View Full Version : stupid friends

24-Feb-2008, 03:30 AM
just got done arguing with my friend. i have to say he's hilarious.

he's all pro obama. im not anti obama but i just dont know much about him as anyone else.

so he's asking me if i voted in the last major election and i said yes. so i asked if he voted in november and he goes "why would i vote on somethin that has nothing to do with me?"

well see its only about raising city taxes and electing city council members and approving or defeating levys which will raise your taxes. and he's like 'it didnt interest me" then he goes 'read up on obama before you criticise me'

ok dipsh it, u just proved the point u didnt vote in the last MAJOR election for your city and you only vote for things that indirectly affect you every 4 years.

i rest my case on this persons foolishness, this is the same guy who thought he could deposit a check and draw how $200 more than the check was worth and everything would be fine. what a dullard. not surprisingly as he piggy backs on the winner everytime something goes right. like when ohio state won their last national title, he starts buying OSU gear but never spoke of football before then and didnt play in high school because he was scared.

also he says china and cuba arent under communist rule, just a "dictatorship"

24-Feb-2008, 05:28 AM
yeah, this whole obama-mania thing is about to get on my last nerve. all sorts of clueless dolts at my university are obama supporters, and in one class a bunch of 'em turned on me when i mentioned that i am planning on voting for mccain.

i then mentioned the fact that i personally know of a handful of people who've died in iraq, plus a few more who've returned wounded, and have done a tour over there myself, and would go back in a heartbeat if i was asked to (kinda busy with school right now, plus the gf and the possibility of starting a family in the next handful of years keeps me from joining back up). i was a bit against the war when i first got back, but time has allowed me to get over any bitterness i was holding. i now fully support all efforts over there, and have even reconsidered signing back up for the Marines to go back, but as i said, my life is on another course now, and i'm pretty happy with the way things are going.

mccain has been a strong supporter of the war, and i applaud him for his steadfastness and resolve in this matter. his service to our country is something to rally behind, as well. although some of his policies leave a little to be desired (immigration, specifically), they are much better than any plan obama has put forth (automatic driver's licenses for all illegal immigrants, etc)

gotta agree with ya ace about the whole bandwagon thing. it's like everyone is suddenly charmed to death by some unknown dude who's basically just an effective public speaker, and all of the sudden, he's the greatest politician ever and the only hope for america.:rolleyes: this dude hasn't done a motherfu(kin thing for my state, aside from taking care of all the lazy degenerates in chicago.

all these over-night obama fans who've never voted in their lives sicken me. give me a fu(kin break...if you're gonna support this guy, at least know what he's about before you go sporting bumper stickers and wearing t-shirts.

what a bunch of posers.

24-Feb-2008, 05:48 AM
yeah, this whole obama-mania thing is about to get on my last nerve. all sorts of clueless dolts at my university are obama supporters, and in one class a bunch of 'em turned on me when i mentioned that i am planning on voting for mccain.

i then mentioned the fact that i personally know of a handful of people who've died in iraq, plus a few more who've returned wounded, and have done a tour over there myself, and would go back in a heartbeat if i was asked to (kinda busy with school right now, plus the gf and the possibility of starting a family in the next handful of years keeps me from joining back up). i was a bit against the war when i first got back, but time has allowed me to get over any bitterness i was holding. i now fully support all efforts over there, and have even reconsidered signing back up for the Marines to go back, but as i said, my life is on another course now, and i'm pretty happy with the way things are going.

mccain has been a strong supporter of the war, and i applaud him for his steadfastness and resolve in this matter. his service to our country is something to rally behind, as well. although some of his policies leave a little to be desired (immigration, specifically), they are much better than any plan obama has put forth (automatic driver's licenses for all illegal immigrants, etc)

gotta agree with ya ace about the whole bandwagon thing. it's like everyone is suddenly charmed to death by some unknown dude who's basically just an effective public speaker, and all of the sudden, he's the greatest politician ever and the only hope for america.:rolleyes: this dude hasn't done a motherfu(kin thing for my state, aside from taking care of all the lazy degenerates in chicago.

all these over-night obama fans who've never voted in their lives sicken me. give me a fu(kin break...if you're gonna support this guy, at least know what he's about before you go sporting bumper stickers and wearing t-shirts.

what a bunch of posers.

couldnt have said it better. i just dont agree with everyone becoming an obama fan over night. they over look what bill did in terms of steering us back in the right track peace and surplus wise. its like at wal mart when ur picking up a new pair of boots for work. do you go with the brand you already have,or get the new brand you've never seen before that everyone is raving about at the cost of doing permanant damage to your feet.

i'll have to clarify i do not support the war,but that doesnt stop me from caring about friends and family i have over there right now.

i told people he hasnt done much. ok yea he helped people so what,its a good thing but its taking cash outta my pocket for no reason. if anyone should be on welfare or food stamps it should be college students who NEED it.

24-Feb-2008, 01:15 PM
Obvioulsy the two of you hate Hope and Change and Unity. ;)

24-Feb-2008, 01:35 PM
And freedom. William Wallace must be rolling over in his grave...well....graves...

kidding of course.

carry on.

