View Full Version : My 2008 show-reel...

14-Feb-2008, 10:59 AM
Finally got off my arse and pimped out a new show-reel, thought some of you might fancy a gander.


Featuring a bunch of stuff I've done from 2003 through 2007. Stuff from Uni, my own short films, and things I've done "officially" as a freelancer, as-it-were.

14-Feb-2008, 04:19 PM
I love montages and music... Especially when they're this effective :)

Make sure you safely back this one up... You'll enjoy looking back upon it in 50yrs :)

14-Feb-2008, 05:54 PM
I love montages and music... Especially when they're this effective :)

Make sure you safely back this one up... You'll enjoy looking back upon it in 50yrs :)
Oh aye me old mukka, I back these sort things on disc and to an external hard-drive, then of course in this case - YouTube as well.

Glad you liked my montage-rific reel, Neil.

Initially I was just going to pick a track and then not really edit to the music, but I always end up doing that and it works better. It's kinda tricky really, picking the right music that'll fit with a whole variety of footage, it has to be something with peaks & troughs to the rollercoaster of the track itself, then you have to figured out what order you'll use - which is really tough in itself, with so much disparate footage you just have to essentially dive in as if you were making a collage with paper - and then of course there's the pacing of it all, and do you use hard cuts, fades or dissolves between certain footage.

A lot of thinking goes into making a show-reel, so I put the effort in and I'm chuffed with it. :)

14-Feb-2008, 06:05 PM
cool reel man, good job!

14-Feb-2008, 07:46 PM
That was a nice reel, some mesmerising images there. :)