View Full Version : Diarrhea Of The Dead

20-Feb-2008, 11:28 PM
I'm really disappointed that I was so disappointed. :(

Damn it, George.

20-Feb-2008, 11:29 PM
I disagree but fantastic nickname, Mr. Pizz. :D

20-Feb-2008, 11:31 PM
I disagree...

But now we know what people who disliked the film will call it.

Let's see...we got Yawn, Bland, Ghey08, and now Diarrhea. We sure are an imaginative bunch.:hyper:

20-Feb-2008, 11:33 PM
hehehe mike you've coined your very own HPOTD catch phrase.

we really should be tracking these in a sticky.

21-Feb-2008, 12:45 AM
I disagree...

But now we know what people who disliked the film will call it.

Let's see...we got Yawn, Bland, Ghey08, and now Diarrhea. We sure are an imaginative bunch.:hyper:

Just don't ever have the nerve to call Dawn '04 "D.I.N.O" (Dawn In Name Only)

You will be crucified & your entrails fed to the vultures. :mad: I'm still having flashbacks....

21-Feb-2008, 01:38 AM
Awww... you stole my idea for a title...

21-Feb-2008, 03:37 AM
Yeah, I agree. Diary was a complete & total suckfest. After seeing the lackluster Land, I went into the theater with very low expectations for Diary, and I wasn't disappointed. It was almost like Romero let some amateur make a zombie (hell, what few zombies there were) movie and then slapped "George A. Romero's" in front of the title. I don't know, it just wasn't Romero-esque.

Land was kinda sucky, but I could tell that it was still a Romero dead film. But Diary was just blah. It had none of the positives that his earlier movies possessed (especially Day and Dawn), and nothing cool that could redeem itself from the movie's obvious flaws. Bad acting, bad pacing, bad script (yeah, I said it). It was just bad.

There was one scene that was ok. When the Swat guy in the gasmask was bitten by one of the zombies that the elderly couple hid, only to say, "shoot the pricks in the heart and let 'em wake up dead." That was kind of cool, but then again, that was like a minute long scene. The other 94 minutes were crap.

EDIT: Diarrhea, Diarrhea... cha-cha-cha!

Moon Knight
21-Feb-2008, 07:24 AM
Go watch the new Day of the Dead then. :elol: