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Thread: Hi New Member Redge777

  1. #76
    Being Attacked

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    Quote Originally Posted by Yojimbo View Post
    Certainly, you have the right to think as you wish and I have no desire to attempt to change your world views.

    Truth be told, I mean no offense, but your subject matter and prosylethizing is rather repetative- like hearing the same song over and over and over again - and has little to do with GAR or zombie films.
    If it is shown to be a possible subtext to zombie films it has everything to do with it. When I see new social references to zombies, like the prisoners dancing or the red neck guys I post it to support that the original motifs from the zombie films are a part of our culture.
    I realize that you do not care if people put you on ignore, or if people become annoyed with you.
    Why or how could I annoy someone, if I am so wrong, would not I simply be laughed at or called crazy, note that except for first couple days all my post here are in this thread and this thread alone.
    With apologies, it almost seems as if this is what you seek in using these threads and pages as your personal soapbox, and frankly it seems that you actually want folks to become annoyed and put you on ignore.
    I do not want to be on ignore, but if I annoy someone I agree they should consider it, I do not want others annoyed, nor should anyone have to think on what I say if they do not want to.
    In my opinion, this is truly a shame because you seem to have interesting points of view and you certainly have something to say and in spite of these positives you bring some negative traits that inevitably turn folks off. I believe that without those negatives constantly coming to the forefront you could be a very interesting zombie fan and contribute some very cool posts.
    Thank you for your thoughts, I appreciate your comments and will look over my post to see where I have been impolite without cause or for some self gratification that goes against how I believe people should act.

    I understand some do not want to hear any of this, that is the reason I am not offended nor would want to stop someone from ignoring me if they feel they need to. However when some comment, asking others to ignore, or not respond, I find it odd, is not trying to stop comments on a point of view the same as advocating one?
    Google ("Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars" "Must Read Article") both terms. It is a red pill about the 53-54 revolution, if you read the entire thread and all the links.

  2. #77
    Rising kortick's Avatar

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    wow how could I have missed out on all this?

    this is too good to be true.
    you could well be employing the
    very word in my signature.

    but, you spoke of nihilism
    do you consider yourself a nihilist?
    if so in which fashion?

    1. total rejection of established laws and institutions.
    2. anarchy, terrorism, or other revolutionary activity.
    3. total and absolute destructiveness, esp. toward the world at large and including oneself: the power-mad nihilism that marked Hitler's last years.
    4. Philosophy. an extreme form of skepticism: the denial of all real existence or the possibility of an objective basis for truth.
    5. the principle holding that existing social and political institutions must be destroyed in order to clear the way for a new state of society and employing extreme measures, including terrorism and assassination.
    6. annihilation of the self, or the individual consciousness, esp. as an aspect of mystical experience.

    I'm not quite sure what to make of your theories
    I see a mixture of many things, maybe too many
    it has the same effect on your brain as
    the noise of being in gunfight in a bell factory

    im not dismissing everything you are saying
    or are you asking?

    bassman you get an extra scoop of ice cream on your cake for the line
    "were gonna need a bigger boat" lol lol lol lol lol lol
    and red i take it you dont what that reference is to.

  3. #78
    Being Attacked

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    Reply to above post

    4 is the only one I come close to, so on the post about active nihilism I agree because of my molding of my perception based on avenues of thought that are choice and less based on accepted reality.

    I do not believe in violence of any kind, I believe that when one fights evil with evil, they do not fight them they join them. That includes all the trappings of evil. Greed, violence, dishonesty, selfishness, lack of modesty. etc. I do fail at times, but I try to avoid these things.

    So all the stuff about new government, student replacing the teacher, and absurd notions of terrorism or revolution are out.

    Note that my only contention, and real motivated actions is to attempt to reveal secrets I believe others hold, that are used in control of others. While doing this I try and learn and listen, making it a personally rewarding journey. To believe anything should change, says that I must know a better replacement, that is beyond arrogant and blatantly false. So I can not advocate the replacement of anything, but I can try and expose a liar or someone that keeps secrets for there own gain.

    If there are no secrets, then the communal good of society will have the information and wisdom from the power of millions of thinkers to do what is good and right. This hinges on my belief that people are more good then bad. With secrets a few do what they want for the good of those that hold the secrets, usually at the cost of the rest.

