View Full Version : Do you think they should recut Land of the Dead?

23-Feb-2008, 10:45 AM
I saw Land of the Dead at the movies when it was released and I just thought it was awful, but I recently borrowed the DVD from a friend. Then I thought well maybe this film could be a great movie if it was recut shorter, and maybe had better soundtrack: also a couple of alternative scenes added in there.

23-Feb-2008, 03:14 PM
i don't know man. i think that there are lots of folks who are going to argue that land was so flawed in its concept and execution that a drastic re-edit, even if it would give the film a little more zip, wouldn't necessarily be able to improve it much.

23-Feb-2008, 04:08 PM
It was on TNT this morning...and I had a hard time watching it...not due to the horrible cutting of the film..it was the Zs!

They are just different then the other films...and I know some will say they have evolved...blah!

They move faster...they have a different look in their eyes...they yell!...and the whole thing just sucked!!!

I am a little worried about diary since I saw that arrow clip and the little Z jumps on the girls back. I think GAR has started to be influenced by dawn 04. I hold out hope and I realize that times are different but I will hold onto the old films and watch and re-watch. One last thing how the heck am I supposed to tech my children to walk like the dead when they have started to changed their behavior.(the Zs not the kids :rolleyes: )

23-Feb-2008, 05:19 PM
i don't know man. i think that there are lots of folks who are going to argue that land was so flawed in its concept and execution that a drastic re-edit, even if it would give the film a little more zip, wouldn't necessarily be able to improve it much.

What he said, no amount of dicking around will alter the fact that it was a badly concieved movie. You'd have to change so much, all the rocket scientist screaming zombies would have to go for a start.

The only good way they could end it would be a crazy Alamo type situation where millions of (stupid, proper) zeds were drawn from all over the US to the bright lights of the green or something.

They'd beat their way in with sheer numbers and stuff.

The final scene would show millions of zombies eating the last outpost of humanity...a genuine "Land of the Dead."

23-Feb-2008, 10:23 PM
I don't think there's really that much that can be changed. If Romero had free reign, there would be a million different shots and angles to choose from, but sadly that wasn't the case...

I enjoy the film for what it is and as I said above....there's not much that can be changed. Romero did what he could and still managed to make a coherent and engaging film. More than most "filmmakers" can say....

24-Feb-2008, 02:30 PM
I don't think there's really that much that can be changed. If Romero had free reign, there would be a million different shots and angles to choose from, but sadly that wasn't the case...

I enjoy the film for what it is and as I said above....there's not much that can be changed. Romero did what he could and still managed to make a coherent and engaging film. More than most "filmmakers" can say....

Can we be sure about that ? I'm sure Georgie got the coverage he needed / wanted. The main problem was the script he wrote; horrible story with plausibility issues, uninteresting characters, lame action sequences ....


25-Feb-2008, 12:17 PM
Can we be sure about that ? I'm sure Georgie got the coverage he needed / wanted. The main problem was the script he wrote; horrible story with plausibility issues, uninteresting characters, lame action sequences ....


He didn't get all he needed. This has been proven time and time again. It's posted around here, I'm just too lazy to link...

25-Feb-2008, 04:28 PM
I think that given what GAR was trying to convey it was shot and cut quite well. I enjoyed the movie from a pure visual perspective. The pacing of the movie was as good as I could expect from a plot that was so wham-bam. I liked the music.

As Legion and Mutineer say, horrible plot, plausibility issues, and uninteresting characters were the problems. It was poorly conceived in almost every capacity. I doubt that there was anything left on the cutting room floor that fixes any of that.

I believe Romero told the story he wanted to tell. If he'd been given more resources it wouldn't have changed the story substantively.

More camera angles and more shots might have ended up worse. The last thing I'd like to see is more Big Daddy screams from 15 different angles.

14-Apr-2008, 08:15 AM
Bland of the Dead should not be recut. The last thing we need is another version of this crappy movie.


15-Apr-2008, 01:18 AM
If it were a better movie, it would be worth the effort. When it came out, I have to say I was disappointed. Just didn't flow like it should have.

