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19-Feb-2008, 11:29 PM
ok im not steppin on the guys toes but his career in politics only started in 1997..................

kennedy's started in 1947 and he wasnt elected at prez til 1961.......

somewhat of the deer in headlights point in his political career and i dont think he's ready.

and the fact he's a JUNIOR senator?!?!?! cmon guys......get real. if he wins, we're f*cked

19-Feb-2008, 11:37 PM
it's cus he's black ain't it? Your a racist ACE A RACIST!!

19-Feb-2008, 11:39 PM
A black guy that hates black people? Well, it's not unheard of. Wasn't there a chick on Oprah once? :rolleyes::D

20-Feb-2008, 12:14 AM
That's kind of why I like him. He hasn't been in the game long enough to become as corrupted as any other choice.

20-Feb-2008, 12:45 AM
A black guy that hates black people? Well, it's not unheard of. Wasn't there a chick on Oprah once? :rolleyes::D
uhh. obama isnt black........kenyan and white. which isnt african american

20-Feb-2008, 12:51 AM

that seems pretty black to me.

20-Feb-2008, 12:51 AM
uhh. obama isnt black........kenyan and white. which isnt african american

True, but most guilty feeling white liberals don't see a difference.


that seems pretty black to me.

Half Kenyan. And thats not black unless you don't know what "black" in North America is. Thats like saying Arabs are white because they're caucasians.

20-Feb-2008, 12:57 AM
black in north america is different then black anywhere else? Well jesus thats news to me. I always figured that black in one part of the world would be black in anouther.

20-Feb-2008, 12:59 AM
black in north america is different then black anywhere else? Well jesus thats news to me. I always figured that black in one part of the world would be black in anouther.

just like white is the same here and in canada and then different over in iceland.

20-Feb-2008, 01:05 AM
black in north america is different then black anywhere else? Well jesus thats news to me. I always figured that black in one part of the world would be black in anouther.

Its obvious you don't know many black people then. Black isn't a skin color.

20-Feb-2008, 01:17 AM
Its obvious you don't know many black people then. Black isn't a skin color.

are you serious? holy **** I'm wrong, you've convinced me by God! Cus you know, not knowing too many black people means i don't know the difference between skin colours, but hey, I guess i'm wrong because i'm the dumb, 19 year old high school drop out.

Please, tell me Professer knowledge, how black isn't a skin colour?


I laughed VERY much at your snide remark. You are either a great troll, or a turd whom is so set up in their own personal belief system, that you can safely (and smugly) say that black isn't a skin colour.

20-Feb-2008, 01:24 AM
are you serious? holy **** I'm wrong, you've convinced me by God! Cus you know, not knowing too many black people means i don't know the difference between skin colours, but hey, I guess i'm wrong because i'm the dumb, 19 year old high school drop out.

Please, tell me Professer knowledge, how black isn't a skin colour?


I laughed VERY much at your snide remark. You are either a great troll, or a turd whom is so set up in their own personal belief system, that you can safely (and smugly) say that black isn't a skin colour.


20-Feb-2008, 01:28 AM
Talking of black, what's the betting this thread will be 'toast' in a minute?

20-Feb-2008, 01:30 AM
Talking of black, what's the betting this thread will be 'toast' in a minute?

this thread is on life support for sure and someone needs to pull the plug and let it pass away. no one but mikepizz or liam will probably get that reference.

20-Feb-2008, 01:43 AM
are you serious? holy **** I'm wrong, you've convinced me by God! Cus you know, not knowing too many black people means i don't know the difference between skin colours, but hey, I guess i'm wrong because i'm the dumb, 19 year old high school drop out.

Please, tell me Professer knowledge, how black isn't a skin colour?


I laughed VERY much at your snide remark. You are either a great troll, or a turd whom is so set up in their own personal belief system, that you can safely (and smugly) say that black isn't a skin colour.

I am guessing you don't think someone like Beyonce isn't black then considering she's very light skinned right? lol you are incredibly ignorant.

20-Feb-2008, 01:51 AM
I am guessing you don't think someone like Beyonce isn't black then considering she's very light skinned right? lol you are incredibly ignorant.

okay, listen here motherf*cker. You are probibly one of the biggest tools on this site. It's like you live to troll and piss people off with illogical statements, spin doctering, personal jabs, and just plain old idiocy. Your statement makes no sense, as *gasp* beyonce is black. Theres a difference between "Lightly skinned" and "white" you tampon.

