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Thread: screw spike tv, what are the hpotd members views on this years gameing?

  1. #1
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
    Zombie Flesh Eater

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    screw spike tv, what are the hpotd members views on this years gameing?

    so the years over in a week, so its time to sum up the games, basically whats your views on the games this year?
    mine is:

    game of the year: Hands down bioshock, halo 3 was good but id say the only real competition for this is mario galaxy, but bioshock ive just kept replaying since it came out as its never the same thing twice, ill discover a new way to get around and lure splicers into a trap, or utilise the hacking turrets in a new way and its just fantastic from start to finish, if you own a 360 but not this youve got to get it.
    worst game of the year: Guitar hero 3, the only time ive gone to get my money back, granted that was becuase the controller was faulty, but even if it wasnt i would have done so, a poor comparison to its fantastic predecessor.
    best handheld: *gets ready to dodge cans* im going to have to say pokemon daimond and pearl, i got a copy off a freind and found myself enjoying it as much as when i got red and blue for christmas way back in 99, silent hill was a close runner up but 4 hours in origins, 100 in pokemon, its gotta be doing something right.
    best score: since rock bands not out till next year for us im going to have to say bioshock again, wandering through the ruins of a cafe whilst "somewere beyond the sea" plays, skipping on a player really added to the whole mise-en-scene of the game and was fantastic from start to finish
    best graphics: *yawns* yeah, yeah we all know crysis is defined in the dictionairy as "the ****", no surprises here.
    best story: again bioshock, now i get paranoid everytime my grandparents use the phrase "would you kindly"...

    im out of categories right now but yeah, whats your view on the years gameing folks?

  2. #2
    Walking Dead CoinReturn's Avatar

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    - Game of the Year - Mass Effect
    You know how sometimes a videogame will come along and your friend will say "Aw dude, its just like playing a movie!". I've been let down by the comment in the past, but Mass Effect is just that. A playable movie. From the kick ass Paragon/Renegade dialog system, to the inventive combat, to the sense of wonder and awe you get as you shuttle around the galaxy and land on uncharted planets - this game has it all. There are a few issues with bugs/texture pop in, but once you get past the first hour, you'll be sucked in till end.
    Runner ups: Bioshock, Guitar Hero III, Earth Defense Force 2017

    - Worst Game of the Year - Kane and Lynch: Dead Men
    My friend rented this and we attemtepd to play through co-op story mode. After 3 missions, I'd had enough. Clunky control, odd gameplay choices, and terrible chatter (every other word is F**k) between characters, it was the best example of a game with great potential, which is squandered by a lack of clear direction.

    -- ---------

    I don't play handhelds sooo...on to the next award!


    - Best Score - Mass Effect
    Written by the guys who did Jade Empire and Jet Set Radio, the music is 37 tracks of pure bliss. From the triumphant symphony playing as you rally your crew, to the slow, moody choices for barren, uncharted planets, it has a decidedly cyber
    punk/Star Wars feel to it. Inspired by the soundtracks of Blade Runner and Dune.


    - Best Graphics - Crysis for PC, Uncharted for consoles. I also loved the warm, fuzzy art style of Super Mario Galaxy.


    - Best Story - Mass Effect. Best videogame story ever, easily. That's all I'll say, for those who haven't played it yet.
    Last edited by CoinReturn; 23-Dec-2007 at 05:59 PM.

  3. #3
    Feeding Tricky's Avatar

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    Best game for me has been crysis,but having played the bioshock demo im pretty sure its a close run thing!
    Also although it came out late 2006,i didnt get a PC that would run company of heroes till this summer & i really enjoy that game.
    I havent touched consoles this year so cant comment on those!

  4. #4
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tricky View Post
    I havent touched consoles this year so cant comment on those!

    its NEVER gettingold, EVER!

  5. #5
    Inverting The Cross MikePizzoff's Avatar
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    I only have one thing to say...


  6. #6
    Dead Craig's Avatar

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    I can't really sum up my gaming this year since I don't buy or play many newer games.

    The console game I'm enjoying most is Halo 3, couldn't give a damn about single player, I just spend my time on Live. Bioshock impressed me a lot, and might be getting it for Xmas, but at the time I was really interested in getting it I didn't have the money to buy it.

    I must say the let down for me was Call of Duty 4, from what people had said I expected a lot more from it. Wasted £30 on it.

  7. #7
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    *shakes head at Craig...but doesn't wanna get into it all again...but likewise isn't that surprised considering Craig's personal disliking of the franchise*

    Anyway...I can only comment on the games I've played this year of course, but let's have a go:

    game of the year: oooh, toughie...on ActionTrip I voted for "STALKER" because I love it dearly, it's got flaws for sure, but it just packed a punch with me.

    Also - "Call of Duty 4" - f*cking superb mate.

