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Thread: Internet Bullies!!!

  1. #16
    Webmaster Neil's Avatar

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    Unfortunately moderation is a somewhat thankless & impossible task. For example, if two people have an argument, if a moderator steps in then someone will cry foul for getting in the way of 'free speech' etc, and if a moderator doesn't step in then someone will cry foul for 'allowing flaming' etc.

    All we can try and do is walk the fine line down the middle... We'll never get it 100% to everyones liking, but we'll try...
    Look again at that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every "superstar," every "supreme leader," every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there--on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam. [click for more]
    -Carl Sagan

  2. #17
    Desiderata Satanicus Andy's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by suicide22 View Post
    Hello, this is a website forum that I was bullied on & recently been back to visit and found some disturbing forum post that these people of sent. I wanted to post this to send some kind self-awareness of internet bullying on these internet sites that are not top sites like

    I Want to add to what neil said with i like to consider all of our staff alot better than this and you will not see a moderator on these forums talking about members like that.

    The guy obviously has issues and i would personally not put him in a position of power.

  3. #18
    Just been bitten suicide22's Avatar

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    Can you understand, why I left this forum? The site started off a very good site. Then I kept on slowly getting more & more sarcastic verbal implied attacks at me. It seemed to be the ones who you trust the most on these low-key forums that attack you?
    Last edited by suicide22; 20-Oct-2008 at 04:26 PM.

  4. #19
    Chasing Prey clanglee's Avatar

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    Dude, don't even worry about it. I mean, come on, they had a 3 page flame session about you when you weren't even there to defend yourself. With multiple replys. These people obviously have nothing better to do with thier time. Kinda pitiful really.

    Some constructive critisizem if I may. . . . . . Quit emailing that Jay guy. Let it go man. It's like some asshole frat or highschool clique. They sucked anyways. Live for the future!!
    "When the dead walk, we must stop the killing, or lose the war."

  5. #20
    Just been bitten suicide22's Avatar

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    Your right, it is a cliché and I should not forget that the bullies are the real victims on the inside.
    Last edited by suicide22; 26-Sep-2007 at 03:39 PM.

  6. #21
    Chasing Prey

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    Quote Originally Posted by capncnut View Post
    Same goes for me man. We might swear like troopers but I can guarantee you that 99.9% of the folks here are totally cool. I wouldn't even worry about that s**t man, trust me.

    theres one person on here i wont mention but all i'll say is he's a steelers fan

  7. #22
    Dead Trencher's Avatar

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    Bullies thrives on going after people they perceive as weak and with a name like Sucide22 you stand out as emotionally vunerable.

    On the other hand, in this thread they wonder if a certain linked clip is fake or not.

    My guess is that the average person on that forum are probably very young.

  8. #23
    Just been bitten suicide22's Avatar

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    Hey man, with a forum name like Trencher you've gotta worry about been emotionally vunerable more-so. If ya notice everybodies else on this site has got names also written with numbers on the end. How can ya give Sucide22 name a bad rap, it sounds way cool.

    Acealive1 your right!

    --Same goes for me man. We might swear like troopers but I can guarantee you that 99.9% of the folks here are totally cool. I wouldn't even worry about that s**t man, trust me.--

    (Suicide22) Don't worry -- I won't worry about that s**t, just trust me!
    Last edited by suicide22; 06-Oct-2007 at 06:17 PM.

  9. #24
    Just been bitten Ivarr's Avatar

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    In the end ... humans find it to easy to "fire and forget" when it comes to flaming somebody.

    If its not picking on spelling and gramer its something else that has nothing to do with what you say in a post.

    We all get a case of self importance now and again ... and the Internet just makes it way to easy to share that with the world ....

    I just try to remember that most people are fairly reasonable face to face ... and anyone can get a case of screen balls.

    I just to to keep my sense of humor... about myself mostly.

    I can be just as big a jerk as anyone else can. I just try to remember that before I post things.

    I can not tell you how many times I hit cancel after typing out a very longpost. Sometimes it just feels good to get it out ... then say to myself "who really gives a rats a$$" and cancel it and move on.

    Keep hangin in there.

  10. #25
    Dead Trencher's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by suicide22 View Post
    How can ya give Sucide22 name a bad rap, it sounds way cool.
    That is not what I am doing I am telling you why they tried to bully you.
    It is like in this webcomic I read a while back, the woman who draw them joked when she posted a picture of herself by saying here I am don't be scared by my ugliness or something like that. Weeks and even months later random posters write that she is fat in the hope that it will affect her some. People like that are always looking for something to attack and if someone like them are already attacking then other bullies are going to join in. It is not your name that makes them want to attack you. They already want to attack anyone they can, your name just make them think they have a way to attack you. It's not you its them.

  11. #26
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    simply walking into mordor
    this penny arcade comic/ t shirt ive bought comes to mind:

    ^which is ,unfortunatley, true, now anyone whos seen the blog in my sig link, or my youtube video rants will know i type exactly how i speak, with plenty of gramamtical errors, but thats beside the point, point being there aint a split between Danny and "hellsing" its all me, one identity, yet you get people who treat there online persona as someone who can say all those venemous, vicous things they never have the guts to say to there calssmates, or work mates, or the people that bully them in real life ,and on forums they have a place to do so without the risk of people knocking on there front door the next day to beat the sht out of them, its cowardice really, and a very bleak world outlook, but it happens and unfortunatly theres nothing you can do to stop them, 'cept ignore them of course.

  12. #27
    Just been bitten 7734's Avatar

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    maybe i'm joining this thread a little late,

    but those ****ers' signatures, avatars and stupid stupid words they say...

    why would any body want to even participate in those discussions.

    I read one friggin' page and had had to shut down my computer, ****, vomit and shower, and not even in that order.
    so ****ing lame. let them fantasize about blowing John Russo all they want.They need some lessons in evil internet flaming Sonic&Morpheus Style (if anyone remembers what i'm talking about)

    thank heavens for HPotD
    Last edited by 7734; 24-Nov-2007 at 10:51 AM.


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