Man, I like how you automatically assume what my answer is, I guess you can read minds eh?

Read my mind right now
you see my thought? no, well there goes that theory. I'll just spell it out for ya (using simple, non confusing words like "the" and "is" so you don't get addled)

You are A Enourmous Tool.

summed up what i and many others think.

20-Feb-2008, 02:05 AM
Well, It's like Q-tip said. "Black is Black" The problem for Obama is that to black america he isn't black enough, and to white america he may be too black. His only hope is if he can unite both sections and be considered "black enough"

Personally, I think its silly, but hey, whatever.

20-Feb-2008, 02:19 AM
okay, listen here motherf*cker. You are probibly one of the biggest tools on this site. It's like you live to troll and piss people off with illogical statements, spin doctering, personal jabs, and just plain old idiocy. Your statement makes no sense, as *gasp* beyonce is black. Theres a difference between "Lightly skinned" and "white" you tampon.

Man, I like how you automatically assume what my answer is, I guess you can read minds eh?

Read my mind right now
you see my thought? no, well there goes that theory. I'll just spell it out for ya (using simple, non confusing words like "the" and "is" so you don't get addled)

You are A Enourmous Tool.

summed up what i and many others think.

So then you're saying that Arabs, Asians, Mexicans, South Americans etc are white? I don't understand how can Beyonce be black, she has light skin, hell I know "white" people with blacker skin than she has. Its almost like there's more to being black than your pigmentation or something.

I know when I said you obviously didn't know many black people upset you (Because its true apparently). But your ignorance is no excuse for not learning.

20-Feb-2008, 02:21 AM
come on people, rise above the argueing, theres no prize for winning, andlike jacko says , it doesnt matter if your black or white :lol:

20-Feb-2008, 02:25 AM
okay, listen here motherf*cker. You are probibly one of the biggest tools on this site. It's like you live to troll and piss people off with illogical statements, spin doctering, personal jabs, and just plain old idiocy. Your statement makes no sense, as *gasp* beyonce is black. Theres a difference between "Lightly skinned" and "white" you tampon.

Man, I like how you automatically assume what my answer is, I guess you can read minds eh?

Read my mind right now
you see my thought? no, well there goes that theory. I'll just spell it out for ya (using simple, non confusing words like "the" and "is" so you don't get addled)

You are A Enourmous Tool.

summed up what i and many others think.

Man, you sure did express yourself with great eloquence. If only others could communicate as well as you do. :rolleyes:

20-Feb-2008, 02:33 AM
So then you're saying that Arabs, Asians, Mexicans, South Americans etc are white? I don't understand how can Beyonce be black, she has light skin, hell I know "white" people with blacker skin than she has. Its almost like there's more to being black than your pigmentation or something.

I know when I said you obviously didn't know many black people upset you (Because its true apparently). But your ignorance is no excuse for not learning.

No, it upsets me that someone can be such an arrogant twit. You claim, that I am ignorant, and yet, if you actually looked over half of what you typed out on this forum, you'd come to a stark relization. Most everything you type out is complete and utter nonsense, bigotry, or ignorance. Such as claiming jap isn't a racist term, even though how many people said otherwise, and provided proof claiming otherwise? Or you ignoring that guns are a tool designed to kill people. All you have is your opinion on the matter, and even then, it is so clouded over with republican, nra, and other rhetoric that it all becomes mute.

Enjoy your ****ery, i know i do.

Upset? Not likely. Amused at the trite that comes from your mouth? F*cken right.

white people can be dark of course, it's called Tanning.

20-Feb-2008, 02:35 AM
stop the bullsheyat for christ's sake. fu*k people does it really fu*king matter whose half this or half that? or what makes you black or white or whose skin is lighter than whose??

homo sum. nihil humanus mihi alienus est - terence.

20-Feb-2008, 02:46 AM
ok im not steppin on the guys toes but his career in politics only started in 1997..................

kennedy's started in 1947 and he wasnt elected at prez til 1961.......

somewhat of the deer in headlights point in his political career and i dont think he's ready.

and the fact he's a JUNIOR senator?!?!?! cmon guys......get real. if he wins, we're f*cked
umm compared tot he current playing field of potential electee. your argueing that Obama isn't electable because he hasn't been in politics for all that long....

silly me that's one of the reasons i was voting for him.

20-Feb-2008, 03:50 AM
Mista mo and Khardis both share the Pompous Retard Award for brandishing opposing forms of idiocy.

Play nice or you'll both get a vacation.

The thread is closed.