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Thread: Im officially a stalker!

  1. #16
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    It is indeed a great game, superb atmosphere, although I bet they're smarting a bit now that COD4 have their own rendition of Pripyat to fight in...oooh betty I can't wait to have a goosey at that!

    But yeah, the atmosphere - sound and visuals - to STALKER is superb. That old railway building, that big one with anomalies on the concrete path, man alive the detail in there, just gawping up at the roof all half-caved in when the sun is out and shining through, just superb detail. It's a game where you really have to stop and look at your surroundings, unlike a game like GTA or whatever where the actual buildings are quite basic, especially by comparison, you don't stop to gawp at the textures but you do with STALKER. Exploration and slack-jawed wonderment is par-for-the-course.

    Have you been underground yet? Into the creepy-as-sh*t areas down underground...ah mate those sh*t me up.

  2. #17
    Dead CornishCorpse's Avatar

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    Yup, Im guessing you didnt have a suit with inbuilt night vision? Lol The game is truly stunning. I love how everytime you play its a big mission, an epic quest. Rather than " I hid behind a truck then shot him with a machine gun and shot his mate in the head" its you crouching beside a burnt out wreck of a truck reloading youre rifle then popping out firing a burst catching a guy in the chest, yelling "fu**!" when the rifle jamms and slamming back behind the truck as bullets whizz past.

    The undergrounds are properly screwed up but this game has alot of spin out features like the ghosts? What the hell dude? Not to mention the noises. The underground reminds me alot of Aliens. Theres alot of them, theyve torn you up in seconds, youre paranoid as hell, you KNOW they are there but you have no clue where so every corner is a new death.

    >.< I hate those invisible bastards, you sweep a room walk in chilling out and next thing you know youre being hacked up by the blade 2 fanboys..Oiy!

    PS Heads up dude, Escape from New York on three.
    Why arent you laughing?

  3. #18
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    PS Heads up dude, Escape from New York on three.
    *digs that moozik*

    And Porky's is on Five ... ahh mate, I loved that flick when I was about 13, REALLY loved it.

    Ah mate, the game has a lot of culture to it, you don't feel like you're rushing into a game, you feel like you're visiting something far greater than yourself, you feel that you can never know everything about the game's world, and that puts you in your place. You hear people talk about places in advance, and then you end up there, seeing the horror that people have previously described.

    Love it.

  4. #19

    By the way, I said this was coming ages ago...
    Last edited by capncnut; 09-Jul-2007 at 10:53 PM.


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