving zombies...

Anthony C
13-Feb-2008, 09:18 PM
Recently in an interview Romero made a statement that revealed how he perceived his own zombie films. Roughly quoting, he "doesn't even see them as horror films" but as films that deliver a message in regard to our present social conditions. Do you all think Romero is effective in his social commentary?

13-Feb-2008, 09:49 PM
Without a shadow of a doubt, yes. From the moment I heard Stephen say "this was an important place in their lives" about the mall it was strikingly obvious the message he was to deliver.
If anything has a subtle message its Day...but the commentary in Land is so obvious it strikes you in the face "we don't deal with terrorists".

Even other works by Romero such as Knightriders have stark political commentary and messages, you'd have to be blind not to get them - and surprisingly enough I seem to remember people on here saying they weren't sure of Romero's messages...to me they're so damn obvious its painful!

13-Feb-2008, 10:26 PM
As it was about GAR's zed flicks, I decided to pimp this into the Dead Discussion forum. :)

major jay
13-Feb-2008, 11:08 PM
to me they're so damn obvious its painful!
The subject matter is obvious but not the the opinion on them.

13-Feb-2008, 11:49 PM
YES. It's VERY effective. That's what makes me love Romero's films. The zombies aren't really scary to me....they just are and they don't mean to be. It's the human relations that make it work and make it frightening.

That's probably the reason why I don't like zombie films outside of Romero's. They're pointless.

14-Feb-2008, 12:46 AM
The subject matter is obvious but not the the opinion on them.

very true!

14-Feb-2008, 01:04 AM
everyone of George's film reflects his view on society at the time of filming tied into the subject matter he's putting on screen. George has such a depth of getting a point across without having it to be in your face. I never thought of George's messages in his films as propoganda which is why i believe his films are as effective as they are, he puts more of himself in his films then any filmmaker i know.