View Full Version : Review in Entertainment Weekly

18-Feb-2008, 12:16 AM
I don't know if anyone else mentioned this, but I just read the Review of Diary of the Dead in Entertainment weekly...The flick got a B- not to shabby. The reviewer thought the movie was good but lacked the flavor of blair witch project. I have yet to see this movies since the closest theater is 4 hours away...maybe it will be released on video soon I will close myself off to the rest of the world for 90 minutes.

Check out the review in the latest issue! I would post it but I am WAY!!! to Lazy!!!


18-Feb-2008, 12:30 AM
I don't know if anyone else mentioned this, but I just read the Review of Diary of the Dead in Entertainment weekly...The flick got a B- not to shabby. The reviewer thought the movie was good but lacked the flavor of blair witch project. I have yet to see this movies since the closest theater is 4 hours away...maybe it will be released on video soon I will close myself off to the rest of the world for 90 minutes.

Check out the review in the latest issue! I would post it but I am WAY!!! to Lazy!!!


here is a link to the review:


just read it.
funny he gave it a b minus when he really doesn't have that much good to say about it.
two statements stick out to me in this article -

start of last paragraph:
"That said, diary isn't bad; it's a kicky B movie hiding inside a draggy, self-conscious-work-of-auteurist-horror one. (his dashes not mine - i know i love to use them but damn.)

and the last sentence: "as horror, diary of the dead delivers the gross-out goods, but only the gullible will confuse these ritualized shock videogame tactics with something relevant."

does this dude need to get over himself or what?

18-Feb-2008, 01:22 AM
as horror, diary of the dead delivers the gross-out goods, but only the gullible will confuse these ritualized shock videogame tactics with something relevant."

does this dude need to get over himself or what?

I wonder if this guy knows that whatever gore like scenes he saw in this movie were made by the guy who is largely credited as being the godfather of gore. He is the reason for the whole flesh eating zombie craze and as such tons of gore.

Most reviewers need to get off their high horse anyway. I just always wondered what it would take to become a reviewer and get paid to watch and then complain about the movie that you just saw. Dude sounds like he is reading off the generic cue cards but I have to agree that I was suprised it got a B-.

My favorite is him comparing it to Blair Witch and saying it did the camera work better. Did he see that movie at all? I know people liked it for some reason but it was terrible camera in that movie, and Cloverfield made you sort of sick watching it, it would have been a good monster movie without that view to be honest.

I also like how towards the end he acts like the movie is mimicing Cloverfield. Yup, that is what it is doing exactly. I would not be suprised if Romero had only vaguely heard of the movie if at all. I mean really no one knew crap about it until mid last month and Diary has been done longer than that. It just has bigger PR campaign.

I have heard that George is a bit more direct with the message but its what you have to do sometimes, hit people over the head with it.