    That's a short answer, but ask more if you are curious. I actually have pondered various responses to the post that tried to tie me to extremist group. I looked up the guy on google, and realized it would be pages of how people can attach through association motives or thoughts that are not in the text. Even though a single idea may be shared, and correct, that does not make all ideas in different groups shared. This fails during emotional surface level thought, so the one post by the guy about right wing literature, effectively changes the perception others have of me completely, even though it is built outside of my comments. False association is very interesting topic, but this is all I think that needs to be said to break that false link of ideals.

    Boat reference is jaws, sharks are common reference of perceived attackers, sorta been replacing the bears, but they are distinctly different. Silent probably old and perfect as far as evolutionary, and all you see is a little fin till its to late. However I am not a shark. Heard submarine used as replacement for this a couple times but that requires context.

    Heroes, had a shark on the TV as the youngster was being convinced to help the bad guy. There are many others I don't remember right now. I accept this can easily be meme.

    If my comments on the zombies being a common metaphor in society are sophistry, then they should be easily proven wrong, but nobody has commented on their consistent use as a subset of society. Although I do believe they are used in different ways by different people.

    My choice of the Pat Benatar clip is sophistry, I am not proving the zombie connection at all. However they fit my view of how zombies are seen, so it is only my perception, and maybe their dress and dance I tried to qualify this.

    Zombies as a metaphor for society, specifically as seen by the self proclaimed elite, that use this to avoid empathy development. This is my main point, the rest is rambling.

    the noise of being in gunfight in a bell factory
    Yet in my self created perception they are an orchestra of perfectly timed music. Making one shift his attention from the beautiful music to how random individuals acting on their own, some with good, others with bad desires and actions, can be so in sync in the accidental creation of music.

    You can skip all this, it is why I see that my comments sometimes create the effect you mentioned. And for no other reason but boredom and seeing my own text I would like to expand on my last bell paragraph

    I start by saying "yet in my self created perception." This says directly it is not real, yet what is real, I chose it to be, so what I say next means nothing unless you jump on board the short bus and ride to the next comment.

    Now prepared, the presumed random sounds of your comment are given order. This is outside of cause and event normal flow. This is the impossible. to accept it you must also accept that the gunfight really is not random, yet that is the general perception. This leads to the rest, the possibility that design is less then random and events can proceed cause. Basically the cause was wrong, it is created to explain an event by our brains and is not real in any fashion except our best perception of the creation of an event. So if the self created cause is shifted, since it never had any real value but perspective, and a new perspective reorders it in a new form, suddenly the music can be explained, but it took the seeing of the timed event to stimulate this new form of thought.

    The comment on good and bad highlight the struggle of evil and good, that orchestrates these events, the new real cause of synchronicity. And the 'accident' shows the influence comes from outside of the gunfighters.

    I have read zero books on philosophy or spirituality except the bible, only very little when people give me short articles that are close to what I say. So it really is not meant to make sence. ding ding twang
    Last edited by Redge777; 17-Dec-2007 at 04:09 AM.
    Google ("Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars" "Must Read Article") both terms. It is a red pill about the 53-54 revolution, if you read the entire thread and all the links.

  4. #79
    Rising kortick's Avatar

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    ok I think I have the basic idea of your words

    its true that you have many ideas mixed together
    so its hard to figure out which topic you are
    asking about or telling about.

    too many for me to address one by one
    and here isnt the forum to discuss some of
    the theories put forth this is the zombie forum
    so i will keep my lines of thought to the zombie aspect
    of your questions

    are you saying or asking that you think zombies
    are symbolic of a certian class struggle?
    Romero made it very well known he was making a
    social commentary, beyond a typical horror flick
    but not in the way you describe.

    Are you asking this because you are writing a paper
    or some kind of work or is it a mental exercise
    to prove or disprove certian possibilities you have noticed?

    what led you to the zombie film genre as a symbol
    of these theories as opposed to other films?

    as a side note, I agree with much of what you say
    such as evil cant fight evil.
    but the true natural world is beyond such concepts of
    good and evil. It is not evil when a tiger kills a innocent baby deer.
    the concepts of good and evil dont apply.

    I am not writing you off as a looney. You just are throwing
    too much info at once at people. I am willing to explore
    some of what you are saying.
    but since this is the zombie forum lets stay with that topic.