24-Feb-2008, 02:26 PM
My vote is going for Ron Paul

The problem with Barack and Hillary is their love of keeping the federal government as far up our asses as they can.

Paul stands for limited goverment involvement in our lives, abolishment of the IRS (Federal and Corporate Income Tax), a humble foriegn policy of trade and diplomacy without meddling in the affiars of other nations, closing the federal reserve (The national, so-called bank that likes to print dollars out of thin air; think writing checks without the money in the bank) ...

He wants the states to get back their rights on every topic, abortion, gay marriage, etc.

John McWar will **** us into hell.

Notice the nice Main Stream Media blackout of Ron Paul ? It is because the corporations are afraid of him. He wants the people to the power back while reducing the size of federal goverment.

24-Feb-2008, 03:52 PM
Dude, your friend is a dumbass.

24-Feb-2008, 04:38 PM
Dude, your friend is a dumbass.

Trouble is, a surprising number of dumbasses are going to vote this time. Hopefully they'll forget to register and be turned away.


24-Feb-2008, 05:30 PM
My vote is going for Ron Paul

The problem with Barack and Hillary is their love of keeping the federal government as far up our asses as they can.

Paul stands for limited goverment involvement in our lives, abolishment of the IRS (Federal and Corporate Income Tax), a humble foriegn policy of trade and diplomacy without meddling in the affiars of other nations, closing the federal reserve (The national, so-called bank that likes to print dollars out of thin air; think writing checks without the money in the bank) ...

He wants the states to get back their rights on every topic, abortion, gay marriage, etc.

John McWar will **** us into hell.

Notice the nice Main Stream Media blackout of Ron Paul ? It is because the corporations are afraid of him. He wants the people to the power back while reducing the size of federal goverment.

My vote was for Ron for the reasons you listed above--A Conservative who actually is--but it looks like he's fallen by the wayside.

24-Feb-2008, 05:39 PM
The stupid though easily controlled can be easily dangerous.

24-Feb-2008, 07:50 PM
The stupid though easily controlled can be easily dangerous.

he also is a health freak who uses all these supplements but then told me vitamin C doesnt work

24-Feb-2008, 08:56 PM
That guy is nuts! Vitamin C has been proven effect. If he was a true health freak and not some wanna-be he would have known this.

24-Feb-2008, 09:09 PM
That guy is nuts! Vitamin C has been proven effect. If he was a true health freak and not some wanna-be he would have known this.

he tries to eat the halls vitamin C drops and gets mad and im like "dude, get REAL vitamins"

25-Feb-2008, 06:05 AM
Obvioulsy the two of you hate Hope and Change and Unity. ;)

while rhetoric such as this may make people feel good and works well on bumper-stickers and yard-signs, it doens't mean sh!t to the people who are discussed in this thread:


people need to wake up and realize that our nation is at war with a very sick twisted culture. you may argue that not everyone from the middle east is sick and twisted, and that may be true, but the rest are inept and cowardly for not standing up and putting a stop to behaviors their "society" tolerates (such as the one mentioned in the thread posted above)

our pal from across the pond tricky made a great point:

Bloody hell i hope these lunatics never get control of britain :( (a lot of people think they will within the next 50 years or so as they are outbreeding the native population)

that could be the united states in a century or so, and if the wrong person gets elected, we're gonna be well on our way halfway through their first administration.

fairy-tale ideas and empty promises are all i forsee if a certain senator from my homestate is elected..and the irs taking about 40% of our wages from here on out. and quite possibly, another massive terrorist attack on another major metropolitan area.

let the welfare scum rot or get off their a$$es and get a job. keep our volunteer military forces over in the sandbox with all the suicide bombers, supply them with all the gear and guns they need to cut down on the moron factor in that area of the world, and let them do their jobs. sounds like a plan to me.

25-Feb-2008, 10:22 AM
I didn't know much about Obamas stances on issues... then when i learned about them i was like... wow this guy is a real socialist. One of his bills in the senate was to use 1% of our national gross (which is something like 900 billion) to eradicate "poverty" in the world. Not the US the world... so he wants to take 1% of all the money this country makes and use it to send everyone a check in Africa, the middle east and south america.

25-Feb-2008, 12:53 PM
You mean he wants to help the people who have issues with the United States?

I thought you gusy were having a deficet problem? If so does he have a plan on fixing that first before he sends the 9 million or so to them?

Maybe I should check this guy out, and see what I can expect for Canadian/America relations.....

25-Feb-2008, 07:35 PM
he tries to eat the halls vitamin C drops and gets mad and im like "dude, get REAL vitamins"

This guys is so dumb that my I.Q. is beginning to drop from reading this. *L* His best bet is to buy a quality 500 mg time released Vitamin C from either GNC or any legit health store. For those who are not aware of how much Vitamin C is in Halls Defense.


25-Feb-2008, 09:40 PM
This guys is so dumb that my I.Q. is beginning to drop from reading this. *L* His best bet is to buy a quality 500 mg time released Vitamin C from either GNC or any legit health store. For those who are not aware of how much Vitamin C is in Halls Defense.

he's all messed up to begin with. take ur pick, the bank thing, the election or the vitamin thing