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Thread: Gibson apologises/People call for resignation

  1. #1
    Rising kortick's Avatar

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    Gibson apologises/People call for resignation

    John Gibson apologised for his remarks about
    Heath Ledger on his show tonight.

    CNN also carried the news of his apology
    and the rumors that there is going to be
    an effort made to have him resign.

    I doubt he will be forced out
    but its nice to see him having
    to admit to the world what an
    insensitive jerk he is.

  2. #2
    Walking Dead SRP76's Avatar

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    I'm certain nobody will care about the apology, so why bother to apologize? It's been done, and people have bitched and moaned, and will continue to do so.

    Nothing will stop that.

  3. #3
    has the velocity Mike70's Avatar
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    his apology was probably forced out of him by FOX and is therefore meaningless.

    SRP is right even if he does apologize, folks will still bitch about it.

    bitching is one of the inalienable rights of the internet
    "The bumps you feel are asteroids smashing into the hull."

  4. #4
    Walking Dead SRP76's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by scipio70 View Post
    his apology was probably forced out of him by FOX and is therefore meaningless.

    SRP is right even if he does apologize, folks will still bitch about it.

    bitching is one of the inalienable rights of the internet
    I wasn't necessarily talking about the internet. I was thinking more of the competing network news shows, the "editorial" shows on TV and radio, various celebrity jackoffs with their heads up their asses and think they know all, and all the fifteen billion "we're looking out for you" groups that protest everything from the missionary position to drinking orange juice.

  5. #5
    has the velocity Mike70's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SRP76 View Post
    I wasn't necessarily talking about the internet. I was thinking more of the competing network news shows, the "editorial" shows on TV and radio, various celebrity jackoffs with their heads up their asses and think they know all, and all the fifteen billion "we're looking out for you" groups that protest everything from the missionary position to drinking orange juice.
    got ya. clear now. yes bitching is even more of an inalienable right on news shows than it is on the internet.
    "The bumps you feel are asteroids smashing into the hull."

  6. #6
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    Listen. The guy is an insensitive jerk, but c'mon, he shouldn't lose his job over it. This new trend where easily-offended people get up-in-arms and demand the resignations of talking heads on the radio has got to stop. This is no different than the golf monthly thing or the whole Don Imus fiasco. As much as I can't stand John Gibson and disagree with him on practically everything doesn't mean I want the guy to lose his job. This country was founded on the basis that people with different opinions are protected in their speech. PERIOD. People need to lighten up over this kind of thing.

    If every person demanded the resignation of radio personalities and talking heads everytime they were pissed off about something that was said, we would have nothing to watch on t.v. or listen to on the radio. It would be nothing but static, white noise & dead air.
    Last edited by SoCalLoco; 25-Jan-2008 at 03:46 AM.

  7. #7
    has the velocity Mike70's Avatar
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    if people want to run their mouths and spout off their opinions on tv (all for way more money than they are worth) they need to be held accountable for the idiotic things, hateful, thoughtless things they say.

    personally i wish an asteroid would drop and nuke the entire FOX media establishment, unfortunately that is not going to happen, so we are stuck with holding people on tv accountable for the things they say.
    "The bumps you feel are asteroids smashing into the hull."

  8. #8
    Walking Dead SRP76's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by scipio70 View Post
    if people want to run their mouths and spout off their opinions on tv (all for way more money than they are worth) they need to be held accountable for the idiotic things, hateful, thoughtless things they say.

    personally i wish an asteroid would drop and nuke the entire FOX media establishment, unfortunately that is not going to happen, so we are stuck with holding people on tv accountable for the things they say.
    If we did that, there would be nobody on TV, though. Somebody is going to be "offended" by just about anything anyone says. Or, at least, claim to be offended.

  9. #9
    Chasing Prey

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    I think we're dehumanising Heath Ledger here....this gibson fellow's remarks would have been acceptable 15 years after Ledger was dead, but to mock him like that in the same week? That's a bit cold, and to be honest quite disgusting. We're forgetting the family that Mr Ledger has left behind, I know that if I was dealing with grief because of the death of a loved one, and saw that pr*ck on TV mocking that recently dead person just because of their status and eventual demise, I'd feel VERY angry at that...and rightly so. This wouldn't be acceptable had these remarks been made about a myrder victim, or a kid or something.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by SymphonicX View Post
    I think we're dehumanising Heath Ledger here....this gibson fellow's remarks would have been acceptable 15 years after Ledger was dead, but to mock him like that in the same week? That's a bit cold, and to be honest quite disgusting. We're forgetting the family that Mr Ledger has left behind, I know that if I was dealing with grief because of the death of a loved one, and saw that pr*ck on TV mocking that recently dead person just because of their status and eventual demise, I'd feel VERY angry at that...and rightly so. This wouldn't be acceptable had these remarks been made about a myrder victim, or a kid or something.
    If anything dehumanizes a celebrity, it's the Hollywood magazines and the paparazzi tabloids. Everytime you leave your house, you're faced with a hundred camera lenses shoved in your face, and everytime you're out on the town, you have to wade through a small army of fans (I call them clinger ons), is a lot worse than anything John Gibson said.

    I said this in an earlier post, let his friends and family and loved ones grieve their losss. Everyone else needs to stop feinting sadness like they knew the guy personally. It just pisses me off, how the same tabloid assholes that never gave him any privacy in life are now the biggest mourners in his death. What a bunch of phonies.

    Atleast John Gibson mocked him in LIFE too.

  11. #11
    Chasing Prey

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    Quote Originally Posted by SoCalLoco View Post
    If anything dehumanizes a celebrity, it's the Hollywood magazines and the paparazzi tabloids. Everytime you leave your house, you're faced with a hundred camera lenses shoved in your face, and everytime you're out on the town, you have to wade through a small army of fans (I call them clinger ons), is a lot worse than anything John Gibson said.

