View Full Version : Indiana Jones 4 trailer...

14-Feb-2008, 11:26 AM
There's hope!


Some of the stuff looks rather cgi though!

14-Feb-2008, 12:27 PM

There is hope. Can't wait.

I loved RAIDERS and TEMPLE but as always with Lucas' involvement (Ewoks), the series got too cute for me, starting with Shortround kicking grown men's asses in ToD.

I'm keeping fingers crossed on this one !

14-Feb-2008, 01:10 PM

There is hope. Can't wait.

I loved RAIDERS and TEMPLE but as always with Lucas' involvement (Ewoks), the series got too cute for me, starting with Shortround kicking grown men's asses in ToD.

I'm keeping fingers crossed on this one !

My only worry is Spielberg has stated this one is most like the 3rd, which is my least favourite...

14-Feb-2008, 04:54 PM
My only worry is Spielberg has stated this one is most like the 3rd, which is my least favourite...

The third is my favorite. I know...shoot me.

It looks fun, though.

14-Feb-2008, 05:34 PM
I liked The Last Crusade too!

For me, Temple of Doom is my least favorite.

14-Feb-2008, 05:58 PM
Feck dude, the third is my favourite too. The first comes a close second and the middle one is kinda ... you know ... there. :D

14-Feb-2008, 06:36 PM
the series got too cute for me, starting with Shortround kicking grown men's asses in ToD.

I'm keeping fingers crossed on this one !

that trailer looks great.

mutineer is right - shortround was one of the most irritating movie sidekicks ever.

"you cheat dr. jones."

14-Feb-2008, 06:42 PM
that trailer looks great.

mutineer is right - shortround was one of the most irritating movie sidekicks ever.

"you cheat dr. jones."

"No time for love, Dr. Jones!"

I like Shortround. He wasn't great, but he wasn't that bad. But he was in the least of the series...

14-Feb-2008, 07:30 PM
RAIDERS is my favorite

That film was nominated for Best Picture and Best Director !

Crazy to think about.

14-Feb-2008, 07:48 PM
Better version of the trailer - http://movies.yahoo.com/feature/indianajones.html;_ylt=AsY7qv8MSH6wl3g1GC6bw55fVXc A

Music sounds very Transformers!

"No time for love, Dr. Jones!"

I like Shortround. He wasn't great, but he wasn't that bad. But he was in the least of the series...

Sean Connery was the least of the series for me...

29-Feb-2008, 12:08 PM
Raiders was the best IMO. The whole franchise was new in 81 and packed a punch the sequels had no chance of replicating. Sidekicks are killers though. Whenever they start using them the series goes downhill. 1957, God I hope there are no scenes of malt shops and teens that make the movie feel like an episode of Happy Days.

29-Feb-2008, 04:39 PM
Raiders is my fave, as Maximus says, it launched the series and was generally a slam bang adventure from start to finish.

Oh, and shortround...we really need a >thumbs down< kind of smiley here!

29-Feb-2008, 10:16 PM
The third film was a good return to form, in my opinion. Temple just wasn't that good. I'm hopeful and will not be *too* judgmental, given the fact that it is a pulp genre flick.

03-Mar-2008, 12:34 PM
call me a name, but Short Round is and will always be my favorite IJ character. The rest of that movie was pretty bad, however (ToD).

03-Mar-2008, 02:02 PM
1957, God I hope there are no scenes of malt shops and teens that make the movie feel like an episode of Happy Days.

Have you seen the character that Shia Labeouf plays? He looks like Fonz.:lol: Rumor has it that he's Indy and Marion's love child....

I'm anxious to see how the alien plot and the Ark tie together. I tell ya....Speilberg loves those aliens, doesn't he?

03-Mar-2008, 06:02 PM
And I want there to be GUNS...not walkie-friggin-talkies.

03-Mar-2008, 06:04 PM
And I want there to be GUNS...not walkie-friggin-talkies.

I seem to remember you mentioning this in another thread. I know they took the guns out of E.T., but did you say something about them taking the guns out of the Indy 4 trailer?

03-Mar-2008, 06:06 PM
What I heard (and saw stills of) is that the USA trailer (not the European one though) was censored.

Whole soldiers carrying guns in certain shots were digital erased...how ghey is that?

03-Mar-2008, 06:07 PM
What I heard (and saw stills of) is that the USA trailer (not the European one though) was censored.

Whole soldiers carrying guns in certain shots were digital erased...how ghey is that?

I didn't hear about that. Got a link?

How can they censor out guns on an Indy movie? It's been a running gag of the series that some henchman will show off his skills with a blade or something and then Indy calmly shoots him.....WITH A GUN!

03-Mar-2008, 10:09 PM
I saw it on the Melon Farmers website I think.

I duno why they censored out the guns from the USA trailer...really daft.

