View Full Version : Romero says a sequel to his Dead Franchise is a "real possibility."

14-Feb-2008, 05:32 PM

Although the article talks more about a zombie comedy and two dream projects, it does mention a sequel to the zombie franchise is a real possibility...

12:00 AM, 14-FEBRUARY-08


Romero Reveals Dream Projects

George A. Romero, who returns to his zombie roots with the upcoming horror film Diary of the Dead, told SCI FI Wire that another sequel in his popular franchise is a very real possibility. The legendary filmmaker revealed that he hopes to one day make a zombie comedy and also has two "dream" projects that he doubts will ever come to pass.

"I have this balls-out comedy zombie thing I have wanted to do for three years," Romero said in an interview. "It's basically the coyote and the road runner. It's one human and one zombie. You can do a lot of damage to a zombie, and it still lives. So I just had this idea that I'd love to do that [as] almost a cartoon. That's the one that's closest to my heart, but I don't know if anyone's ever going to get it enough to say, 'OK, we'll finance that.'"

As for the dream projects, Romero's choices may surprise fans of the zombie auteur. "The movie I have always wanted to make for some obscure, unknown reason--probably because as a kid I grew up with [Johnny] Weissmuller--is Tarzan of the Apes," Romero said."“I'd love to do two things, actually. I'd love to do Tarzan of the Apes the way [Edgar Rice] Burroughs wrote the original book, and I'd love to do Dracula[/I]."

Romero said that, to his way of thinking, the two classic genre books have never been faithfully adapted to the cinema, though they have been the source of many movies over the decades. "[Dracula has] never been accurate to the novel," Romero argued. "Those are the two things I'd love to do. I got close on Dracula. No one is ever even going to talk to me about Tarzan. They're really from my youth. They're childhood dreams. They're not going to happen, but I can dream." Diary of the Dead opens on Feb. 15. --[B]Ian Spelling http://www.scifi.com/scifiwire/images/spacer.gif

14-Feb-2008, 07:30 PM
Good article, it explains a few things that needed to be cleared up. I think it's inevitable that GAR is going to do a sequel to Diary, he pretty much announced that it was gonna be a new franchise from the start.

"I have this balls-out comedy zombie thing I have wanted to do for three years," Romero said in an interview. "It's basically the coyote and the road runner. It's one human and one zombie. You can do a lot of damage to a zombie, and it still lives. So I just had this idea that I'd love to do that [as] almost a cartoon. That's the one that's closest to my heart, but I don't know if anyone's ever going to get it enough to say, 'OK, we'll finance that.'"

14-Feb-2008, 08:06 PM
I would like to see a zombie comedy - a zomedy *punny-type grin* :p - GAR isn't really known for comedy at all, so it'd be interesting to see him mash one of his staples, with a genre that isn't linked to GAR at all.

14-Feb-2008, 08:54 PM
Yeah, but what about Shaun of the Dead? I know it's not GAR, but it is a zombie comedy, right? :confused:

14-Feb-2008, 09:17 PM
We all know about Shaun of the Dead and it's awesome, my point was I'd really like to see GAR do a zombie comedy - two genres, one he's well known for, one he's not known for at all.

It'd be interesting to see what the godfather of the modern zombie has in mind for such a film.

14-Feb-2008, 09:46 PM
well it will probably never happen but a romero directed, faithful to the book adaptation of dracula sounds pretty cool to me.

tarzan not so much. never been into those movies.

14-Feb-2008, 09:58 PM
I thought he already made a comedy it was called Land of the Dead :hyper:

15-Feb-2008, 06:17 PM
I could see Dracula being pretty cool.

15-Feb-2008, 06:53 PM
Romero never did comedy? I really question whether or not you've seen the original Dawn of the Dead. Ha ha.

Seriously though I'd love to see Romero do that too. More of a straight up comedy I guess rather than a black comedy like Dawn.

15-Feb-2008, 07:33 PM
One human vs. one zombie would be a freakin' hysterical comedy, much funnier than the ridiculous zombie-chic-metal-hair-band idea. Romero should have never let on to the concept, though, because now someone will undoubtedly steal it.