    I said this in an earlier post, let his friends and family and loved ones grieve their losss. Everyone else needs to stop feinting sadness like they knew the guy personally. It just pisses me off, how the same tabloid assholes that never gave him any privacy in life are now the biggest mourners in his death. What a bunch of phonies.

    Atleast John Gibson mocked him in LIFE too.
    its two separate issues...I agree press hounding of celebs is wrong, but the issue is how to deal with the death of someone and the right and wrong things to do in the situation....his statements weren't acceptable, they're not acceptable applied to ANYONE, celeb or otherwise...there's no morality to this issue, and its certainly nothing to do with tabloid press...yeah they dehumanise and worse of all they're employed to do it, but that's always a case of supply and demand...this Gibson guy should've just kept his opinions to himself, because unfortunately when he speaks, he represents Fox, so no wonder his employment is called into question.

    I totally know what you mean about people feigning sadness over him like they knew him - just like people have always done with celebs, Elvis, Munroe, etc etc...I know that when Romero pops it I'll feel a little sad!!!

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by SymphonicX View Post
    its two separate issues...I agree press hounding of celebs is wrong, but the issue is how to deal with the death of someone and the right and wrong things to do in the situation....his statements weren't acceptable, they're not acceptable applied to ANYONE, celeb or otherwise...there's no morality to this issue, and its certainly nothing to do with tabloid press...yeah they dehumanise and worse of all they're employed to do it, but that's always a case of supply and demand...this Gibson guy should've just kept his opinions to himself, because unfortunately when he speaks, he represents Fox, so no wonder his employment is called into question.

    I totally know what you mean about people feigning sadness over him like they knew him - just like people have always done with celebs, Elvis, Munroe, etc etc...I know that when Romero pops it I'll feel a little sad!!!
    I definitely see where you're coming from.

    But I don't think it's really two different things. It all has to do with the media and its coverage of celebrities.

    All i'm saying is, John Gibson was making fun of him ever since his role in Brokeback Mountain, and even after Ledger's untimely death, Gibson still has maintained the same position towards him.

    On the other hand, you have these other media phonies that did nothing but stalk and harass Ledger (and others) while they were alive. Chasing them everywhere they went, putting cameras in their faces and taking all things private out of his life. I'm just saying, they had more to do with Ledger's death than anything else.

    Clearly, this was a guy isolated from the world, and couldn't deal with the pressures of celebrity, and that's why I think its worse when these Hollywood paparazzi types act like they're sad about Ledger's death when they were one of the contributing factors in his death.

    Meanwhile, John Gibson has always made fun of Ledger, and he was wrong to bring it up RIGHT after Ledger's death. So yeah, he's an insensitive prick, but he's definitely not a phony.

    EDIT: I do agree with you there are times when a society should mourn the loss of a celebrity. Elvis, John Wayne, Jerry Garcia, John Lennon, etc.. Not to be insensitive or anything, but Ledger wasn't that big, meaning he wasn't a cultural icon of Elvis' magnitude. But yeah, i'll be sad as hell when Romero passes, but you won't see me acting like I knew the guy personally or anything. Grieving was meant for friends and family of the departed. Everyone else needs to back the hell up. In this day and age, the media and obsessive compulsive fans want to turn everything into a circus, including death. It says a lot about people, it really does.
    Last edited by SoCalLoco; 25-Jan-2008 at 09:01 PM.

  13. #13
    has the velocity Mike70's Avatar
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    agree with symphonicx. it wasn't like heath ledger was somebody going around spreading hate or muder and pain. like jerry falwell with his hate mongering or the murderous saddam. both of whom i rejoiced over when they kicked it.

    lots of people liked heath ledger and it seems that no one really should have a reason to trash talk him after death.
    Last edited by Mike70; 25-Jan-2008 at 09:15 PM.
    "The bumps you feel are asteroids smashing into the hull."

  14. #14
    Chasing Prey

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    Quote Originally Posted by SoCalLoco View Post
    I definitely see where you're coming from.

    But I don't think it's really two different things. It all has to do with the media and its coverage of celebrities.

    All i'm saying is, John Gibson was making fun of him ever since his role in Brokeback Mountain, and even after Ledger's untimely death, Gibson still has maintained the same position towards him.

    On the other hand, you have these other media phonies that did nothing but stalk and harass Ledger (and others) while they were alive. Chasing them everywhere they went, putting cameras in their faces and taking all things private out of his life. I'm just saying, they had more to do with Ledger's death than anything else.

    Clearly, this was a guy isolated from the world, and couldn't deal with the pressures of celebrity, and that's why I think its worse when these Hollywood paparazzi types act like they're sad about Ledger's death when they were one of the contributing factors in his death.

    Meanwhile, John Gibson has always made fun of Ledger, and he was wrong to bring it up RIGHT after Ledger's death. So yeah, he's an insensitive prick, but he's definitely not a phony.

    yeah i'd agree with that....the press are the biggest hypocrites in the world, next to the religious...haha....they do indeed suck ass when it suits them and berate people when it doesn't...its complete double standards...if it was up to me I'd have the whole industry removed from our lives...

    however I wonder why this Gibson moron decided to mock ledger because he played a gay cowboy? maybe I'm jumping to conclusions but if his harassment of Ledger was due to his hatred of gay people, well that's another reason I wouldn't want to watch him - but I'm just speculating. I haven't seen Brokeback Mountain but I am going to watch it when it comes on tv, it seems interesting....and a lot of people have hailed it as a great movie, so I sort of fail to see his need to rag on Ledger...


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