View Full Version : biohazard 2 romero ad making of documentary

18-Feb-2008, 12:44 AM

great little doc. on my favourite game in the seires' ad by romero and by eck its hard to believ thats only 12 odd years ago, the dudes not been looked upon kindly by time.

18-Feb-2008, 12:09 PM
Excellent find there, Sir.

If only GAR had been allowed to do Resi, rather than blood belch Anderson and his sucky script. :(

18-Feb-2008, 12:25 PM
i still dont get why theres all this hate for the resident evil movies, sure i can rant about there only being one licker as a bad guy in the first one but as stand alone movies there pretty good, the alleys full of zombies in apocalypse was great and i really enjoyed exctincion, mostly becuase it didnt try to follow the games and whent its own ay instead, though maybe the fact that anderson didnt do owt but produce it this time played a factor, i mean are they as good as romeros trilogy, no, but theres way more films there worse than these than there are better than it in the zombie sub genre of horror.
i think they were just giving such a bad rep that people go in instinctively expecting crap in the first place before they make there own opinion, whilst forgetting the fact this is the 3rd movie in the series there paying to see yknow?

18-Feb-2008, 01:39 PM
I think they suck because they just cop out for the MTV pandering target audience. The scripts are rubbish, they have no balls, they're targeted at teenagers instead of the full-on-horror of the more adult audience (especially as the games are rated for adults)...they're just so limp and uninspired, they dross.

They get better as they go along the series, but Extinction was still a complete nonsensical mess. Especially GAR, but still almost anybody else could have done a better job of the movies...I think Apocalypse was about the best one out of the three turds because it was most like Resi 2.

19-Feb-2008, 12:46 PM
As much as I love George, and the RE games, and this commercial, I feel that a documentary for such a short commercial is a little bit ridiculous. Although, it was a good doc.

19-Feb-2008, 01:24 PM
Cool documentary.

Oh what Romero could have done with the RE movies.:eek:

I've said it before and I'll say it again...man I love being a turtle. Wait...I meant...f*ck you Anderson!