15-Apr-2008, 02:00 AM
If it were a better movie, it would be worth the effort. When it came out, I have to say I was disappointed. Just didn't flow like it should have.

even though i am by no means a land hater, i too was disappointed in the movie mainly due to pacing. land seems to me to have several areas where it has some serious lag.

15-Apr-2008, 03:26 AM
It wasn't pacing problems that I had an issue with in this movie. . so no. . .editing would not(in my opinion) make it better.

15-Apr-2008, 04:50 AM
I don't think there's really that much that can be changed. If Romero had free reign, there would be a million different shots and angles to choose from, but sadly that wasn't the case...

How is showing a reverse angle of Big Daddy screaming going to help?

Cuts and camera angles don't change the story, and the story is what's wrong with the movie.

15-Apr-2008, 12:05 PM
How is showing a reverse angle of Big Daddy screaming going to help?

Cuts and camera angles don't change the story, and the story is what's wrong with the movie.

Editing angles and pacing can totally change the feel of a film.

15-Apr-2008, 07:55 PM
Editing angles and pacing can totally change the feel of a film.

But it can't change much of the storyline.:|

15-Apr-2008, 08:09 PM
But it can't change much of the storyline.:|

....I said it changes the feel of the film.:rockbrow:

15-Apr-2008, 08:38 PM
....I said it changes the feel of the film.:rockbrow:

I know what you said man. I'm saying that it can't change what the main problems with the movie are.:rockbrow:

15-Apr-2008, 09:25 PM
recut shorter????? whatever you're on I want some....

That movie was missing at least 20 minutes back story and character development.

15-Apr-2008, 10:40 PM
I know what you said man. I'm saying that it can't change what the main problems with the movie are.:rockbrow:

Oh, I see. You're just using it as an excuse to beat that poor, busted up horse. Please.....continue.;)

16-Apr-2008, 08:17 PM

general tbag
17-Apr-2008, 07:02 AM
having both the theatre version and dvd version it was recut, the theatre version being a tad bit shorter. and yes it missed alot of back story.

17-Apr-2008, 07:06 AM
id like to see a full on directors cut with no limitations by the studios, because that bit with cholo and the hanged man really showed there was probably a lot fo stuff left out that would have made it have more credibility to fans.

werent there zombie rats in the origional script too?

07-Jun-2008, 08:31 PM
The super strength displayed by some of the zombies was comical. The Predatoresque skull and spine rip was just stupid and wouldn't be missed in my opinion.

Big Daddy and his ability to communicate with and organise an undead army. He was even able to make a horde of feasting zombies leave their meals... and I suspect it was a long time before they had a meal of that nature. I honestly didn't mind the reverting back to what they did in the past. The family of zombies was a nice touch.

The biggest let down for me was the Kauffman demise... It was just so.... Meh.

I think it would have been great if his death mirrored Rhodes' to an extent. All alone in the carpark being slowly and gruesomely mauled by Cholo, BD and some others in a primal style. Kinda in the same vein as Rickles. But noooooo, BD changed his zombie protection stance and killed one of his own to kill Kauffman.

The end message was poor... Don't kill us and we won't kill you. Live and let 'live'... Meh

For a wait of 20 years or so, the end product was not thought out too well considering the time he had to envision it.

08-Jun-2008, 07:37 AM
Speaking for me only, there is nothing they could do for this film. I just didn't like it, i wanted to like it but FOR ME there was nothing there to sink my teeth into, not to mention the things that made me say wtf??? Your actually going to let these blood thirsty zombies go off into the sunset after they just had your friends fo lunch? But ohh...They're just looking for a place to go. Same as us. I wonder if the dead were your heading will have the same sentiments as you. The ending alone killed it for me not mention a whole slew of other things like actors/story line and make up fx which made them in some spots look more like vampires from dusk til dawn than zombies (i prefered day FX and it is over 20 years old) but like i said im only speaking why i didn't like it.

08-Jun-2008, 02:45 PM
You can sprinkle diamonds on a poop, but its still a poop.