View Full Version : What the fatwa?

15-Feb-2008, 08:47 PM
ring the bell.

denmark's intel service has arrested three muslims that appear to have been in denmark with the express intent of murdering the people responsible for the cartoons of the so-called "prophet."

after the arrests (this i find funny to no end) the major papers in denmark have all reprinted the cartoons! leading to another round of protests, which as sure as the run rising in the east, will no doubt spread to the middle east.


though now i realize that i should've named this thread "what the fatwa?"

here is my favorite of the bunch with the caption changed to english:

16-Feb-2008, 10:05 PM
Amazing how thin-skinned these jackasses are.

It's all well and good to go around killing people and declaring "holy wars" and all that bullsh*t, but if someone makes fun of their little "prophet", they get all pissy.

"Martyrs"? More like "little bitches".

17-Feb-2008, 09:31 AM
How stupid is the media for doing this again, if all it takes is a cartoon for blood to spill then they shouldn't be doing it.

17-Feb-2008, 11:16 AM
Doesn't this whole 'don't create an image of the prophet' technically only apply to Muslims? :confused:

It'd be like a bunch of Western football hooligans going to a Muslim country and burning effigies in Burkhas and demanding that all the women get the norks out on the cover of Nuts magazine and strut around in mini skirts and that everyone chill out on the religion front and just take up weed instead and play videogames.

Basically, it's all rather daft I feel. Fair enough in Muslim countries, don't go around drawing their prophet, but here in the West we criticise all religions and anything is open to humour.

That 'no more virgins left' cartoon I found actually quite funny, as a joke it's solid.

17-Feb-2008, 01:40 PM
Doesn't this whole 'don't create an image of the prophet' technically only apply to Muslims? :confused:

everyone chill out on the religion front and just take up weed instead and play videogames.

Basically, it's all rather daft I feel. Fair enough in Muslim countries, don't go around drawing their prophet, but here in the West we criticise all religions and anything is open to humour.

yep it applies only to muslims.

chiiling out and taking up weed and video games is exactly what these folks need to do.

indeed. they can keep their idiocy in the middle east where it belongs. the lack of a sense of humor is truely one of the most dangerous things. nothing is really above ridicule when you come down to it. certainly, to me at least, religion falls squarely in the ok to ridicule category.

17-Feb-2008, 01:43 PM
Go easy on the muslims, please!:(:annoyed::moon:

17-Feb-2008, 02:12 PM
I duno about anyone else, but I'm not going hard on the Muslims, but I am fed up of the complaining the loud minority do about the West exercising their hard fought-for right to criticise and make light of anything we please, it's part of our freedom here in the West.

If it's only Muslims who aren't allowed to make images of their prophet, shut up about us in the West exercising our freedom of speech. Like with nob'eds like Mary Whitehouse complaining about TV she didn't like - if you don't like it, go look at something else.

We're not running into Muslim countries and wiggling our bits at them to try and force them to take up reading Nuts magazine or watch Michael Bay movies or anything, so my point being, I don't want to be told what I can or can't make a joke out of.

I.E. lighten up and play some videogames. :p:D

17-Feb-2008, 02:19 PM
Like with nob'eds like Mary Whitehouse complaining about TV she didn't like - if you don't like it, go look at something else.

what a dry boxed old bat that whore-baited c*nt slag was. some of the shows/stuff she complained about (like doctor who and the use of the word bloody) were just unbelievable.

i am more and more of the opinion that the word offensive should be removed from the english language entirely and people who use to complain about things they don't like ought to be hung from a tree like a pinata while the keebler elves beat them with sticks to see if they can knock the candy out of their asses.

17-Feb-2008, 04:51 PM
I say run the cartoons everyday till the crack of doom.

17-Feb-2008, 05:09 PM
though now i realize that i should've named this thread "what the fatwa?"

Sorted ;)