View Full Version : holy crap, starhsip troopers 3 doesnt look ****!

28-Feb-2008, 01:42 PM

granted the second was a steaming donkey turd on a cold winters day at blacpool but the origionals a classic and this looks to be more of the same. :D

28-Feb-2008, 01:54 PM
i think an error crept into your youtube code hellsing. you appear to be having technical difficulties.

28-Feb-2008, 03:08 PM
i think an error crept into your youtube code hellsing. you appear to be having technical difficulties.
saw the trailer yesterdaqy, it actually doesn't look ...horrible. if nothing else i'll DL it.

28-Feb-2008, 03:10 PM
saw the trailer yesterdaqy, it actually doesn't look ...horrible. if nothing else i'll DL it.

it has jolene blalock in it from what little i've heard about it. i wonder if there will be any, ahem, shower scenes featuring her soaping up?

28-Feb-2008, 03:18 PM
nice. here's a link tot he trailer on aicn. my youtubefoo here is lacking.


28-Feb-2008, 03:48 PM
nice. here's a link tot he trailer on aicn. my youtubefoo here is lacking.


just watched and hellsing is right this doesn't look (at first glance) like a fetid turd waiting for flies. it might just make a passable way to spend 90 mins.

28-Feb-2008, 06:10 PM
Am I the only one that thinks the original Starship Troopers was....well....dumb? I don't really see the appeal of it all...

28-Feb-2008, 06:11 PM
*sniggers* Dix Hauser *cackles*

I got the 1 & 2 boxset, and thought that ST2 wasn't a load of sh*te, not great, but not atrocious either. At least it knew it didn't have the budget of the first film, and went for a different type of thing.

Maybe I'd like it less on a second viewing, or just stay the same. Who knows.

Anyway, I'll deffo see #3, I see Rico's back...to be honest, he's not a great actor by any stretch of the imagination, but he suits that role. Good to see him back there. Appears to be somewhere in between 1 and 2 budget wise.


28-Feb-2008, 06:32 PM
Am I the only one that thinks the original Starship Troopers was....well....dumb? I don't really see the appeal of it all...

no you're not. it is dumb but dumb in a way that i have found entertaining (for whatever reason). it is not the classic that some make it out as but i don't think it is a terrible movie.

i will have to say though when i first saw it i didn't llike it at all. i am a big, big fan of heinlein and i just didn't see him reflected in the movie at all. but over time the movie has grown on me and i have been able to divorce it from the book - which is one of the all time great sci-fi classics in my opinion.

28-Feb-2008, 08:25 PM
Am I the only one that thinks the original Starship Troopers was....well....dumb? I don't really see the appeal of it all...

no your not. the first one makes me want to stab myself in the genitals, with a road flare. it's not even functional as satire, it's just a ****e film.

the sequel was passibly bad. i thought parts of it worked but the whole was lacking.

Personally the cartoon is the only adaptation that has really "got it" thus far.

28-Feb-2008, 08:43 PM
Ah the CGI cartoon, Roughnecks and all that.

I used to watch that before school in the mornings on Sky One whilst I munched at my cereal. It was alright, a bit kiddy, but they actually killed off the Radcheck guy, or the CGI version of or whatever.

Yeah it was alright as a TV adap - especially going from an 18 rated movie to a kid's show.

29-Feb-2008, 12:33 AM
Ah the CGI cartoon, Roughnecks and all that.

I used to watch that before school in the mornings on Sky One whilst I munched at my cereal. It was alright, a bit kiddy, but they actually killed off the Radcheck guy, or the CGI version of or whatever.

Yeah it was alright as a TV adap - especially going from an 18 rated movie to a kid's show.
it managed to nail alot of the great parts about the novel, all while making Jean Rayzak the absolute badass he was.

so it worked for me.

29-Feb-2008, 12:35 AM
I never knew it was a novel.:shifty:

*ducks for cover*

The movie was dull either way. It did have some nice T&A....I'll give it that.

29-Feb-2008, 02:43 AM
it sure is. here http://www.amazon.co.uk/Starship-Troopers-Robert-Heinlein/dp/0340837934/ref=pd_bbs_sr_3?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1204256578&sr=8-3

the books short, but good.

29-Feb-2008, 03:30 PM
Am I the only one that thinks the original Starship Troopers was....well....dumb? I don't really see the appeal of it all...

It had a real "comic book" quality to it. The enlistment adds with kids stomping on bugs and stuff. Great little no-brainer of a flick, I own it on DVD (never seen the second one though, I believe it is a stool of a film)

29-Feb-2008, 09:41 PM
Starship Troopers 2: Hero of the Federation is really bad. Low budget, cheesy script, pales in comparison to the first movie.

There are some people though who enjoy 'B' scifi movies. I'd put it in the same category as the Scifi channel orginal movies like Snakehead Terror, SS Doomtrooper, or MegaSnake. If you watch these kinds of shows then you might appreciate SST2.

Otherwise start drinking a 12 pack when the credits roll. By the time it's over at least you will have a good buzz going.

29-Feb-2008, 11:20 PM
Anyone who thinks Starship Trooper is a no-brainer, or a dumb film, really missed the point. The film is a comedy, filled with action. It's hilarious, while still managing to be epic and gruesomely entertaining. Definetly one of the best sci-fi flicks of the latest couple of decades.

01-Mar-2008, 01:13 AM
Anyone who thinks Starship Trooper is a no-brainer, or a dumb film, really missed the point. The film is a comedy, filled with action. It's hilarious, while still managing to be epic and gruesomely entertaining.

I so agree!

Definetly one of the best sci-fi flicks of the latest couple of decades.

That part I'm not sure I agree with, but I see where you're coming from.

The current trailer for this third installment (note: I had no interest in seeing the second installment) looks like a cheesy-fun trailer for a video game. The fact that this is a movie leaves me with an inexplicable sense of malaise.

01-Mar-2008, 03:48 AM
First Movie was directed by the same guy that did Robocop. Had that same cheezeball feel to it. Interesting but far removed from the really really awesome book. Never saw the second, don't really care to. Does anyone remember the Starship Trooper choose your own adventure book? Am I dating myself?

01-Mar-2008, 03:55 PM
I liked ST2. I thought it was going to be a stinker but you know it was ok. Not brilliant but passable.