View Full Version : Xbox pulls HD support

24-Feb-2008, 09:51 PM

25-Feb-2008, 12:21 AM
To be expected, why would Microsoft continue manufacturing a dead media format? Hopefully they launch a Blu-Ray add on, I'd buy that in a second.

25-Feb-2008, 12:28 AM
To be expected, why would Microsoft continue manufacturing a dead media format? Hopefully they launch a Blu-Ray add on, I'd buy that in a second.
or just make a barebones 360 with no HD or blu ray technology at all.

25-Feb-2008, 12:39 AM
I don't quite get what you're trying to say; the 360, out of the box, doesn't support HD-DVD. You've got to buy a separate add-on (which Gamestop is trying to liquidate their stock of by cutting their prices in half). The most barebones version of the 360 you can buy is $279, and that comes with 5 free arcade games but no hard drive. A built in HD-DVD player would have jacked the price up by at least a hundred bucks.

25-Feb-2008, 12:47 AM
I don't quite get what you're trying to say; the 360, out of the box, doesn't support HD-DVD. You've got to buy a separate add-on (which Gamestop is trying to liquidate their stock of by cutting their prices in half). The most barebones version of the 360 you can buy is $279, and that comes with 5 free arcade games but no hard drive. A built in HD-DVD player would have jacked the price up by at least a hundred bucks.

u plug the hd player into the x box,right? so it needs the xbox to work which means it has software on it.
if they released a version with no home video capabilities the price would be so much lower

25-Feb-2008, 10:36 AM
A bit of software on the Xbox itself that understands HD isn't going to jack up the price, the HD-DVD playing add-on plug-in box thingy, that tacks on the dollery-doo's.

Well, we've got a winner folks...I guess those of us who predicted the downfall of Blu-Ray were just expecting history to repeat itself on this one, but evidently Sony were pushing hard not to get shafted on the media format front again.

Fair play.

25-Feb-2008, 04:29 PM
A bit of software on the Xbox itself that understands HD isn't going to jack up the price, the HD-DVD playing add-on plug-in box thingy, that tacks on the dollery-doo's.

Well, we've got a winner folks...I guess those of us who predicted the downfall of Blu-Ray were just expecting history to repeat itself on this one, but evidently Sony were pushing hard not to get shafted on the media format front again.

Fair play.

blu ray stilll has a ways to go. namely price and selection