View Full Version : This is a bit scifi!!! - A material that is able to self-repair

21-Feb-2008, 08:26 AM

21-Feb-2008, 10:23 AM
*grabs some cooking oil, puts it in a bucket and pees all over it*

*waits for science to happen* :D

Neat stuff! :)

21-Feb-2008, 04:43 PM
*grabs some cooking oil, puts it in a bucket and pees all over it*

*waits for science to happen* :D

hey this isn't working for me yet MZ you getting anything over there?:lol:

seriously though, that is super cool and super weird and if it can be turned into a commercial product it would have zillions upon zillions of uses.

21-Feb-2008, 07:46 PM
you need to ad a pinch of green cury to you mix Scip then it'll set for you.

god the smell of it though....