Ok, good show this week, wierd stuff floating out there

Ana Lucia's job involves wands, more Wizard of Oz references. (That one might be reaching but they were pretty blatant about the use of the wands)
There's a rumor that Claire (aka formerly pregnant Claire) is the daughter that Jack's father came to see in Australia. Also, the patrol cars in Ana's flashback has the numbers 15 16 and 23 on them, three of the number series.

There's a new related website www.hansorg.com. If you select the whole page, a new set of numbers, a variant of the 4 8 15 16 23 42 sequence shows up (2 10 13 18 21 44)along with the message "A NATION'S BIRTH PREDICTS IT'S OWN DEMISE AND RE-BIRTH." In notes and letters, there are also references to using primates to research gene therapies. Gene therapies could explain Locke's walking and the sick lady who isn't sick anymore. There's also a link at the bottom to a website forum. http://www.bornamerican.com/forumdisplay.php?f=2 A search of www.whois.com reveals that the owner of the site (bornamerican) is named Intercosmos Entertainment Group and they're from Quebec (ironic they run a site called Born American) and registered the site in 2002. I suspect this is not real. www.hansorg.com isn't registered yet.
From a previous clue, Gary Troupe (author of the manuscript that got burned this week, Bad Twin and an anagram for the word Purgatory), mentions both the Widmore Group and the Hanso Foundation several times. Apparently it is just a fair read, well worth not reading.

On killing off Ana Lucia, the producers' comments:

new puzzle pieces
877-426-7674 - The Hanso Organization telephone number (bizarre). More details here: http://www.tvsquad.com/2006/05/03/ha...g-whats-it-say
There's some of clues. When it begins talking in French, don't hang up. Keep listening. References: Large remote viewing training facility. There's also talk of a Korean offshore project and it is implied that something bad happened there. '"We have no comment on that." There's talk of threats of violence against employees of the Hanso Foundation. Big Heavy Industry and Widmore Industries are mentioned several. That tvsquad link above has a recording of the message if you have trouble getting through.

There is also a number of mentions about Peter Thompson. On the new website and the telephon number, he is listed as the Acting Director both of Hanso and the General Global Health Consortium. There was also a mention on the telephone that Alvar Hanso vanished, hence Thompson as 'Acting Director.'

If you go to the Hanso Foundation site (which has changed ALOT), and use the password 'breakingstrain,' or 'breaking strain' you get more clues. The password came from a message on the telephone number. No detail as my flash wouldn't play it and i couldn't upgrade. Here's one person's post on a website about using it: "
ok. actually this is how it works: 1> goto newsletter 2> enter a signup name 3> enter yes when asked if your there 4> enter breakingstrain as password 5> itll show you a crazy scene 6> you can keep loggin in and it says you ahve no new messages 7> once you've logged in once using password, goto ask Joop page. 8> ask him anything, you'll get to a document. 9> read document, click signature for next document 10> read over the whole page, go back down to signature area 11> click the now circled name 12> click anywhere once you can, and go back to website... with some subtle difference... <dont know what to do from here / if you can do anything>"