  5. #80
    Being Attacked

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    Quote Originally Posted by kortick View Post
    ok I think I have the basic idea of your words

    its true that you have many ideas mixed together
    so its hard to figure out which topic you are
    asking about or telling about.
    too many for me to address one by one
    and here isnt the forum to discuss some of
    the theories put forth this is the zombie forum
    so i will keep my lines of thought to the zombie aspect
    of your questions
    are you saying or asking that you think zombies
    are symbolic of a certain class struggle?
    Romero made it very well known he was making a
    social commentary, beyond a typical horror flick
    but not in the way you describe.
    I actually make a two tier statement. First I see the zombies as those in violence and pattern, not alive, furthermore they are those in false doctrine, the 2tim2 reference. I would say they do not need to be class. But then the elites got a hold of it, and with their perspective they created the next tier.

    Elites think they have the spiritual answers (most religions do) but this gives them the living, while the zombies are dead. Mostly this leans into some secret society doctrine that claims there logic is better. (Resisting drift here)

    Elites believe they are more grounded, logical, not under the sways of emotion. They are more evolved, not just living in the pattern of the zombies. They also don't live in working patterns like us, as slaves doing and believing what we are told to think.

    Elites believe they are alive we are dead because we don't know the secrets of their doctrine. Nor would we be willing or able to understand it. This falls apart because not agreeing with there doctrine to them is not understanding it.

    That is the general premise.

    Now it gets really complicated here, because we have evolving symbolism. It is not like first movie it was all there, it was like people grabbed it and ran with it adding their own twists. Early on, I would say the author did not make the elites the living ones, as much as the elites themselves claimed they were. But by Shawn of the dead, they were elites. Listen to background TV announcer and music, little clues there.

    The one in the bunker, the good guys were the guys in the trailer, but they either took a nechian approach by opening the gate for the zombies, or a Plato approach of returning to the slaves in the cave(zombies) and then getting torn up by them.

    The motorcycle gang is even more obvious with the different factions of elites. The violent ones lead to the downfall of all elites. I just can't stop seeing this as a comment on how motorcycle gang mentality of empire, woke all the zombies up, (college kids), and started a huge mess for the incrementalist within the elites. Not to mention Hells Angels, actively supported the Nixon War movement, a perfect fit, but a stretch.

    I see both of these as the comment between the two factions of ruling elite, incrementalist, and the violent fear ones.

    So we have a few zombie films, then we have people taking the symbolism as there own and running with it. Now today, I run into many people that wink and a smile use it. The onion article is a good example.

    They now build on the all the stuff about uncoordinated, not thinking, going after any living person, eating brain, sniping from a distance. all of those things can easily be given the elitist view.

    Do the films do this? Is this the writers meaning, This is much harder, but I show the incorporation by the elites.

    BW original, doubtful,

    Bunker one, possibly, again we have factions in the elites fighting leading to breakdown and the commoners(zombies overrunning them all) army as violent, hippy as incrementalist. They even show how they are using the song to keep the zombies in line, this is propaganda, the song and dance of control.

    Shopping mall while some elites got everything free and partied, the violent elites went for a grab, and let the zombies in. just like to much greed woke commoners during that era

    Shawn of the dead, background TV, songs, and last 5 minutes. Elites love to keep us zombies around to play games with, and push the carts at the stores.

    or some kind of work or is it a mental exercise
    to prove or disprove certain possibilities you have noticed?
    It just seems correct. so these two.
    what led you to the zombie film genre as a symbol
    of these theories as opposed to other films?
    Got to chuckle here, you should read my Buffy the Vampire Slayer musical episode piece
    How about signs
    Sixth sense
    Planet of the apes
    It is not just the zombie films

    as a side note, I agree with much of what you say
    such as evil cant fight evil.
    but the true natural world is beyond such concepts of
    good and evil. It is not evil when a tiger kills a innocent baby deer.
    the concepts of good and evil don't apply.
    but I do not accept the natural world for my laws, and will not limit myself to accept the constraints of it.

    Natural law opens a can of worms.

    If we accept natural law, then the gloves come off. This leads to an advocacy for survival of the fittest, as defined by the ones that are best able to destroy others. Since however 'fit' they are, there order becomes the de facto definition of fittest. Since they chose who lives and dies.

    And in zombie movies, the zombies are fittest, even though they lack many characteristics of superiority, there fitness is due to aggression, and infection rates.

    This is the fear of the elite that there human qualities not shared by the masses will be destroyed(however many of those qualities, while a bit artistic, lack much compassion and therefore there claim to elitism can be suspect. It is based on there definition of what qualities are important.)

    Just like zombies multiply better the commoners are replicators, or breeders, and one of the fears of the elites is the terrible population ratio when compared to there self proclaimed better bloodlines.

    That's why the zombies are everywhere.