04-Mar-2008, 12:35 AM
I saw it on the Melon Farmers website I think.

I duno why they censored out the guns from the USA trailer...really daft.

I found it. Looks like they just censored out the guns that are pointing AT Indy and whatever character Ray Winstone is playing. I guess as a general audience trailer that's fairly normal. Surely it won't be edited out in the final film.

04-Mar-2008, 08:24 AM
Nah it'll be in the final film, but it was just retarded.

If it's in the final film, why not show it in the trailer?

It's like taking a porn movie, taking the porn out and showing it as a PG trailer to lure in the incredibly easily offended.

10-Mar-2008, 12:25 PM
Just like the old posters. Nice...


10-Mar-2008, 01:34 PM
Well a bit like them, in terms of montage anyway.

They're not like the old ones though, which were paintings by the great Drew Struzan. This one you've pimped up here is just photoshopping a bunch of photos to look a bit like the old ones.

Bring back the old school paintings I say, far more inspiring and interesting than the same old photoshopped screen grabs and photo shoots. :bored:

10-Mar-2008, 01:37 PM
uhhh....are you sure about that? Because the source I got it from says that it's another Struzan....


And according to Struzan's official site, he's doing the posters. The image isn't on there yet, but it's listed in his projects....

10-Mar-2008, 01:47 PM
uhhh....are you sure about that? Because the source I got it from says that it's another Struzan....


And according to Struzan's official site, he's doing the posters. The image isn't on there yet, but it's listed in his projects....

Permission to edit your reply to MZ and add a :moon:

10-Mar-2008, 01:56 PM
Well, I watched the trailer twice now and while I think it is awesome to be getting a new Indy Jones flick, I didn't think the trailer was all that. I will still have my ass firmly plated in the seat on opening night though, but it looks like all the best action pieces were shown in the trailer.

Here is hoping they send Indy off in a classic and fantastic fashion.

10-Mar-2008, 02:14 PM
Well, I watched the trailer twice now and while I think it is awesome to be getting a new Indy Jones flick, I didn't think the trailer was all that. I will still have my ass firmly plated in the seat on opening night though, but it looks like all the best action pieces were shown in the trailer.

Here is hoping they send Indy off in a classic and fantastic fashion.

I have to agree that the trailer wasn't great. But then again, I think that was just a Teaser, so hopefully the full trailer will be better.

The thing that I didn't like most about the trailer is the CGI. I of course knew there would be CGI in the film, but I just hope it's not over-used.

After getting the new issue of Entertainment Weekly this past weekend and reading about "Kingdom...", I decided to sit down with my lady, a few beers, and watch the original trilogy from start to finish. Great fun. The third is still my favorite, but I have to admit that even though Doom is the least favorite for most, it appears to be the best from a technical filmmaking standpoint, imo.

10-Mar-2008, 02:16 PM
Just like the old posters. Nice...


The kid does look like Fonzi!

Love child, firearms digitally removed from the trailer... :annoyed:

I'm getting a bad feeling about this.

10-Mar-2008, 02:41 PM
The kid does look like Fonzi!

Love child, firearms digitally removed from the trailer... :annoyed:

I'm getting a bad feeling about this.

Nobody is certain that LaBeouf's character is Indy's soon. He could be just Marion's, or he could just be a random new character.

The guns removed from the trailer isn't that big of a deal, imo. It's a general audience trailer, which means it can play in front of all ratings. I imagine machine guns pointing at someone's head isn't something they want kids watching "Alvin and the Chipmunks" to see.

This film has the potential to be a bomb, and of course it will have those people that scream "It's not the same as Raiders/Doom/Crusade!", but I doubt Spielberg will make a horrible movie. Even his worst films are still decent and worth a watch. Just seeing Harrison Ford back in the jacket and hat is enough for me.:D He doesn't look as old as I thought he would.

I love the lines in the trailer...

JONES: DAMN! I thought that was closer!


KID: You're a teacher?!?
JONES: Part time...

That's Indiana Jones right there, baby!:hyper:

10-Mar-2008, 03:31 PM
Ahh but story is, in part, by George Lucas which means we could be in trouble judging by his SW prequels.

10-Mar-2008, 03:34 PM
Huh...looked just like some photoshopped stuff to me, like screenshots or whatever downgraded a bit to look like a painting...it certainly doesn't look like the old posters, layout wise it does, but it still doesn't look the same as back in the day...that's what I was getting at...ah I duno...

*can't be arsed anymore*

Roll on Indy4.

10-Mar-2008, 03:34 PM
Ahh but story is, in part, by George Lucas which means we could be in trouble judging by his SW prequels.

True....but he's had story credits on all the indy films.

10-Mar-2008, 03:47 PM
True....but he's had story credits on all the indy films.

Yup. I guess what I'm saying is that as long as he has input and access to a word processor, there could be problems.