    I'm still to play "Bioshock", will do eventually, no doubt I'll weep from somewhere you'd not immediately expect.

    worst game of the year: Actually, I've not played any proper sh*ts this year to be honest, I only buy games I actually wanna play...but hmmm...I have played demos too, let me think, what was I disappointed by? Well, wasn't expecting anything, but the "FEAR Files" demo was utter gash, I thought.

    best handheld: Masturbation. I don't play hand-held games.

    best score: STALKER - absolutely superb, the atmospheric background ambience really creates a sense of dread & equal wonder. The themetune though - oh my gawd - I f*cking love the themetune, I put it on the end of a mix CD I made for when I drive, and driving back home in the dark listening to that behind an old clapped out van covered in rust looking like a British version of the 'death truck', as seen in the game.

    That themetune man, f*cking superb and perfectly captures the vibe of an excellent game (flaws aside of course, doi).

    best graphics: I was really impressed by COD4, "the bog" looked exactly like the preview video I'd seen - which I'd thought might have been touched up or something - but it looked superb.

    In terms of world depth, I'd go for "STALKER", the world is again brilliant. While I had mine toned down a lot (STALKER was the last game I got for PC before converting to my SexBox, one day I'll no doubt return to PC gaming, but for now STALKER was the swan song...unless I get "Condemned" for PC...which I might very well do).

    best story: "STALKER" again, the whole sense of dread and terror displayed in the world around you, in the dialogue from NPCs, from journal entries and all adds up...even though the whole "I've forgotten who I am" thing is a bit 'done before'.

    I was also pleased to see that a story worked well in "Call of Duty 4", and made a good thing even gooder (oh yes, I went there chaps ), so an honourable mention there too.

    I'll add my two main 'looking forward to' titles - GTA4 (of course) and Alan Wake (oh baby!).

  8. #8
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
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    I second S.T.A.L.K.E.R.

    There's always room for improvement, but STALKER is still very fun. More complete than most other games I've played. Lots of small secrets to find. Much room for replayability. Mods keep the game alive, too.

    It's not as much of a hit as Oblivion was. But it's the next best thing this year.

    I still stick to Oblivion and Medieval 2: Total War mostly, tho.

  9. #9
    Dead Craig's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    *shakes head at Craig...but doesn't wanna get into it all again...but likewise isn't that surprised considering Craig's personal disliking of the franchise*
    I only dislike the franchise for their WWII based games, I'm just very 'touchy' about WWII games since I've studied the subject a lot. Most other game genres that base themselves on real life (modern warfare in this instance) I know little to nothing about so if I buy them can play it and not be let down by the mistakes that only someone who knows about the subject would see... The curse of knowledge I suppose.

    If I really didn't want to play CoD 4 I wouldn't have bought it. I just felt very let down by the experience after what I'd heard (yes I followed your advice MZ). Not once did I have a moment when I felt like it was something great or different, it all seemed very samey to me, and by that I mean repetitive gameplay that reminds me of the other CoD games as well as a fair few other games outside the CoD franchise.

    CoD 4, in my opinion, was average... Shooting the baddies was as enjoyable enough but there was nothing groundbreaking in terms of my own gaming enjoyment. The graphics were very good but unlike a lot of people no amount of stunning graphics and special effects (while they undoubtedly add to the experience) can make me like a game that I myself don't find enjoyable to play.
    Last edited by Craig; 24-Dec-2007 at 02:43 AM.

  10. #10
    Rising DeadJonas190's Avatar

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    OK, here is my list.

    Game of the Year: Super Mario Galaxy. It is just a fantastic game in every aspect. Close seconds are Bioshock and COD 4.

    Worst Game: Chicken Shoot on the Wii. Sorry guys, but Kane and Lynch looks like a masterpiece compared to this one.

    Best Handheld: I have to agree with Pokemon. There were a lot of great games out there, but once again Pokemon was hours upon hours of fun.

    Best Score: My ex... oops, wrong forum. Bioshock hands down.

    Best Graphics: Again, I have to go with Bioshock. It was simply beautiful in every aspect.

    Best Story: Bioshock. I just started Mass Effect and it seems great, but I'm not so sure how it could be better than Bioshock.

    So thats my opinion on the matter. There are a lot of games I missed, but this is my list from those I have played.
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  11. #11
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    chicken shoot?, what about ninjabread man.

    no ****, really gingerbread man.

  12. #12
    Game of the year: Mass Effect (just pipped Mario Galaxy to the post)
    Worst game of the year: Assassin's Creed (amazing graphics fail to hide repetitive gameplay)
    Best handheld: Silent Hill Origins (it's the only handheld I wanna play this year)
    Best score: Silent Hill Origins (not many amazing game soundtracks out this year so I'll go with something tried and true)
    Best graphics: Mass Effect (the facial animations are mindblowing)
    Best story: Bioshock (a very original and exciting story)


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