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Thread: Your top Ten xbox 360 games

  1. #1
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    Your top Ten xbox 360 games

    Well i know damn near everyone who posts in this sections got a 360 so i figure itd be intersting to see if people with the same taste in movies have the same gameing taste as well, so what is your top ten greatest xbox 360 games?

    heres mine: (10 being the lowest 1 being the highest)

    10: ninety nine nights
    9: F.E.A.R
    8: Prey
    7: Condemned: criminal origins
    6: lost planet
    5: Caslltevania: symphony of the night (arcade)
    4: dead rising
    3: oblivion
    2: Gears of war
    1: Crackdown- It was a close call between this and gears but for the amount of time playing, sheer pick up and play fun and such a great world to explore Crackdowns gotta be my number one xbox 360 title.

    Theres mine, whats yours?

  2. #2
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    I can't do a top ten, because I haven't played that many SexBox games, the ones I do have however, are:

    Fuzion Frenzy 2 (came with the box), rubbish for single player sat on your tod, you'd need more players and lots of booze to be in the right frame of mind.

    PGR3 - lack of a range of different types of cars (like in PGR2) is annoying after a while as you find yourself limited to your choice cars, however, it looks bloody good, is a lot of fun and well - how can you not love PGR?! Roll on PGR4, the new PGR2, if you will.

    Dead Rising - save thingy is annoying, also, there should be cheats so you can just go mental killing massive amounts of zombies for a bit of side-line fun, but it's bloody brilliant fun. Flawed by fun, the graphics are great, there are a few too many loading zones at times though (like when going from the mall to the security room). But still - it's a mall full of zombies!

    Saints Row - GTA knock off, of course, but again, good fun...a tad annoying at times in missions, but it looks good and is your first taste of next-gen GTA, so bring it the f*ck on, mate!

    Crackdown - absolutely so much fun, leaping across buildings at ludicrous heights is just fantastic, figuring out how to scale the tallest heights is a sheer joy, driving cars is almost pointless as you can just leap everywhere. Tiny moments of annoyance at times, usually down to you yourself making a cock of it, but bloody good fun...the amount of time you have to wait for the initial logos and loads to pass though is the most annoying thing about the game, you can skip any of those logos and it gets on my tits. Bloody great game though.

    Gears of War - again, bloody fantastic, looks superb, is bloody violent, has a gun with a freaking chainsaw on it, you can slice things in two, is genuinely epic and while at times it got right on my tits (the first Beserker I found intensely annoying, personally), but wow - love it!

    Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter - night-time missions are annoying, probably already a bit dated graphics wise because it's not as flash as current games, the movement and controls are a bit lumpy and slow to respond...but...when it's good, it's jolly good fun, running through Mexican cities shooting down bad guys. Ideal if you wanna fill that void of "I wanna shoot people in a dusty city setting".

    Rainbow Six: Vegas - after the intense annoyance of the Mexican training mission (especially the bit after the double-cross), it gets bloody brilliant. There are times when I get stuck or keep f*cking up, but it looks superb, handles brilliantly, nice and smooth and immediate and the action is great. Having a big ruck with terrorists in a Casino lobby with glass shattering everywhere, bullets flying past your noggin and such, also, large scripted events like that big bell that blows up really add to the drama and theatricality of it all - bloody good game.

    So in other words, I like all my games.

    I look forward to GTA4 and Alan Wake a great deal, oh and PGR4, heck yes.

  3. #3
    Inverting The Cross MikePizzoff's Avatar
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    I only own like nine 360 games so I can't really make this list.

  4. #4
    Walking Dead CoinReturn's Avatar

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    I based my list on the sheer fun factor I had with each title:

    10. PGR 3
    9. Dead or Alive 4
    8. Geometry Wars (Arcade)
    7. Crackdown
    6. Earth Defense Force 2017
    5. Dead Rising
    4. Oblivion
    3. Guitar Hero II
    2. Gears of War
    1. Halo 3 Beta

    Honorable mentions: Forza 2, Rainbow 6 Vegas

    I have a feeling my #1 spot will change in 11 days. Bioshock cometh.

  5. #5
    Walking Dead Cody's Avatar

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    Rainbow Six Vegas Is just one of the best games period. It iI would say is as good as FF3/6.

    Dont get Lost planet. I made the mistake in buying the collectiors eddition for 80$ sucks.

    Dead rising broke on me was playing it for to long and it did something to the disk...I miss that game dearly

    Oblivion was good after about 700/1000 of the achievments and they fixed the clone item cheat

    PGR not such a bug fan of...cant get myself to get one achievment.

    and those are the only games I own lol.

  6. #6
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    PGR3 achievements come with ranking up and getting certain amounts of credits methinks.

    Did your Dead Rising crack, or did it get a scratch on the disc - as in the scratch, a big ring in the middle of the disc all the way around, or did it just stop working on your box? Perhaps some wonky system update? I don't really know about these sort of things, but it's the first things to spring to mind.

  7. #7
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    careful there man, mine started as jsut not wanting to play a certain game anymore, now it doesnt even go to the menu when you turn it on.

  8. #8
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hellsing View Post
    careful there man, mine started as jsut not wanting to play a certain game anymore, now it doesnt even go to the menu when you turn it on.
    Then I suggest Cody starts praying to the SexBox gods and treats his box like a royal King...whilst doing the "please please please please pleeeeeeease not me" dance.

    Hopefully it won't be the case, but just be aware, never know.

    I just hope mine keeps rocking, it's not like I overuse it or anything, I probably barely play it in comparison to some people, nor do I leave it running when I'm not playing it...eep...onto a rosier, less danger-of-jinxing-things topic...

    Erm...aren't boobs awesome?

  9. #9
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    Then I suggest Cody starts praying to the SexBox gods and treats his box like a royal King...whilst doing the "please please please please pleeeeeeease not me" dance.

    Hopefully it won't be the case, but just be aware, never know.

    I just hope mine keeps rocking, it's not like I overuse it or anything, I probably barely play it in comparison to some people, nor do I leave it running when I'm not playing it...eep...onto a rosier, less danger-of-jinxing-things topic...

    Erm...aren't boobs awesome?
    Tried all the above, still broke.

    and yeah, yeah they are.

  10. #10
    Walking Dead slickwilly13's Avatar

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    I'll make a list later on. I think I have a least 10 to rank.

  11. #11
    Desiderata Satanicus Andy's Avatar

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    10. Halo 2 - not technically a 360 game but i never played it before i got my 360 and i havn't played the halo 3 demo yet, but 2 was amazing fun online. i loved it.
    9. Rainbow Six Vegas - Again, immense fun online even though i am crap at it lol
    8. C&C3 - Good game, lacking something that its PC counterpart has.. cant quite name it..
    7. Dynasty warriors 5 empires - Im a huge huge huge fan of the dynasty warriors series, i have every game on the playstation so this has to be in here somewhere.
    6. F.E.A.R - Sexy ass FPS, even made me jump a few times and very few games have done that.
    5. Flatout Ultimate carnage - Think destruction derby but with 360 graphics
    4. NFS carbon - Cuz i love cars and i love modifying cars and i love smashing police cars
    3. The Darkness - Damn fine game, would definatly recomend to anyone else.
    2. Crackdown - amazing fun, one of those games i will never get bored of.
    1. Forza 2 - words fail me... this game has absorbed me completely, a definate 100% must buy for everyone.. gran turismo is puke and PGR is crap by comparison.

  12. #12
    Walking Dead Cody's Avatar

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    well after beating 7 day survivor i went to the main menu and tried going to the story mode with my new laser sword and it just froze and the red earth loading....after examination of the disk it had a very clear line on the lower part of the 360 I think did something to the disk

  13. #13
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Clear line on the outer edge, or somewhere nearer the middle?

    I believe most discs do have a very fine line somewhere around the middle anyway, I've seen them on discs that are brand new out of the box...the disc scratches that some drives in 360's do are much bigger and much more noticeable:

    Like that, that's when certain 360 drives munch up a disc.

  14. #14
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    thats exactly how mine started but with crackdown, hate to say it man but the prognosis aint good.


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