I would drop dead of shock if anyone actually considered financing it. Distributors love to market the "legendary director" every chance they get, but forget about actually giving the guy some dough to make a quality product.

15-Feb-2008, 09:26 PM
I too dig the idea of one-man-versus-one-zombie in a very cartoony way, it sounds really interesting.

Well, sure, GAR's done a bit of black comedy trimmings here and there, but this idea actually is flat-out comedy. But it's a genre Romero definitely isn't known for, so it'd be cool to see him try something a bit different, and might perhaps provide him with a sort of olive branch towards other sorts of films in this, his second wind if you will.

Coming back from relative obscurity with Land of the Dead, and now hitting back with the two of the old-one-two, with Diary of the Dead, if GAR can then kick out into more varied things with a flat-out zombie comedy - and then from there perhaps those more on the 'outside' of the Romero universe will find it easier to accept a change of gear that doesn't involve zombies - or perhaps even horror - well, certainly the former.

15-Feb-2008, 09:54 PM
I too dig the idea of one-man-versus-one-zombie in a very cartoony way, it sounds really interesting.
Me too. What's the betting that Pegg and Wright might have some sort of input into the project? Seeing as though they are good friends with Romero an' all.

16-Feb-2008, 11:05 AM
Me too. What's the betting that Pegg and Wright might have some sort of input into the project? Seeing as though they are good friends with Romero an' all.
I know! ... Lucky bastards. :)

17-Feb-2008, 05:49 AM
I really wanna see a Diary sequel, with the same characters.

17-Feb-2008, 05:56 PM
Why does Romero remind me so much of Lucas ?

Can't he do anything else other than undead films ? :annoyed: :rolleyes:

17-Feb-2008, 06:00 PM
At the moment, practically speaking of deals and securing finance, most likely not.

Land of the Dead was his first major release in many years, he returned to what he was known best for. It did well (face up Blanders, it flat-out did), and as he had another idea that was both something he wanted to do, and something that was commercially viable for him to do as he wanted, that's where he went.

Prior to Land he was basically out in the filmmaking wilderness, at least to mainstream eyes - heck, even to use GAR nerds he wasn't exactly prolific and out there - so he has to re-establish himself.

Also, there'll be an element of it's just how the game goes. Either make a zombie film you want to make, or basically get nothing done at all - so we come back to re-establishing himself so he can branch out once again.

17-Feb-2008, 06:06 PM
Why does Romero remind me so much of Lucas ?

Can't he do anything else other than undead films ? :annoyed: :rolleyes:

because you have been smoking too much crack perhaps?:D

romero has done non-zombie movies - a lot of them flat out great, e.g. martin and creepshow.

comparing him to a hack like george lucas (who is just that a complete and total hack- i like star wars less and less every year- the original 3 just look so trite and childish to me now, with cringe inducing dialouge and corny, corny situations.) makes no sense at all to me.

Prior to Land he was basically out in the filmmaking wilderness, at least to mainstream eyes - heck, even to use GAR nerds he wasn't exactly prolific and out there - so he has to re-establish himself.

yep. if you all remember he had a couple of major deals fall through on him. like resident evil and the mummy remake (apparently his script was a horror movie not raiders of the lost ark with brendan fraser).

17-Feb-2008, 07:20 PM
Why does Romero remind me so much of Lucas ?

Can't he do anything else other than undead films ? :annoyed: :rolleyes:
Do a little research on Romero's career before rolling your eyes in impatience.

From Day One since NIGHT was released, the guy has been trying to move on to other things, but producers, distributors and audiences just can't keep from pigeon-holing him as the "zombie guy."

Now that he wants to create a living dead franchise that he can control, people are suddenly asking "are zombies all that he can do?" What a joke.


18-Feb-2008, 01:45 AM
Do a little research on Romero's career before rolling your eyes in impatience.

From Day One since NIGHT was released, the guy has been trying to move on to other things, but producers, distributors and audiences just can't keep from pigeon-holing him as the "zombie guy."

Now that he wants to create a living dead franchise that he can control, people are suddenly asking "are zombies all that he can do?" What a joke.


I applaud you sir!:thumbsup: