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Thread: 3rd weekend of filming Complete

  1. #1
    pissing in your Kool-Aid DjfunkmasterG's Avatar
    Zombie Flesh Eater

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    3rd weekend of filming Complete

    We just finished production day 6, or if you prefer, our 3rd weekend of filming on Trapped. After two weekends worth of delays we finally got a substantial amount of the story completed. Between Friday and Saturday night we completed 14 pages of the screenplay, and aside from some adjustments to scenes and dialog, we have filmed about 90% of what I wanted for those 14 pages. I had to make a modification to one scene because I felt there was a major problem with the dialog... it looked good on paper, and the actors had the ability to sell it to an extent, but when you see it actually taking place and you look at the context of the rest of the film... the scene just had to be changed.

    I am not worried about losing that page and a half because I made up for it in a last minute scene addition to the film. It is a dream sequence, and based on what camera angles we came up with the footage looked good via the monitors, now I just have to see how it cuts together. I have to give Kudo's to Spaghetti Industries because I came to them at 7:00am and asked for a last minute gore gag and Scott pulled it off in 45 minutes. What should have taken a week to prep, he did in an instant and the gag sold itself on camera. (I can't give it away because it is a kick ass gag)

    I am working to get two of the leads together for one night, this friday, to finish up some stuff they alone are in scene wise. If we get to film it will knock out another 3-4 pages of the screenplay which will leave me with only 12 more to go at the theater, and about 36 pages left to complete the movie. As far as insert shots I will do those in my own spare time and should get most of those knocked out in a weekend or two beginning the first of the year.

    You should see the short version of Trapped around the late spring of 2008 and my extended cut around the late fall of 2008. I will keep you all posted on what is happening, and also be on the lookout for the official website which is coming soon.

    Official member of the "ZOMBIE MAN" Fan Club Est. 2007 *FOUNDING MEMBER*

  2. #2
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    All sounds boshty-as-fook, to quote Tricky, I think that means "really good" anyway.

    Anyway - awesome.

  3. #3
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by DjfunkmasterG View Post
    I have to give Kudo's to Spaghetti Industries because I came to them at 7:00am and asked for a last minute gore gag and Scott pulled it off in 45 minutes. What should have taken a week to prep, he did in an instant and the gag sold itself on camera.
    Awesome work, Scott! I've been discussing with Dj about how much your work has improved (not that there was anything wrong with it to begin with! ) and I'm still a firm believer that you are going somewhere in your field. I'm just sorry I couldn't make it this past weekend to witness it. ARGH!

    Anyway, Kudos and great work! I can't wait to see the raw footage.

  4. #4
    Just been bitten Fulcifan91's Avatar

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    Thanks man, I was way hesitant at first because it was such short notice and all, but once I saw Gary’s reaction to the footage, and then I saw the footage myself, I'm defiantly glad he decided to throw that in there, and its funny because the scene/make gag that was un-planned and put together in less than an hour, may end up being one of the most talked about in the film.

  5. #5
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    y'know, it's almost like writing music in a way. Sometimes you labor over a song for days/months/years and it just doesn't come out how you like it - but then sometimes you write a song in 5 minutes and it ends up being everyone's favorite composition as well as your own. Go figure.


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