    The other thing is how a person can be changed from a living to a zombie.
    This is so key. In Shawn just as he changed the uncle showed compassion. Same with the mother. I contend that zombiefication is rejection of the natural law, and belief in a higher spiritual law where all people have equal value. No longer could a man act like a lion with a deer(another person).

    My whole argument really boils down to what happens when a person is bit. What makes them no longer part of group A and now part of group B.

    Here is the problem, if it was an evil or badness that turned living into zombies then the zombies should attack other zombies. The bite does one thing, it make a previous living attack other livings. This means it must change the persons thoughts of the value of a living person in group A. The perspective of the value goes way down. Conscience or awakening is the only way I can make sense of this. Greed or Jealousy would work, but the zombies show no bad feelings to their own group, none at all. And from the zombie perspective, a bite is a good thing, just like all those people converting others to care think.

    I am not writing you off as a looney. You just are throwing
    too much info at once at people. I am willing to explore
    some of what you are saying.
    but since this is the zombie forum lets stay with that topic.
    you are correct. I sortof shotgun the info out there, thinking if someone interested they may have a similiar set of meme or symbols and see something the same way, or alter my ideas.

    Basically the construct I use is so large that the background takes to much time to ever really lay it out, so it is really hard to keep it simple. Its not very linear. On a side note, I can effect meme and therefore make the symbolism I think real, appear. Crap I did 35 pages on one buffy episode, just to try and not miss any possible things. Even though I know 70% is suspect due to over symbolizing.

    On the topic of I am Legend,

    I have not seen it, but I know it will be the same zombie story, furthermore, the clip also shows a lion taking out a deer, as Will watches but does not shoot, posibly adding weight that natural law is what the living see. (from elite perspective)

    The old omega man had a religious like organization led by Peter Cellers again the zombies here, from elite perspective do not know the dogma of the elite.

    As with zombie films, it is a virus, and is everywhere.
    Last edited by Redge777; 17-Dec-2007 at 05:57 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost
    Google ("Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars" "Must Read Article") both terms. It is a red pill about the 53-54 revolution, if you read the entire thread and all the links.

  6. #81
    Walking Dead mista_mo's Avatar

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    I ****ing love you Kortick, your way of typing out sentances is simply pornographic.

    WAT DO U THNK OF ATHIESM???!11!!?!?!

    sorry, I am currently watching a repetitive flash movie a women launching a banana out of her ass into anouther girls mouth, played too the tune of hollaback girl by Gwen Stefani.

    Did you hear that Captain America was killed by an assassin while on his way to his trial???

    mai heeru r gon!

  7. #82
    Feeding ProfessorChaos's Avatar

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    what's funny is that mista mo makes more since than redge

  8. #83
    Being Attacked

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    Reply to Mista Mo

    Your comment mixes viseral vulgur imagery with acts of violence. It even uses large text to emphisise itself.

    For this reason my only reply is for those that read it, why does he post as he does, what is his intent, and is it what you consider good in life.
    Google ("Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars" "Must Read Article") both terms. It is a red pill about the 53-54 revolution, if you read the entire thread and all the links.

  9. #84
    Walking Dead mista_mo's Avatar

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    i'm just buggin, jeezzzzz

    wait violence.....

    and i don't usually post like that, just felt like it. I have no intent, and I consider video games, writing, working, and doritos with shredded cheese good in life.

  10. #85
    Being Attacked

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    Just musing here, maybe the oddity out of characterness of your post was accidently spiritually directed as gunfire in the bell factory can be.

    Just segwaing the conversation there.

    Nice to meet you, cheetos are good, working the writing, and an occasional video game are good things. I would like to find a good strat PC game, due for a new game.
    Google ("Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars" "Must Read Article") both terms. It is a red pill about the 53-54 revolution, if you read the entire thread and all the links.

  11. #86
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
    Zombie Flesh Eater

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  12. #87
    Walking Dead mista_mo's Avatar

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    how i adore spanish T.

  13. #88
    Chasing Prey clanglee's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Redge777 View Post
    what you consider good in life.
    "To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women!"
    "When the dead walk, we must stop the killing, or lose the war."

  14. #89
    Walking Dead mista_mo's Avatar

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    and cuddly wuddly kittens ^_^

  15. #90
    Being Attacked

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    Quote Originally Posted by clanglee View Post
    "To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women!"
    Yet they rise again behind you with a staggering gate, an endless moan, closing in on those tasty brains...
    Google ("Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars" "Must Read Article") both terms. It is a red pill about the 53-54 revolution, if you read the entire thread and all the links.


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